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"No way!" Lauren laughed loudly, shaking her head as she covered her mouth with a wide grin while continuing to speak with Brad. They have been on the phone for almost an hour right now. Since what happened in the club, Lauren and Brad have been talking more. She felt nice around him. He listened to whatever she had to say. Plus, he was sweet.

"I swear, it was so weird but funny to watch, though." Brad breathed out, laughing as well.

"Yeah, i can imagine." Lauren grinned but rolled her eyes when she heard Zayn groan from the room next to her. "Hey, i have to go now, it's almost time for school. We can text later though, okay?" She said and smiled when Brad responded with a 'Of course, talk to you later!' before she hung up.

After a thinking for a minute, Lauren decided to not check on Zayn to see what was the reason behind his groan because - well, for no reason. But it was safer that way, she didn't want something to happen similar to what happened that morning. Plus, he should be heading downstairs soon as well for school. Grabbing a banana from the fridge, Lauren started eating it while scrolling through her phone.

"Hey." Looking up from the small screen at the voice, Lauren nodded slowly at Zayn, checking out what he was wearing when he was looking through the fridge. She must confess, he looked good. He had some black leather jacket on with a white shirt underneath and matching black jeans. When noticing he was starting to turn around, she immediately looked down at her phone again. Only for him to chuckle, "You know you don't have to look away just because i'm looking." He stated causing Lauren to feel like slapping him for finding this amusing and then herself for being embarrassing.

Why was she checking out Zayn anyways again? She had no idea.

Instead of responding, Lauren simply rolled her eyes at him then unlocked her phone, logging out of her account. "How are you going to school?" Zayn asked, leaning down on his elbow a little on the counter as he waited for her answer.

"I walk." She responded, resting her chin in her hand as she finally looked up at him, her action - for some unknown reason to her - causing Zayn to smile.

"Let me just give you a ride." Zayn offered.

"You sure you would be okay with being seen with me, though, Malik?" Lauren arched an eyebrow, forcing a slight smile on her face. Her sentence causing Zayn to tense, knowing what Lauren was referring to.

However, he simply nodded, "Hundred percent." Adding, "Or are you scared to be that close to me on a motorcycle?" Which caused Lauren to snort, her action causing Zayn to chuckle quietly and shake his head in amusement. "So, you're coming?"

And well, let's just say the ride was definitely interesting, Lauren was barely holding onto Zayn's waist which caused him to once speed up suddenly so she ends up holding onto him tighter - which happened. Once on the school ground, Zayn waited as Lauren got off and handed him the helmet, eyebrows furrowing as if she was thinking either she should thank him or just walk away, opening her mouth to speak, Zayn beat her to it, "You're welcome, Lauren." He said, nodding and he felt a little lighter on the inside when he saw a faint smile on Lauren's lips as she glanced at him before walking away.

As soon as Zayn walked into the door of the school, he saw how some people were whispering and others were pointing at him which was slowly making his blood boil, however, he simply tried to hide it all by putting a tight smile.

"Zayn!" Turning his head to the side, Zayn finally grinned when he saw it was Liam, his best friend. 

As they walked together towards his locker, Liam finally asked, "Did you do something?" When Zayn looked at him in confusion, Liam glanced at the people who were still talking as a response. Before either could continue, they were silenced when seeing Gigi - Zayn's girlfriend, made her presence known by standing right in between the two of them against the lockers and leaning down to kiss the corner of Zayn's lips.

"Hi, baby." She said and Zayn nodded in response, Liam biting his lip to try and hold in his laugh at Zayn's facial expression. "Oh, hey, Liam." She said, smiling sweetly at Liam who returned the smile with a 'Hi.'

"Baby, is it true?" Gigi asked, looking up at her boyfriend who looked at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"What is true?"

"That you and that Laura girl came to school together? The girls told me about it but i didn't believe them." Oh, so this is what it's all about? Everyone is talking about the fact that he gave Lauren -

"It's Lauren, not Laura." He stated before adding, "And yeah, i did. I don't know if you were paying attention but i've told you how my dad and her mother are going on a trip and we are gonna be living together until they're back."

Coughing to cover up his chuckle, Liam covered his mouth, Gigi frowning and face paling slightly at Zayn's answer as she shook her head slowly, "You never told me."

"Love, sweetheart, baby, i did. I told you. You just weren't paying attention." He stated, a small sigh leaving past his lips. He was already exhausted with this conversation. "But it's okay, yeah? You were just too excited to tell me about the new bag you bought with Kendall so you were nodding at whatever i was saying so i can shut up and you can talk. It's fine, baby." He finally let out and leaned down to kiss the corner of her lips with a wide smile before grabbing Liam's arm, ignoring the gaping expression Gigi had on her face as he walked away.

"Well, damn." Liam finally said once Zayn and him sat down in their usual class seats in the back, causing Zayn to glance at him and bite his lip before the two slowly started laughing, shaking their heads.

"Why are you two still together anyways?" Liam asked, Zayn shrugging in response.

"I don't even know. It's like we're the 'it' couple or whatever the fuck they call us and i just don't want to go through that spreading rumors i went through when Perrie and i broke up. You were there, mate. While it was a mutual decision, people started saying how i cheated on her and some even fucking said i was abusing her." Zayn breathed out, running a hand through his hair quickly as he glanced around, his eyes stopping at a certain green eyed girl who walked in with a bright smile as she spoke to her friend - Luke - if Zayn remembers his name correctly.

"So you're staying with Gigi to keep the rumors down?" When Zayn nodded, eyes still glued to Lauren as she sat down in the front, Liam added, "Well, i think even you two break up but you have someone by your side to help you go through them, you'll be a lot happier than you are right now."

His sentence finally caused Zayn to look away from Lauren, turning his attention to his best friend as he frowned, speaking quickly, "What are you talking about? There's no someone anyway, that's why staying with Gigi is the best option right now."

"There's is no someone? I thought there would be someone, too bad though." Liam rolled his eyes knowingly at Zayn before adding with a small grin playing on his lips, "Oh, look at that! Doesn't Lauren just look good today?"


the next chapter will be so, so short but that's because it's like a part two of this one, i just didn't add  it in here as the last part because i don't like when my chapters are longer than 1,5k words, i don't know. i'm sorry if you don't like the lengths of them but yeah. thank you for reading!

i might make it up to you for the (next) extremely short chapter by double updating then! x

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