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ramadan karim to everyone celebrating, I hope this month will be filled with peace and happiness for you all.🌛💕   

Taking a deep breath, Zayn ran a hand through his hair as he walked into the school's hall, trying to spot his girlfriend. He was going to do it. He was going to break up with Gigi.

Deciding to break up with Gigi took Zayn the entire night to think of, not because he was worried Gigi will be a bitch about it - at least he hopes she won't be. But because he honestly doesn't want to lose her. He wants to still be friends.

Zayn and Gigi were friends at first before they dated and they were such good friends but then when they started dating, they both changed. It was like they're meant to be friends, nothing more. Does that make sense? It did in Zayn's world.

The only thing Zayn didn't like is that Lauren didn't come to school today, she had to stay home and make sure to catch up and study for their chemistry test coming up soon - which he hadn't opened a book for yet.

However, he was snapped out of his thoughts when he spotted Gigi grinning and laughing at something Kendall said. The two standing over the lockers. Feeling eyes on her, Gigi's head turned to look around and her smile immediately fell when she saw Zayn. Her action causing Zayn's eyebrows to furrow in confusion. However, he saw her say something to Kendall who nodded before Gigi started making her way towards him.

"Hey." He spoke, looking down at the blonde who nodded, biting her lip before saying as she gently held onto his arm.

"We need to talk." She stated and Zayn's eyebrows rose before he nodded, letting Gigi drag him into an empty class room. Once they were inside, she closed the door and took a deep breath nervously.

"What is it? You're worrying me." Zayn watched as she ran a hand through her hair before looking up at him.

"I want to break up." Was response and Zayn's eyes widened slightly - not because it wasn't what he wanted. For God's sake, he was going to break up with her - but because he wasn't expecting it. Obviously, Gigi didn't know Zayn's intentions which is why she did, "No, no. Don't give me that look, i'm sorry Zayn. I just- I hate feeling the way I am feeling right now."

"What happened?" Zayn questioned, of course he wants to understand why she wanted to break up..

"You promise you won't tell anyone?" When Zayn instantly nodded, Gigi gulped silently before looking up at Zayn with wide eyes as she spoke quietly, "I think i might be into girls."

When Zayn's mouth dropped open, his eyes widened not because of her confession but because he saw how her eyes closed and tears started to escape her eyes.

"Fuck, Gigi. No, no. Don't cry." Wrapping his arms around her tightly, he pulled her into a hug which she returned, holding onto him and hiding her face in his chest.

"I'm so sorry." She mumbled and he shook his head, kissing the top of her head. "I swear i don't even know how it happened, it's just- Kendall and i were shopping and then she tried something on and i don't know happened, i found her so beautiful and then- then we kissed, I'm sorry. You don't deserve this." And well Zayn felt like an ass. Because he literally did the same thing, he kissed Lauren, he thinks Lauren is beautiful. Fuck it, he's in love with the green eyed girl.

"It's okay, Gigi. I promise." He said and the blue/green eyed girl looked up at him with a hopeful expression.

"You're not gonna out me, right?" She asked hesitantly and Zayn immediately shook his head.

"Fuck no, of course not. Do it whenever you're ready and i want you to know you'll have my support." With that, she cracked a wide smile and wrapped her arms around her ex boyfriend - now supportive friend - 's neck, causing him to chuckle before wrapping his arms around her.


as you can see, i love the friendship/relationship between KenGi (kendall/gigi) in real life so no regrets with putting them in a little, oops. plus, i wanted zigi to stay friends cause she still gonna have a tiny little role in the rest of the story so i hope you didn't mind and enjoyed the chapter! thank you for reading☺♥ 

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