chapter 20

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Louis' POV

My jaw dropped open, as did everyone else's, at Dr. Halin's words. Harry had had a heart attack? How's that possible? The people that have heart attacks are overweight people who eat too much bacon, not anorexic people who don't even eat. Or am I wrong? I don't know that much about anorexia. I guess I could be.

"How is that possible?" Niall asked, "I thought people who had heart attacks were people who pigged out on bacon all day."

Against my will I let out a laugh. Everyone turned towards me and I blushed.

"Sorry," I mumbled, "but I had just been thinking the same thing."

"I see," Dr. Halin smiled, "well basically what happened was that his arteries collapsed because they were too weak from starvation. This caused them to, as I said before, collapse and cut off the blood flow. This resulted in a heart attack and I must say he is very lucky to have survived. Very few people suffering from anorexia do."

"So, will he be okay?" I asked, "I just need to hear it again to be sure."

"He should be fine," Dr. Halin said, "but is incredibly weak. He'll have to stay in the hospital, but he will be moved to a different floor, the eating disorder unit. There he will be put on a serious re-feeding program to try and strengthen his heart muscles. If he refuses to eat, or is incapable of keeping food down, we will insert a feeding tube. He is expected to gain 1kg a week. He will be discharged when he is stable, which means once his vitals are continuously over 90 over 45 and his heart rate is over 60. Of course his heart will be monitored and we have to make sure that's okay too, but once that happens he will be free to go."

"That sounds like a wonderful program," Anne smiled slightly.

"What does 'serious re-feeding' mean?" Niall asked.

"It means he will start out on 2500 calories for one week and then will be moved to 3000 calories after that. It may seem like a lot, but it is necessary to make up for all the months of starving," Dr. Halin explained.

"Will he be allowed visitors?" I asked, hopeful she would say yes.

"Of course," she smiled, "there is actually a couch in all of the rooms on the eating disorder unit. If you want you can stay for a few days here and there, but you can visit him everyday. The last thing we want to do is isolate a person when they're in the hospital."

"Good," I smiled, "Anne are you going to be staying at the hospital?"

"Actually now that I know he's going to be okay I'm afraid I have to go home and be at work tomorrow. I wish I could stay, but I can't," Anne said.

"I volunteer for staying with him a couple days then," I said, raising my hand.

"Of course you do mate," zayn said

"Did you happen to get his weight?" Liam asked, suddenly.

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