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"Hello, Lauren." Smiling, Zayn pulled his hand out for Lauren to shake - very politely. Shaking her head, Lauren still had her eyes wide as she looked at his hand then at her mother in horror, literally.

"Lauren, sweetie, are you okay?" Clara - Lauren's mother asked in concern, eyeing her daughter in confusion. After a few more seconds, Lauren finally nodded, clearing her throat and with a tight smile, slipping her hand in Zayn's, their hands firmly shaking.

"Yes, mother. It's a pleasure to meet you, Zayn." Lauren finally spoke, glaring at Zayn with a smile which he was returning with a small smirk as he replied, "The pleasure is all mine, Lauren."

"Well, then. Um, Lauren, why don't you take Yaser and Zayn to sit down while i finish the dinner real quick?" Clara suggested, smiling as she looked at everyone, missing the way Lauren and Zayn were still shaking hands.

Finally tearing her eyes - glare - away from Zayn, Lauren nodded at her mother, faking a small smile, "Of course. Yaser, Zayn, this way."

As the two families were having dinner, Yaser and Clara were completely obvious to the way Lauren and Zayn never took their eyes off each other unless someone addressed them. And no, not the cute type of can't keep their eyes off each other but the 'I want to jump across the table and bang your head against it then rip it off' type of stare. Well, that was mostly Lauren's while Zayn's was more of an amused stare. "Clara, may i use the restroom?" Politely, Zayn asked with a smile as he looked at the women who nodded at him.

"Of course. Lauren, show Zayn the way."

"I'm still not finished with my dinner, mother." Lauren literally growled, despite knowing her mother will probably lecture her about how rude she was being.

"Show Zayn the way, Lauren. Then you can come and finish your dinner." Sternly, Clara stated, looking at her daughter who finally stood up, walking upstairs with a groan that was loud enough to cause Yaser and Clara to look at each other in confusion.

Once upstairs, Zayn couldn't help the small grin that made it way to his face as Lauren walked in front of him, literally stomping on her feet. A second later, Lauren was stopping in front of a door and opened it before stepping aside, the glare not once leaving her face. "Here." With that, Lauren was already on her way past him until she felt a tight grip on her arm, causing her head to snap to the side.

"I swear i didn't know you were the daughter of the women my dad is seeing until he told me your name in the car on our way then i remembered your mother's name is Clara and- yeah." Zayn spoke quietly, looking down at the bright green eyes that were staring right back into his.

"Zayn, i don't care even if you knew and never told me or something like that. The only reason i feel like ripping my hair off is because i'm gonna have to deal with you even more that i had to now." Was all what Lauren before pulling her arm from the guy who now had a deep frown on his face as he watched her leaving.

"I'm really sorry about Lauren, i have no idea what's wrong with her tonight." Despite feeling a little guilty that she embarrassed her mother, Lauren rolled her eyes as she heard her mother whisper to Yaser but then frowned softly at herself when remembering how much her mother was happy to be with Yaser and decided to walk upstairs once again, this time to her bedroom instead to avoid any more with Zayn.

And if right before Yaser and Zayn were getting ready to leave, Zayn lied to them about forgetting his ring in the restroom. No one had to know he went into Lauren's room instead nor about the small soft kiss he pressed to the top of her head while she was sleeping.


dun dun duh. so, thoughts so far? 
double update cause y'all are amazing, sweet and bc i love you you special muffin 

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