Samantha awoke to her cat purring and rubbing her face. "Ok, ok! I'm up Meimo," she said to the cat, as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.
She walked out of her room and into the kitchen, while the sound of a tiny bell and tiny paws followed her.
She walked up to Meimo's cat bowl and picked it up. She set it down on the table and poured in a scoop of Meow mix. She set it back down on the floor and stood back, as she watched Miemo eat. Miemo looked up and nudged an empty bowl towards her.
"Oh, right. Of course, sorry about that." She said. She picked up the bowl and filled it with water. She set it back down and walked away.
She walked into the living room and sat down on the couch, turning on the TV. She gasped, as the face of a man that she recognized filled half the screen. It was the same man who had walked into her house last night.
The reporter on the news was talking in a very urgent voice. "If you have seen this man, call this number immediately. He is a highly dangerous criminal. He walks around, claiming that he is a Sheriff.
Samantha stood there, shocked and a bit scared. She had never dealt with this type of situation before. She thought about what to do in case she saw that man again. I'll grab a knife or a frying pan.
The next words that came out of the news reporter's mouth sent a chill down her spine. "Not many weapons can disarm this man. If you see him, call this number, or call the police. You are in grave danger."