Chapter 25

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She sat there in shock! After a moment she decided to take out her phone and take a quick picture of it. Then she heard Kennedy shout "How many sugars?". She jumped, "Oh err, 2 please." Then she heard Kennedy coming back so she quickly shoved the picture back into the album and shut it. Kennedy entered the room and Sara forced herself to pretend she never found that photo, for the time being anyway. She didn't want Kennedy to know she knew anything. "Here you go." Sara smiled and took the tea whilst Kennedy sat down on the couch to the side. "So what did you want to talk about Sara?" Sara looked up at her, "The texts you keep on sending Johnny, they have got to stop!" Kennedy looked at Sara with no emotion at all, "So he told you about them?" Sara replied sharply, "Well yeah, we are girlfriend and boyfriend love!" "And I used to be his girlfriend. Look Sara you obviously love Johnny and so you understand how I still love him too, you must understand!" Sara tried her best to stay calm, "Yes I love him but he is mine! Stop trying to get him back because he doesn't love you anymore and never will. He has told you that aswell." Kennedy snapped, "You never know what the future holds." "No but I know it involves Johnny and me being together, happy. So I'd just appreciate it if you would stop texting and messaging him all the time ok?" Kennedy looked at her belly and then back at Sara, "He's always going to know me you know?" Sara rolled her eyes, "And when the baby grows up and is 18, away from home?" Kennedy smirked, "We shall see. Is that all you wanted?" Sara downed her tea, realising she wasn't wanted there anymore. It burnt her throat to some degree but she wanted to do it anyway to make a dramatic exit. "Pretty much." Kennedy showed her to the door, "Goodbye Sara." Sara turned around, "Bye Kennedy. And stop texting Johnny." Kennedy had a look of range on her face, "GoodBYE SaRA." Then Kennedy slammed the door shut. Sara turned around and walked towards her car giggling at Kennedy, she found it really hard not to laugh in Kennedy's face. 'Good thing she did shut the door in my face' Sara thought and laughed more, sliding into the car and giving the house one last glance in the mirror before heading back out into the busy roads of Hollywood.

When she got back it was 12pm. She just sat and watched T.V until Johnny got home at 2pm. When Johnny came in Sara got up and Johnny wrapped his arms around her, picked her up and spun her around. She giggled and they kissed once Johnny put her back down. Johnny was over the moon to see Sara again. "I missed you," Sara cuddled Johnny tighter. Johnny smiled into her hair, "I missed you too doll." Whilst hugging him Sara started thinking of how she could tell Johnny what she found out! She didn't know for sure but she remembered Johnny saying him and Kennedy always using protection before! And he was taking her out for dinner and everything! She would have to tell him after dinner!

At 7pm they left. Johnny wouldn't tell her where they were going so she would just have to wait. They had driven for about half an hour now when they started to go down a few side roads. They ended up at the beach. Sara looked up at the sign and it was Santa Monica beach. She thought about how she had always wanted to go there but never did until now. Johnny walked around to her door and opened it for her. He was wearing a brown suit, a big like David Tennant's in Doctor Who and he also wore a white shirt with a big collar. Sara jumped out of the car and Johnny looked her up and down, she was wearing a white and pink dress. They smiled at each other. Sara spoke first, "Well your looking fine tonight Mr Depp." Johnny laughed, "I think you must be talking about your self. You look gorgeous if you don't mind my saying Mam." Sara laughed and they walked hand in hand to a little restaurant that looked out apon the ocean.

Johnny and Sara walked into the restaurant and got sat down. It was a fairly posh restaurant and Sara found this out when she saw the prises next to the food! Sara decided to get the salmon with salad and Johnny decided upon the steak. They also got a white wine to share. Soon enough their food came and they eat, with romantic music playing in the background and a very romantic atmosphere, like the lit candle and Rose in the middle of the table.

Once they were done they just drank some wine and when they were ready to leave they called over a waitress to get the bill. After that was paid for Johnny walked around to Sara's side of the table and took her hand, halting her up and leading her towards the door. 'How on Earth am I going to break the news to him,' she thought to herself.

"Can we go and sit by the sea?" Sara begged Johnny, as they were walking along a path on the beach. "Sure doll," Johnny smiled, now leading her down to the ocean. They both slumped down on the sand and observed the calm sea in the dim light if the full moon. Sara rested her head on Johnny's shoulder and Johnny put his arm around her waist, pulling her into him. "It's beautiful," Sara sighed. "I know," Johnny replied. After a second more Johnny moved his hand upto Sara's chin and moved her head around to face him. "I love you." Johnny whispered. "I love you too much," Sara said, just before Johnny's mouth slowly moved upon hers.

After a minute Sara and Johnny were lying down looking up at the stars. They were trying to count how many they could see but have up when they got to 96. Then they lay in silence, enjoying the moment together. "Johnny can I tell you something?" Johnny whispered, "Anything." Sara sighed, "Well I went to Kennedy's today to have a go at her about texting you and then when she was out in the kitchen getting a drink I saw something. I don't think you'll like it!" Johnny's voice sounded conserved when he spoke, "What was it?" Sara took a deep breath before speaking, "Kennedy's first scan picture was in a photo album I was looking in and well it had a date on it.....and the was before you and Kennedy had sex recently!"

Silence..."But I don't know if you guys used protection or anything before then. I just think you told me once that you did!" Still silence...."say something!" Johnny sighed, "like what? I should have known!" Sara took his hand in hers and looked at him looking at the stars, "Of corse you shouldn't have! Someone tells you something that important and your going to believe them!" Johnny sighed, "Can we just go home now?" Sara complied, "Whatever you want!"

They rode back in silence. It broke Sara's heart to see Johnny like this! She wished she could just kiss away his worries and pain. She could feel a lump beginning to form at the back of her throat but tried to swallow it down. It didn't help that 'small bump', by Ed Sheeran came up on shuffle aswell!

When they got home they went straight to bed. Whilst Sara was in the toilet Johnny sat on their bed and thought about it all. He was really upset. 'How could she do this?' He thought. Soon he began to cry. Johnny doesn't really cry much but he couldn't hold it down anymore! It just had to come out! He was so excited about the idea of having a kid.

When Sara came out of the toilet she saw Johnny was crying and sat down next to him, cuddling him tight. He cuddled her back and they stayed like that for a long while. Sara couldn't hold it down anymore, she started crying onto Johnny's shirt. Johnny pulled away and looked at her, wiping her tears away, "Don't cry!" Sara sobbed, "Then you don't cry! You know I can't bare seeing you like this!" Johnny whispered, "I know but seeing you cry is literally the saddest thing in the world!" "Back at you," they both giggled, whilst still crying.

1 hour later

They lay in each other's arms. Tear stained faces, slowly drifting off to a painful sleep but no more painful than the night they had just experienced!

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