::All figured Out -Part 2 ::

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"I need to choose , I need to choose".That's what I kept saying to myself as I walked to Rihanna...The sad faces appeared and heads went down in shame.They just knew what choice I made as I got closer and closer to her.I knew what choice Ive made at that point as I pulled Rihanna in my arms giving her a deep hug....................

But slowly snatching the ring off her finger with no emotion.Her once smile changed into a frown.It's funny because my once frown turned into a smile.I looked at her in the eyes stating that sentence ... "I will never believe you over Blossom".Sean and Tyga paraded around me doing our handshakes together because I chose right but now I have to figure it all out as in what I'm about to do to get not only my best friend but my girl back and how I'm going to keep her.Rihanna simply took the fake pregnancy belly from out under her shirt throwing it to the ground taking her phone out her bra calling whoever to come pick her up.And so far as the ring goes well I'm going to do something special with it for Faith.Because if it wasn't for her I don't think I would've realized anything.I grabbed my phone from my pocket because I have a lot of calls to make if I want to do all of this the correct way which is the Breezy Way.

Hours past and I was still making calls just about done now.I moved away from the campsite because I didn't want anyone over hearing the conversations.I walked back to Blossom surprisingly out of the tent looking up at the cloudy sky.I don't know if I should go talk to her now or let her stay mad for a day.Rihanna was already gone and Faith,Sean and Tyga went fishing.It was only me and her.I put my phone in my back pocket rubbing my sweaty palms on my black pyramid hoodie going over to her.I sat down beside her not to close but close enough.She didn't remove her eyes from the sky once.I sat there on silent mode trying to think of something charming to say but all that blurted out was "I'm Sorry for every single thing Blossom I really am...".Her eyes were still glued to the gloomy sky not paying me no attention.l want her to look me in eyes so I could show her that I mean it so I tapped her arm.She pulled away getting up on her feet.

"You think your going to say sorry then bam I'm going forgive you that easy ... wake up call this is not one of those situations."she complained

"I'm not expecting you to accept my apology I just wanted you to know "


She raced off away from me going to the other side of the campground looking back up at the sky.At least I got her to speak to me that has to count for something right ?

Blossom Pov.

My phone was vibrating making me redirect my attention to answering the call.

Phone Convo:

Blossom:Hello ?

Lady:May I speak to Blossom ?

Blossom:This is she ...

Lady:Hello , my name is Poetic and I'm from the New York Fashion/Model agency.I saw your pictures with Trey songz and immediately called you I want you to walk in a fashion show of mine.

Blossom:What is the date of the fashion show?

Poetic:It's on the 22nd so you will have to come out here tomorrow if that's fine ?

"See the thing is that I'm keeping my baby cousin for a couple of weeks."

"You Won't be gone for long I really want you to walk the fashion show and occasionally be the princess of the night at a ball raising money for charity ..."

"What do you mean princess of the night ? "

"We'll it's a ball where you are the princess for the night.. Have you seen any princess movies ?"

"Yeah of course I have so it's gonna be like Cinderella ? "

"Yes,Exactly but like I said all the money goes to charity ..."

"We'll I guess I can find a babysitter .. It's just for week right ? "

"Yes "

"Okay ill do it "

"I'll text you the address of the hotel
And have someone in your area to pick you up and pay for your ticket"

"Alrighty then "

Phone convo over.

Right after I got off the phone Faith,Sean and Tyga came back from fishing.I stood up announcing the news to everyone.They were happy and excited for me.Faith was still stuck on the princess part.I grabbed her hand kneeling down to her level explaining the leaving to New York part for a week.I could tell she didn't want me to go but she wouldn't say it.I asked her "Who do you want to stay with Sean or Tyga ?" And she answered back Chris loudly.I knew she was going to say him I was just hoping she didn't."Chris probably has a lot important things to do "I told.She released my hand running over to Chris asking him.I sighed walking over to them.

"I can keep her Blossom"he claimed

"No I don't think that would be a good idea ." I babbled

"Blossom you know I could take care of her without any problems."

"Please ,Please,Please,Please"They both cried

"Alright , alright .."

After I answered they ran to go pack.I went to go pack myself.When we finished camping we folded the tents up , sleeping bags and was cleaning our mess up.I constantly reminded myself the only reason why I said yes is because I want Faith to be comfortable.When we got done with putting everything in my mom's range rover I made sure Faith put her seat belt on.Closing the car door behind me to go get my purse but Sean drove off before I could get anything.I tried my hardest to chase the car down but it was no use ! I walked back to where I left my purse , gripping it in my hand with Chris sitting on the hood of his car.It's out of two options.Stay at the campsite and get someone to pick me up or go with Chris.Yeah I'll stay at the camp site.I sat on the ground scrolling through my phone while hearing this roaring noise.Which was thunder well this is ridiculous.Chris shouted out "It's about to start pouring down you sure you want to stay out here.I nodded my head yes so he could leave me alone.He got in his car starting the engine the thunder struck again making me shoot up instantly from the ground running and literally jumping inside the car.Chris laughed at my scariness but whatever.I didn't look at him once my eyes were focused on the floor being completely quiet.I don't want to have nothing to do with him.The music came on and so did his voice.He was singing along .The way you make me feel came from the speakers.I could feel his eyes beam on me and the road as he sung this.He then switched the song to It won't stop remix by Sevyn ft him .He sung his part perfectly and directly at me.I glanced at him grabbing the iPod touch from his hand changing to a song that I could sing to him and I chose can't raise a man by K.Michelle ."Can't raise a man ... He got older but never proved , for his life he can't tell the truth how to love he ain't got a clue,playing games like he'll never lose you.."He snatched the iPod away changing the song to where you go by Ciara ft future ."Where you go .., it was times when I seen you happy where you go it's been a minute since I seen you smile where you go ..?"he sung back at me . I took the iPod back switching the song to Missing Me by Keyshia Cole".When I think about what we had I can't help but to get so mad because we could never get it back when I trusted you like that "I sang back but making him take the iPod from my hands changing the song again.This is like a harsh music war.He played Honest by Future."I keep a gang of bad bitches with me to and we ain't ever going back to what we use to do I was gon lie to you but I had to tell the truth "He aggressively sang back to me.I slapped the iPod down in my hands turning to you'll never know by Ariana Grande."Don't get mad at me because your getting replaced , know your place but if you would've maned up put you hands up , stand up tell me how you really felt and maybe it would be different ".He confusingly grabbed the iPod back playing tears in the rain by The Weeknd."When it's set and done I already felt love and I let it end up dying by itself and when it's set and done you we're better off you deserve real love and I deserve to be by myself"he sung.I confusingly looked back at him taking the iPod away changing the song to Next Move by Keyshia Cole."We keep on fighting going back and forth who's the first to call who's the first to fall in love we hide emotions who's keeping score you don't want the ball in my court I don't want the ball in yours..."

He stopped the car turning the volume of the music all the way down."Can we talk about this now ?" I shook my head no with a mad facial expression."Just take me back to my moms house I said " .He shouted no trying to make me spill out the rest of my feelings but I just wouldn't.The rain pedals hit harder on the car ,making our voices get louder and everything more dramatic. I got out slamming the door with my purse on my arm saying I can walk back home.I shivered in the cold but tried to push through .The more I walked the more I got wet but that isn't going to stop me.After a good six minutes I was soaked , cold and getting ready to cry.Here I go with pushing him away again when he's trying. I don't want to forgive him but I feel like I have to .I don't know what to do.And that's when the tears started coming.I'm not the type to express my feelings.I heard a car zoom up by me.I closed my eyes stopping in my tracks.I heard the door open and foot steps walking towards me.I opened my eyes with tears streaming down.His long muscular arms pulled me in a hug.I gripped him tight sniffling.Chris patted my wet hair speaking into my ear

"We don't have to talk Bloss , we can talk whenever your ready"he sadly replied to my tears

"You know you put me through a lot so I can't just open up to you automatically it takes time !"

"And I'll give you all the time you need"

I let go wiping my tears away holding my arms shivering.Chris grabbed my hand leading me to the trunk of his car.He took out a black pyramid hoodie and sweats and put it in my hands."I'll give you all the time and space you need to think " he said before getting back in the car ........

I got in the car after he did changing my wet clothes to the dry ones.I wasn't going to change in the rain so I told Chris to keep his eyes closed.I hurried and took the crewneck I had on off and my sweats reducing to bra and panties.I reached down to get the dry clothes when I saw Chris eyes open.I nudged his arm and covered myself."I've seen you like this before not a big ass deal " he chuckled

"You don't know half the things I want to do to you right now "he moaned

"And I don't want to find out ..."

Next thing you know he hovered over me as soon as he got a chance.I put my arms in the way blocking him but he still continued.Every spot I wasn't blocking he kissed.When I said "I'm still mad at you".He forced his body even harder unto mine."I never forgave you yet ". He pushed his body harder and harder stroking my back slower and slower.Just when I was about to surrender he gave up going back to the drivers seat saying "You just got to be stingy ..."."And you just gotta be thirsty " I replied back .I slung the crewneck over my head and sweats on my legs before he tries anything else.As he drove off I told him everything he needs to know about Faith.I guess were on talking terms that's it though.He told me to chill because he can handle Faith I just hope he can.He got the music started back up but he just had to play Love More.I was trying to hold my smiles and laughs back but it was hard.Once you think about it ; it's kinda cute to have someone make a song about you and then sing it to you .....

__________________________________________________________________________________Author's Note: So all of you have been waiting for this chapter haha sorry I took so long to update ive been busy with school and dance :) But here you go enjoy btw thanks for all the support in the comments from the last chapter ! I dedicated this chapter to the person who made me laugh from there comment . But umm 50 or 60 votes for me update and 20 comments k i'm out.Oh and if you want a chapter decicated to you make a funny comment or be yourself :PPP

There on talking terms is that going to lead into something more ?

Blossom is going to New York , what surprises are going to be there ?

Until Next Time.....

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