chapter 5

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Chapter 5

***2 Months Later***

Harry stepped off the scale with a slight smile on his face. He had finally gotten under 110 pounds. He was officially 107. He still had a long way to go, but at least he was making progress. Harry shivered as he pushed the scale back in its spot in his bathroom. Why was it always so cold? He didn't know. They were back home after a fairly short tour and he swore that the flat was freezing. Of course, Louis disagreed, saying that it was just as warm as usual. Either way Harry had put a small heater in his room and had it going almost looked in the mirror, noting that the cuts on his stomach were getting slightly red. He had run out of room on his thighs and the cuts had made their way up his hips and onto his stomach. Sighing, he slipped his trousers on. He took his belt, which he had had to add holes to make it fit, and slipped it into the last hole. Then he grabbed his short sleeve shirt and slipped it on, following it with a long sleeve shirt and a sweatshirt. He was still slightly cold, but it would have to do. He walked out of the bathroom and saw Louis eating a bowl of cereal. There was another bowl next to his.

"Hungry today Lou?" Harry laughed.

"What?" Louis questioned, "Oh you mean the cereal? No, that's for you."

Harry visibly paled, if that was possible. He had been so pale lately.

"I'm actually about to head to the gym," Harry said, "I'll stop and get something to eat on the way home."

"Why don't you eat something now and then eat again when you get home?" Louis asked, "It would do you good, really. You could stand to gain some weight."

"I don't want to eat right before a workout, it's not healthy," Harry said, "and don't give me crap about needing to gain weight, if anything I could stand to lose some."

Seeing Louis' shocked expression, Harry didn't wait for a response as he slipped his keys into his pocket and walked out the door. You idiot! Now he's going to think something is wrong. You never tell someone you think you're fat! I'm sorry Ana, I'm just so tired that it slipped. Well, don't come crying to me when they put you in a hospital and force you to become a fat pig again, even more so than you are now. Harry pushed the voice and thoughts to the back of his head and drove to the gym. He got there twenty minutes later and headed inside. He had always liked the gym, there usually weren't a lot of people swarming him asking for autographs. People at the gym were too focused on working out to worry about him. Walking in he was greeted by the familar trainers and then he set off to the stair master.

***Meanwhile At Harry And Louis' Flat***

Louis opened the door and greeted the three boys.

"So, what exactly did you call us here for?" Liam asked, once they were all situated in the couch.

"I'm worried about Harry," Louis frowned.

"Why mate?" Niall asked, confused.

"Because he isn't eating, he's pale, he's always cold, he has obviously lost A LOT of weight, he's always tired, and I keep seeing him stumble backwards when he stands up," Louis said.

Liam's eyes widened, "you mean he still isn't eating? I thought he just had a bad case of the stomach bug."

"Liam that was two months ago, I'm pretty sure stomach bugs don't last two months," Zayn said.

"I knew he had lost weight, but I didn't think it was anything serious," Niall mumbled.

"Well, he barely eats," Louis said, still frowning, "the last time I saw him eat was 4 days ago and all he ate was a handful of carrot sticks."

"Did anyone else notice how he never changes in front of us anymore?" Zayn asked, "it's like there is something he doesn't want us to see."

"I did notice that," Liam sighed, "maybe it's so we don't realize how skinny he is?"

"We don't know how skinny he is," Louis muttered, "he always has at least three layers on. Plus he doesn't know he's skinny."

"How do you know that Louis?" Niall asked.

"I told him it would be good if he gained some weight, but he disagreed saying that, if anything, he could stand to lose some."

"And when was this?" Liam asked.

"This morning," Louis answered.

"What should we do?" Zayn asked.

"I think we should make a list of his symptoms and bring them to Paul," Liam said, "we can go from there."

Louis grabbed a pad of paper and a pencil and sat back down in his chair.

"Ok," he said, "what's first?"

"He is always cold," Liam said.

Always cold

"He's lost a lot of weight and he looks sick," Zayn said.

Extreme weight loss- looks ill

"He's never hungry," Niall said.

Never hungry

"He's always tired," Louis mumbled.

Always tired

This went on until they had a full list:

Always cold

Extreme weight loss- looks ill

Never hungry

Always tired

Easily agitated

Thinks he's fat


Bluish finger nails

Extremely pale

Angry whenever asked about food

Weighs himself everyday

Exercises for 4+ hours a day

"Is that it?" Niall asked, eyes wide.

"Does anyone else think curly's hair isn't quite as curly and thick lately?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah," Louis nodded, "I've noticed. Whenever he takes a shower there's always a lot of hair in the drain."

"Write it down then," Liam said.

Thinning hair

"So, boys now that we've discussed a plan and know what our next step is," Louis smiled, "how about some video games?"

All the boys agreed and we put a game into the console. Louis went into the kitchen and grabbed bags of crisps and cans of soda. He passed them out and plopped onto the couch, trying to clear his thoughts of Harry.

***1 Hour Later***

Harry opened the door and entered the flat. He held onto the door frame for support. His chest was hurting and it felt like his heart was racing. He felt dizzy and weak, but he stood his ground. Almost instantaneously four heads turned to meet his eyes. Liam looked at Harry with obvious concern in his eyes.

"Are you alright Harry?" he asked, "You look awful weak."

"I'm fine," Harry mumbled, "just overdid it is all."

"Aren't you hot, mate?" Niall asked, "Louis has the temperature up like a sauna in here."

"Are you crazy?" Harry asked, "It's freezing in here. Now if you'll excuse me I'd like to take a shower."

He didn't wait for a reply. Instead he stumbled up the stairs, on wobbly legs.

"Well," Louis said, "what do you think?"

"I think," Liam said, "that something is seriously wrong with Harry."

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