Chapter 3

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A while later my mom came up to my room to check on me. By then I had stopped crying and was just sitting on my bed scrolling through Instagram.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" She asked.

I sat up and put my phone down before replying "Why didn't you tell me before?"

"I just thought it would be better for the two of you to find out together." She answered softly, sitting down beside me on my bed.

"Do I really have to marry him?" I groaned.

She sighed. "Yes, sweetie, you do."

"But why? Why can't I find someone to spend the rest of my life with myself?" I whined.

"Because your father and I both think that he'll be a great husband for you."

"Yeah I don't think so." I replied getting up from my bed and going into the bathroom to brush my teeth. "I'm going to go to bed and we can talk about this tomorrow."

"It's too early for you to go to bed" She said, getting off the bed and walking to the door of my bathroom.

"But I bet that the two of you will get along with no problems, and after a while you'll get used to it and you'll be fine." She spoke, leaning against the door frame.

I spit out the toothpaste and rinsed the toothbrush before answering her.

"No, mom, I won't be fine with this. You and dad are just springing this on me. You're expecting me to get married to him and have kids with him and I hardly even know anything about him." I was starting to get really pissed off again and I just wanted to get into my bed and cry.

"Katie, you've known him since you were four. You know him eighteen years!" She started using hand motions to get her point across.

"I don't know much about him!! I've forgotten literally everything about him!!"

"Don't shout at me." She replied, looking at me sternly.

"Whatever, I'm going out then." I walked past her and went to my wardrobe.

I picked out a pair of black leggings and a white tank top. Then put on my runners and quickly put some pyjamas into a bag.

"Where are you going?"

"Emily's house."

I pulled my charger out of the wall and put it in my bag. I texted Emily that I was coming over and I walked out of my room and down the stairs. When I got to the end of the stairs she texted me back, saying that she was going out with her parents and they wouldn't be back until late. I replied telling her that it was fine and that I'd find someone else's house to stay in for the night.

While I was opening the door I came up with an idea "Why not just go to Shawn's house?"

Shawn's PoV

When my parents came home, my mom came up to my room. She opened the door and stood there, seeing that I was lightly strumming on my guitar. She walked over to my bed and sat down beside me.

"Why didn't you tell me you were arranging my marriage?" I asked, putting down my guitar.

"Katie's mum thought it would be a good idea for you to find out together." She answered softly.

"Well it wasn't!!" I shouted. "You know I wouldn't have agreed to this!!"

"But Shawn, your father and I thought you would be happy. You've liked her since you knew what liking someone was." She replied, placing her hand on mine.

"That's not the point, mum. You can't just force her to marry me because you know I like her. It's not fair to her."

I stood up, starting to pace up and down the room.

"Everything will work out, Shawn. The marriage will be great for the both of you." Mum spoke, now standing up as well.

"How is it going to be great if she doesn't love me but I love her?" I asked "Unrequited love isn't fun."

I stopped pacing the room, waiting for a reply from her.

"She will love you Shawn. Just give her time." She replied and I nearly scoffed

"So, are there any rules to this marriage then?" I asked

"A few." She replied "But we will be going over them with Katie and her parents."

"And does Aaliyah know that I'm now engaged without proposing, like I've always wanted to do, and that I'm getting married?"

"No, but we can tell her tomorrow when she comes back from her friends house if you want to." She answered.

"Yeah okay." I agreed.

"She'll be happy for you, you know. She knows how much you love Katie." Mum smiled.

"Just please don't arrange a marriage for her. I don't think she'd be very happy." I laughed, hoping that mum would actually listen to me.

Just then there was a knock on the front door. I told mum that I would get it, so I walked out of my bedroom and ran down the stairs. I opened the door to see Katie standing there with a bag in her hand that wasn't closed properly and her phone in the other, which she was looking down at. I could see the clothes that were inside the bag and I started thinking.

Why is she here, I thought she would hate me? And why does she have a bag with clothes in it?

She looked up and saw me standing there. She then took a moment before speaking.

"O-oh uh hi Shawn. I was wondering if I could stay here for the night? My mum is kind of wrecking my head right now."

I smiled at her nervousness. "Sure, come on in. Make yourself at home."

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