chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The plane ride to America was uneventful, except for Niall and Liam falling asleep on each others shoulders with their arms wrapped around one another's shoulders. The boys made sure to photograph it for later embarrassment. Harry, who was sitting next to Louis, groaned as the older boy rambled on about how great the tour was. All Harry cared about was getting a few more hours of sleep and, somehow, he managed to do just that. They landed all to quickly in Harry's opinion.

"Wake up curly," Louis said, shaking him gently.

"Sleep," Harry mumbled.

"Okay," Louis sighed, "I guess you're going back to England. Bye Haz."

That got Harry's attention. Opening his eyes he stood up quickly, too quickly. For a fleeting moment Harry was enveloped in darkness, but it passed as quickly as it came. He looked at Louis, who smiled, obviously not noticing his best friends dizziness. Good, Harry thought, the less he notices the better. Louis began walking off the plane and Harry followed quietly.

Once situated at the hotel Niall began complaining of hunger. The other boys chuckled and decided that it was about time for dinner. They were leaving Louis and Harry's hotel room when Louis noticed Harry wasn't following. He was putting his trainers on.

"What are you doing Haz?" Louis asked.

"Oh," Harry replied, "I'm not really hungry. I think I'm going to head down to the gym."

"But you didn't eat this morning and you didn't eat on the plane," Louis said, concern radiating off of him.

"I'm just not hungry Lou," Harry said, "can't you just accept that? I promise I'll eat when I'm hungry."

No you won't, the voice told him, you're going to fast for a week and after that you'll have no more than two hundred calories a day. Any more and you'll have to purge. Yes ma'am, harry sighed. He didn't know why he assumed the voice was a girl, but it reminded him of one so that was that.

"Harry," Louis said, snapping Harry out of his thoughts, "do you promise me that the second you get hungry you will go and eat?"

"Promise," Harry smiled, albeit a little uneasily.

Louis sighed, "alright. I guess we'll see you later. Don't work out to hard at the gym, you know, since you haven't eaten."

"I won't," Harry lied.

Louis still looked a bit unsure, but left the room as soon as Niall began whining about starving to death. If he only knew, Harry sighed and finished lacing up his trainers. He left the room, walking briskly down the hall to the elevator. Take the stairs, you need to burn the calories. Harry groaned as he walked towards the stairs. Why did they have to be on the 8th floor again? When he reached the gym he looked at all the equipment, before finally selecting the treadmill. He ran for two hours straight, how he didn't know. Oh, that's right because the voice had told him to and every time Harry pleaded with it to let him stop the voice had added five minutes. It was originally only supposed to be an hour, but 12 complaints later here he was.

Stepping off the treadmill the all to familiar wave of dizziness hit Harry. He held on to the treadmill until the dizziness passed. What next? The stair master is a great way to burn calories and get rid of some of your disgusting fat. Well, that settled it. Harry walked towards the stair master and climbed on. Another hour and a half later Harry was drenched in sweat and his stomach sounded similar to a dying whale. Walking towards the stairs Harry passed the dining hall. Please ma'am, didn't I work hard enough for some dinner? No, the voice sneered, if you eat you will ruin all our hard work. If you eat no one will ever love you. If you eat you will never be perfect. Is that what you want, to be a fat and useless blob for the rest of your life? No, I want to be perfect. Harry could practically see the voice smiling. Walking past the dining hall Harry jogged up the stairs, trying to keep from passing out as he did so. He opened the door and was instantly interrogated.

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