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Lauren was sad.

Since what happened - two weeks ago - the day after Gigi's birthday, Zayn hasn't been around much. In the morning, he would wake up, nod at Lauren with a simple "Good morning" then leave. Lauren would leave afterwards. At school, they already don't there. At least not anymore. Then Lauren would go home but he wouldn't. He would come in so late, sometimes Lauren doesn't know when cause she would be sleeping.

Her and Brad's relationship has been.. weird. she was learning and finding out some stuff about him that she didn't know how to feel about them. Like how when he told her he wants her to meet his friends, she saw James - the guy who was flirting with her at the club - is actually one of Brad's closest friends. Brad thought she wouldn't remember, probably. Cause when she asked him, he seemed slightly pale for a second then told her how he wanted to 'impress' her so he told James to pretend to flirt with her so he can 'save' her. She didn't like it. Some may think it was a cute move but she didn't like lying even if he said he had a good reason which is that he liked her, she still hated lying and she still didn't like what happened which caused the entire meeting between her and his friends to be awkward.

They're still 'testing the water' though. Because Lauren feels like maybe Brad can help her get rid of all that confused feelings towards Zayn. However, she knew deep down that someone who she kisses uncomfortably isn't the one who can help her. Because you're suppose to be enjoying the kisses you share with your partner, however, Lauren always felt uncomfortable when they kiss. The way as they kiss Brad would touch her inner thigh or ass. She didn't like it - not at all. Which is why they talked about it a few times and everytime Brad would tell her how he's sorry and how's it's not his fault 'she's just too beautiful or hot' then he would promise not to do it again - which he ends up doing again two days later.

It was now a Saturday night and Lauren and Brad were watching Teen Wolf, 'at least we have that in common' she thinks to herself. But seriously, she enjoys it when they're sat together and watching something only, like how she enjoys spending time with her friends. The thought of the comparing between her 'boyfriend' - not really yet - and her friends caused her to roll her eyes at her own self before trying to focus on the episode instead.

Lauren smiled a little when she felt Brad - who was laying behind her with his arms around her waist - press a gentle kiss to the top of her head.

However, a loud knock on the door caused them both to sit up in confusion. As Lauren stood up to go answer the door, the person kept knocking which caused her to walk the last few steps faster until she finally opened the door. Her mouth immediately dropping open at the sight in front of her, a soft gasp escaping her lips.

"Oh my God, what happened to him?" Opening the door wider, Lauren stepped aside so Louis can walk in with Zayn who had an arm around his neck loosely from the side, nose bleeding. Once inside, Louis dropped - a drunken, beaten up - Zayn on one of the chairs. The lad letting out a groan before vomiting all over the ground.

Brad letting out a disgusted sound at the sight in front of him and Lauren would have too if she wasn't too worried over him. "You know Ryder? Ryder Daniels?" Louis began and Lauren nodded, going over to where Zayn was clutching his stomach on the chair. "Yeah, well the dude complimented your ass and for some reason Zayn thought it was a good idea to fight him. Obviously if he was sober then he would have been able to which he wasn't. So, here we are." Louis explained and if Lauren's eyes weren't wide enough, they sure widened even more as she nodded slowly, wrapping an arm around Zayn's shoulder tightly. "Oh hi." Awkwardly, Louis spoke waving at Brad who had an eyebrow raised as he watched Lauren kiss the top of Zayn's head repeatedly.

"Oh my God, Zayn. Look, i need you to hold onto me, okay?" Lauren tried speaking to Zayn who was mumbling nonesense. Shaking her head, Lauren wrapped an arm around Zayn's torso, sliding his arm around her shoulder. Zayn standing clumsily but it was enough for her to able to hold him up. "Good. Now just try not to fall." Lauren said, laughing breathlessly as she slowly stated walking up the stairs, forgetting about her 'boyfriend' who she was suppose to be spending the night with and who was staring at the two with a scowl, hands in his front pockets.

Once upstairs, Lauren walked into Zayn's room - well the guest's room but it has been his for a while now - carefully laying him down. "Need to make sure no one touches your ass.." Zayn slurred, causing Lauren to let out a soft laugh. He looked so cute, pouting and frowning.

"I'll be right back to clean your nose, okay?" Lauren spoke and Zayn stared at her for a few more seconds as if taking the time to understand before he finally nodded. With one last smile, Lauren left Zayn's room to go downstairs.

"Is he asleep?" Brad asked and Lauren shook her head, walking into the kitchen to grab a pack of ice.

"I still need to clean his cuts and then clean the mess outside." Lauren explained, walking past Brad who stood in her way.

"Wait, what? Does that mean we're not gonna have the rest of the night to ourselves?" Lauren nearly scoffed at Brad's question before she turned around to look at him as she speaks.

"No, Brad. We can't. Haven't you seen him? He needs me." She stated, looking up at Brad who rolled his eyes before biting his lip as he tried speaking more 'seductively' "Yeah, well so do i." 

Rolling her eyes at his sexual joke, Lauren started to walk up the stairs when Brad shouted, "I'm the one who's your boyfriend!" to which she responded with a shout of, "Barely!" 

A loud slam was heard as she stepped into Zayn's room, signaling Brad has left which she didn't really care about at the moment. Once in the room, Lauren sat down by Zayn's side and she saw how he was struggling to keep his eyes open. "I'm back."  Lauren whispered quietly, gently starting to clean the blood of his nose before pressing the ice pack.

"I'm sorry.." Zayn mumbled, eyes closing and Lauren's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Was he apologizing for throwing up?

"Zayn it's not your fault. you're drunk of course you're gonna throw up." However, he response caused the guy laying in front of her to let out a chuckle as he shook his head - before wincing cause it hurts his neck.

"Fuck, no. No, baby. Not for that." As Zayn began, Lauren tried to ignore the way her cheeks heat up and the way she couldn't help but smile at the name 'baby', "I meant for what happened before. I'm so sorry." Was the last sentence Zayn said before he tiredly closed his eyes.

Gently taking the ice pack off of his nose, Lauren noticed how fast he was asleep and she couldn't help the small smile that made it way to her face at the sight. He looked like a baby. Leaning down, she gently pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. Just like he did the first time he had a dinner over after finding out their parents are dating.

this is probably my favorite chapter which explains why it's 1,3k words (longest chapter so far, yay!). tell me what do you think? did you like it? wanna know your thoughts! 

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