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y'all didn't guess right hehe 😂 thank you for guessing though! 😌

"Hey, Lo?" Arching an eyebrow, Lauren turned her head from where she was working on her homework, her look quickly causing a shirtless Zayn to correct himself. "Sorry, i mean Lauren. Hey Lauren. Oh and hi Luke." As Luke nodded at Zayn with a small smile, Lauren took a deep breath before sweetly smiling.

"Yes, Zayn?"

"I'm bored." Pouting, Zayn jumped down to sit on the couch, feet up on the table. Shaking her head, Lauren decided to focus back on the paper while Luke was furrowing his eyebrows, eyes glued to Zayn's side as he stretched his arms above his head.

"Is that a Z tattoo?" Luke asked, leaning over and narrowing his eyes before his lips parted slightly in confusion, not noticing how Zayn's face paled as he tried to cover his side. "Wait no, that's a L! It's a cursive L. What?"

[ a/n: this is how the tattoo looks but not at the same place, zayn's is on his side

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[ a/n: this is how the tattoo looks but not at the same place, zayn's is on his side. ]

Lauren's eyebrows arched as she looked up from her work, leaning over to look at the L tattoo on Zayn's side in confusion. "Who is it for?" Asking, Lauren looked up at Zayn who looked ready to pass out, literally.

"Guys, you look creepy staring at me like that." Zayn tied to chuckle, nervously glancing between the two.

"Is it for Liam? Oh my God!" As Luke went to exclaim, Zayn's eyes widened before he immediately shook his head.

"What the fuck? Hell no! Why would i get a tattoo for my best friend?" Scrunching his nose up, Zayn responded. However, Luke shrugged.

"I would get a tattoo for Lauren and she's my best friend. You know the L idea is cool cause Lauren starts with a L so i can d- Oh shit." At first the obvious green eyed girl was confused to why Luke suddenly stopped talking before her eyes widened as she glanced at the tattoo, then Zayn, then Luke, then the tattoo. 

"Oh, look at this! It's already six, i should head out." Smiling awkwardly, Luke waved before grabbing his book and literally rushing out of the house.

"I- I'm gonna go and make us something to eat, yeah?" Standing up quickly, Lauren stumbled clumsily into the kitchen. Only for Zayn to follow behind her, running a hand through his hair quickly.

"So, that's it? You're just gonna ignore this happened?" He shook his head, biting my lip as he waited for a response that didn't come since Lauren decided to stay quiet, looking through the fridge. "Lauren, i'm fucking speaking to you. I was happy we were finally starting to get along." Grabbing her arm to turn her around, Lauren finally looked up at him but didn't force herself out of his grip.

"Why do you have a tattoo of the letter L, Zayn?" Opening his mouth to respond, Zayn closed it when no words come out causing Lauren to shake her head but when she went to pull her arm out of his grip, Zayn tightened his grip - careful not to hurt her.

"Are you seriously asking this, Lauren?" Breathing out, Zayn took a step closer to Lauren which caused the green eyed girl to tense as she tried to move herself away from the fridge her back was now against. When Zayn noticed what she was trying to do, he put his hands on each side of Lauren.

Gulping harshly, Lauren tried to avoid Zayn's eyes as she looked down but Zayn shook his head, speaking quietly, "I told you i would do it, you just didn't believe me."

"What are you even doing?" Grinning softly, Lauren watched as Zayn tried to write the first letter of her name on his arm with a black pen, tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth as he tried to focus.

"Shush! I'm almost done!" Glaring playfully, Zayn glanced up at his girlfriend who rolled her eyes playfully at him. "See? All done!" Grinning brightly, Zayn let go of the pen, stretching his arm to show the girl he's in love with the 'tattoo' of her first name letter on his arm causing her to bite her lip as she tried to fight back a smile before wrapping her arms tightly around his neck and crawling in his lap.

"I love you so much." Mumbled Lauren, causing Zayn's smile to wider even more if possible as he gently caressed her cheek with his thumb before leaning over to peck her bottom lip gently.

"I love you so much more, precious."

"Obviously, i didn't get it on the same place i drew back then because it would have been hard to explain why i have a tattoo of the letter L when my girlfriend's first letter is G." As Zayn spoke softly, he gently placed his index finger underneath Lauren's chin to be able to look at her face which he couldn't read.

"Zayn, just- just go or something. Please." Finally speaking, Lauren looked up at Zayn with hopeful eyes. Her words causing Zayn's stomach tighten. When Zayn didn't step away, Lauren finally added, her voice coming out as strong as she was hoping, "If you're not gonna go then i will." With that, Lauren placed her hand on Zayn's arm only to push him away slightly.

As Lauren made her way towards the front door, she opened it but jumped back when it was slammed close again. Looking up at Zayn who was staring right back at her, Lauren tried to make out what he was thinking but it was difficult when he frowning, eyes showing so many emotions as he stared down at the green eyed girl who looked down at her feet before finally speaking again, "Zayn, i told you. if you're not gonna leave then i will. So, just let me go, please." He didn't answer.

Instead as soon as she looked up to ask if he heard her, Lauren was pushed into the door as one strong arm wrapped around her waist, the other pulling her face forward by the back of her neck. With Zayn's body pressed to hers, he smacked their lips harshly against one another.


thoughts so far? 😌

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