Chapter Thirty Three

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I felt comforted by the warmth of the mug I sipped my tea out of. Despite this, I still couldn't believe what my mum had just told me. My dad, a cheat? A whole other family and we didn't notice? "So how long have you known?"
"Oh I knew." said my mum "I knew he had somebody on the side but not a family! Can you believe Naomi, a family. A fourteen year old Naomi! And not to forget the six year old aswell."
"So Dami must of been about four, three when he had the fourteen year old."
"I'm next week so four." Dami pointed out "Dad is just jokes, what the hell like."
"And then he has the cheek to hold it against me when I got pregnant with Mackenzie"
"You know I wanted you to stay Naomi. He was just, scattering my head with all his nonsense talking" Her heavy accent always came through when she was angry. "Now I look back, how could I do that to you."
"Its alright mum."
"No it is not! I'm sorry- I'm very sorry."
"I forgive you its okay." I persisted, even though it wasn't alright- I needed my family at that time and they disowned me.
"And when I even tried to look for the baby, as you said he was with his father he told me no- that it was your problem and your mistake."
"I remember hearing that conversation. Its so mad, I need to see my nephew, I only have pictures"
"well I cant even see him at the moment."
"What do you mean?"
"His dad" I say, they didn't know how me and Rashad met. All they knew was how he was a 'gangster' and he played some part in me losing my job, but not that he was a client- my mum would kill me if she knew. "He's saying you cant see him?" Dami asked
"Something like that. He's basically saying he wants him to himself, because I was away"
"But I thought you guys agreed that-"
"I know" I sign heavily "But don't worry, by next week I promise you guys will see him"

"So wagrwarn for you sis?" Naomi askes Dami. They were walking through Walworth road, after stopping at Kaspas and getting a milkshake. "Nothing much, lost my virginity but-"
"Nothing much! Oh my gosh Dami, who with?" Naomi squealed
"Who else with, Nathan."
"It hurt init."
"Yes, very much but- it was weird" Dami admitted,
"You used, condom right?"
"Of course! Mackenzie's not getting a little cousin for a long long long  time mate. Well maybe from Seun, he gets girls everyday-have you seen his snap?"
"Fam, when I was living with him it was a new girl every other hour like"
"Mate" Dami laughs "But Nay."
"Promise your not gonna leave again, it was like you seun had gone and I was left with all the arguments."
"I wont, I promise you."


"I don't like her" Riell stated
"What do you mena you don't like her, you just met her."
"Yeah and I don't like her" she shrugged rolling her eyes.
"Keep you voice down man!" Rashad hissed
"I don't care, I RATHER NAOMI!"
"And what, does she think she's Mackenzie's mum? Rashad Naomi Is not dead; she is well and able to look after her child."
"It aint that simple Riell"
"It aint that hard Rashad." came her quick response
"I just cant trust her with him yet, how do I know she's not gonna have another breakdown with Mackenie there."
"Rashad, what your doing is not fair- so until you fix up don't bother come by my house to see me and your nephews"
"Nah Riell, your stretching it."
"No I'm not! Kiara is only month and being away from him for a couple minutes makes mefeel some type of way, so imagine how she may feel"
"I don't care."
"Fine, I don't care aswell, Malachi, Jace! Were going"
"Riell are you serious."
"Very serious" She says, standing up as she held Kamila in her arms. Trudy came holding Malachi and Jace's hand "Mali, Jace- mummy never taught you to hold strangers hands"
"Wow" said Trudy "I'm a stranger now"
"Rashad, once you get rid of this one feel free call me or come over whatever. But until then don't bother"  She scuttles over and gives Mackenzie a kiss on the cheek, and I notice how Trudy's grip tightens around him. Riell Kisses her teeth and begins to walk off with the boys by her and Kamila in the buggy. "Riell why you doing this? Riell man"


"Nah Naomi, how could you do that"
"Mothers I don't care. She was standing there like say she couldn't get tumped. She's lucky that Ive got prioritise now."
"Like what?"
"Mackenzie of course."
"Oh yeah.. I keep forgetting."
"Don't worry I forget too. But its a minor, trust me."
Beep beep.

This was the third car that did this today, one thing I hate about being back in south London is people constantly trying to chirps you. This what my high waisted jeans did for me though, lifting up my bum- making it look higher more perched up, what did I expect. "I'm 16!" I said into the car window, sometimes it did the job but sometimes it didn't proving the men of today are such pervs. Futhermore, it really says something for the youth of today that look my age, everybody trying to grow up bare quickly. "Naomi."  oh, it was Denzell.
"Oh, you"
"You didn't text me that night."
"I know I'm sorry I forgot."
"You going home?"
"Yeah we are."
"Jump in then."
I take a step backwards so Dami could get In the back, she looked at me and I nodded that it was ok.
Once I get in the passenger seat he smiles, "You know when you left my car last time your smell stayed. And now its back."
"Good smell of course."
"Lovely smell" He says.
Dami coughs, I know what she's thinking with her fat head.
"So is that sister at the back?"
"How old are you?"
"Eighteen next weel."
"Okay" he said "So what you looking to do for it?"
"I don't know yet."
"I own a club. So, if you need somewhere to have it, its fine by me."
"Ay lets not get our hopes up. We don't know if he does drugs and that in there"
"Naomi how can you say that" Dami laughs trying to cover her mouth.
"But its true, he is a friend of Rashad."
"Aye watch  your mouth you know"
"But you know I'm just stating facts."
"Facts yeah." And that's when his hand shifted onto my thigh, I removed it straight away givng him a fake smile,  I don't want no wahala o.
When we get to outside my house, he tells me he wants to show me something. There is one side of me thinking, I hardly know this guy like- but he seems nice even though he is Rashad's friend. And there is the other side saying, what the fuck are you doing Naomi you shouldn't even be in a car with him, Rashad's gonna kill you.  " Dami if you still want that party- tell your sister to holler me"
"Okay, thankyou" Dami says as she gets out the car.
"Tell me mum I'll be back soon and not to worry."
"You better- aren't we doing a Netflix Mararthon tonight?"
"Yeah carm, I'l; bring the munchies on the way back."
"Carmmm, inabit. Bye Denzell"
"So what is it you want to show me?" I ask after the back door of the car closes.
"You'll see"

"Did you do all this by yourself?"
he nods, and I looked round the club amazed. "I'd rather invest in something legit  than investing in the roads"
"That's what I tried to get Rashad to do with his dad's club but he didn't want to listen."
"You know how you was saying that the courts wouldn't give you a chance  to have Mackenie without a job, well here its is."
"Are you serious?"
"Dead serious."
"Me and you? Co- owners of this club."
"Are you being for real?"
"I'm being mad serious" He chuckles, "I know a hard working woman when I see one. I'd been looking for someone to work alongside me for some time, and when I saw you charge into Rashad's house I was just like yeah I found what I was looking for."
I smile "Thank you, thank you so much. But one thing."
"Go on."
"Why you helping me? Like- Rashad's your friend."
"I'm helping you because, I  know what growing up without a mum feels like."
The second guy without a mum in their life, first Rashad now him why do I attract motherless men?
"I kinda like the way your batty jiggles when your walking around."
"Your a sick guy." I kiss my teeth
"Welcome to the business Naomi" He shakes my hand, what was I getting into?

"Your pum pum wet when yuh see mi, yuh have a man but yuh still gimmie, she love M she love Sho she love Jimmy, she love a shower man, and your pretty like jewellery good wood from yours truly!"

As I sat in my Car waiting, I made snaps singing along to whip yola.
"Like whip yola! Whip yola!" Asia sung as she got into the passenger seat
"Your annoying you know, do you know how long Ive been waiting."
"Sorry the que was long bitch."
"Nah Norwood legit need to get a drive through  what is this."
She passes over my food and as I proceed to shove the hot salty chips into my mouth I spot Rashai: YR. And he's running, running hella fast and it looks like he's being chased. I quickly get out the car and shout his name, "YR!"  He turns his head my way, and within a spilt second he begins to run in my direction. I open the back door, he dives in and closes it behind him. I get in the drivers  seat and we were off. 
"What the fuck just happen? Naomi I know you ove the youth but your bringing starngers into the car!"
"He's not a stranger. I know him from Rashad but that's not the point right now, Rashai you okay?"
He's breathing heavily "Well done on not saying my Gov in front of them" he breaths out.
"Yeah,  Id rather call you by your real name but I know that would just be another link on them to get  you.... what's happening?" I try to find out everything whilst driving erratically.  He tells me the situation and I cant help but feel so infuriated, why was Rashad doing anything to  help his socalled younger that even carried his name, "So what has Rashad done about it?"
"I told him about the  situation last night, went over to his bit"
"My bit"
"Nothing go on."
"Yeah so I went there now and - he was telling him everything and he was like cool yeah he'll sort it out but then his girl came in now chatting the most saying that I stole his money when theses times she planted it in my jacket when I gave it over to her when I came in."
"I told the she was a witch Asia"
"What the fuck who would do that." said Asia
"Its because she wants to be the only one in his life, and he's stupid for not seeing that. Anway how's your mum."
"She died"
"Oh my gosh Rashai I'm so sorry"
"Its alright- I knew it was coming."
"So where you staying now?"
"I used to stay at Rashad' init but then I moved back out to look after my mum then since she got there I felt weird going back so I left it."
"And you stayed where?"
"Squated did what I had to do."
"And he was aware?"
"How could he, after he was in the same position as you when he was younger. Nah, Asia word this girl is changing him. Get that down you" I pass him my food using the other hand to steer.
"Good news,  your gonna be staying with me."

"Please mum just until he gets a proper home."
"Eh, Naomi, Naomi Naomi, Naomi."
"Please Aunty," Asia pleaded "You don't want him sleeping out there getting hurt when you knew you could of done something to stop that."
"Thankyou Aunty" said Rashai, walking in and giving my mum a hug making me smile.
"Its ok, its ok. Now, do you life jellof rice?"
"Of course, that's my life."
"Ehhh" My umm laughs "Jamo boy gone naija."
I couldn't help but laugh too "He will be onc he finishes with us."
"Oh yeah before I forget Naomi a letter came for you." My mum turns towards the table picks up the white envelope and hands it to me.
Once I read it, every muscle in my body tightens "Rashad and his silly girlfriend want to take full custody."
"What?" Asia snatches the paper out my hand
"If he wants war.... he's got it."

guys you know how at this point I would usually change the writing into bold, well I cant. I cant even go over my writing because it is not allowing me to edit only continue writing, so sorry for any mistakes
Hope you Enjoyed the Chapter!
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Okay inabit.

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