Chapter 005: Having An Overly Attached Girlfriend Sucks

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  Many people will surely bump into girl or boy problems in their lives. Well, Koichi just happened to get himself in one. A huge one. The girl's name was Yukako Yamagishi and she definitely wasn't a normal person. Well, let's start from the beginning, shall we?
The first date- or confession- was an absolute disaster. Koichi, being the shy person he is, didn't know whether to return her feelings or not. Either way, he was grateful that someone actually liked him for once. But, it wasn't very joyful to Yukako. Oh no. Far from that. She was absolutely distressed with what answer she was going to get and her bipolar-like attitude was a turn off for the poor boy. Little did he know, two clowns were watching him from afar: Josuke and Okuyasu.
After that, Yukako was a bit.. (A lot) obsessive. She made a sweater, a full bento box of delicious food, and etc. She even accused and burnt a girl alive for contacting Koichi. Yandere much?
Josuke and Okuyasu knew it was time to give Koichi 'the talk' as they liked to call it and made the discussion near the school's pool. "Aggh... What do I do? I'm so lost..." Koichi said with a saddened tone, hopelessly. Okuyasu, being very careful, went to look out for anyone that may be outside.
"Calm down," Josuke comforted Koichi, "Oi, Okuyasu! You don't have to keep the look out, come here! No one's here anyway..."
As if one cue, the (h/c) haired girl had walked in with a camera hung around her neck as usual. "No one's here for what?" she questioned, nearly scaring Okuyasu alive. She was wearing her school gym clothes with a track sweater on top, which she wasn't normally wearing. The truth was that she's currently on a photo shoot project for the school's newspaper.
"(Y-y/n)? You nearly scared me half to death!" yelled Okuyasu, a bit sweaty from his fear.
She scratched the back of her head, "Sorry 'bout that. I just have to work on a photoshoot that's all."
"Wait, (Y/n)," said Josuke, "Did you see anyone outside here? Or is anyone of your clubmates coming over?"
"No, why?" she asked.
"Come here for a second, it's about Koichi," Josuke said. His hand was tapping the area right next to him in order to signal her to sit there. Still confused, she sat down in the direction Josuke was motioning for her to sit on. She noticed how nervous Koichi was because of his sweat and constant fidgeting.
"I should've told her the truth..." Koichi went on, "I could have just said 'I don't like you, stop hanging around me'"
'He has girl problems?' (Y/n) thought, 'Who would've thought Koichi was getting some instead of Oku and Josuke.'
"What? That's a terrible idea, Koichi!" bursted Josuke, "She made you a sweater for God's sake! You'll only fuel her fire more!" With this, (Y/n) started getting hold of the situation better. She recognized that those were the qualities of an overly attached girlfriend AKA yandere. Spooky. Even (Y/n) didn't think that shit was real. Koichi and Okuyasu were nervous at this point, but (Y/n) was surprisngly not siked at all about the situation.
"Y-You think so?" said Koichi questionably. (Y/n) put a finger on her chin as she tried thinking of ideas to stop this madness.
"Of course! We can try convincing her not to use that stand as much!" answered Josuke.
Josuke explained his plan about trying to make her think that Koichi is an asshole, which (Y/n) had to admit was a good idea. "Damn! You're smart, Josuke!" exclaimed Okuyasu, complementing his friend.
"Well, what should I do to disgust Yukako?" asked Koichi, slowly feeling more relieved. Okuyasu lightly elbowed his female friend in the arm, grabbing her attention.
"(Y/n) is the girl here, so she probably knows the answer!" said Okuyasu. At that moment, everyone in the area was staring at her. She started feeling nervous with a group of men staring at her and waiting for an answer.
"U-uhm..." she trailed off, "I really don't know... Bad hygiene, maybe?"
"You should totally go for the bad hygiene thing!" exclaimed Okuyasu, praising (Y/n)'s idea. He continued babbling and joking around about breeding lice, farting, and etc. (Y/n) just sweatdropped at the boy's humor.
"She said something about liking your potential..," continued Josuke, "So maybe you can act petty or something."
(Y/n) nodded in agreement, "I think most of us hate petty guys."
"Or tell her that you're gay! Or even shoplift!" Josuke and Okuyasu went on, distressing poor Koichi.
"Not you too, Josuke!" he yelled.
"How about pretending that you stole from Josuke or giving Okuyasu a Texas wedgie?!" (Y/n) joined in the conversation.
"(Y-Y/n)! You too?" Koichi groaned.
"Why do I have to have a Texas wedgie from Koichi?" Okuyasu whined.
(Y/n) waved her arms sideways to signal that she didn't mean what she said, "N-no! It's just an example," she said back.
Koichi started crying all of a sudden with his fingers gently wiping tears away from his blue eyes. "My school career is over!" he cried with a paper in his hand, "Look at this!" The paper was a test that had a 16% on the top, which was pretty surprising because Koichi was a pretty smart guy.
"Koichi..," (Y/n) worriedly let out as she saw his grades.
"This is pretty bad... Even I've gotten slightly better scores.." muttered Okuyasu.
"But you know, Koichi," Josuke said, "I'm not telling you to do what we said. Just make an effort. We can't just punch her out, you know?" It was true though.
"And (Y/n).." he said. She 'hmm'ed questionably in response.
"Stay away from Koichi for awhile. If Yukako saw you and Koichi around together, it's certain that you'd be in trouble and so will Koichi." he warned as the girl nodded
*SLAM* (come on and slam)
With that, the photography clubroom screeched open and the club members saw the site of their clubmate panting with her hands on her knees. "(Y/n)?" Kotomi questioned with an eyebrow raised, "Where were you? You're 15 minutes late for club meeting and you've never done that before!" The clubroom was normal and peaceful before she got here— or at least their view of "normal".
Dean, as usual, pushed his glasses up and had a boys' love doujinshi hidden behind a yearbook he had from middle school. Well, the truth was, everyone knew he what he was reading. But, everyone was so used to it that they didn't bother telling him about anymore. Besides one person...
"Are you fuckin' gay, mate?"
That was Jin, who always liked to tease Dean about his interests. In fact, almost everyone in the clubroom liked to tease Dean. Then, there was Asia. Asia was probably the most 'average' out of all of them. He, as usual, sat in the back editing spicy memes on the computer they were provided with. As you may have guessed (or not), Kotomi was the club president. Yep, same assholes as usual.
"..Hirose..." (Y/n) said between breaths.
"Hirose..... Koichi?" Kotomi, making out what she tried to say. All (Y/n) did was nod.
"What about him?" she asked, holding a strand of Kumagawa's hair and pink dye while he is sleeping.
"Is... he... here?" she said, still panting.
"Uh.... Well, I'm pretty sure the teacher checked him up as absent today," she said. With anxiety, (Y/n) widened her eyes and ran down the hallway in instinct. "But, we're...," Kotomi trailed off. She ran a few centimeters outside the door and saw the girl as she left. "In the middle of club activities..," she continued, lowering her tone of voice as she talked.
Just then, the sounds of clattering footsteps and heavy breaths filled the hallways. Next thing she knew, her legs carried her all the way towards the front of the school. Her hands slid to her knees as she calmed down from all the stress with her eyes closed. "Please be okay..." she said quietly and came to her senses. 'I don't know if Yukako took him for sure... She can't be that crazy, right? I should ask his parents for confirmation,' she thought. She walked quickly to the closest telephone booth and thankfully saw her two extremely tall hunks she calls her 'friends'.
"Josuke! Okuyasu!" she screamed out their names with her hands waving.
"Ah, (Y/n)!" Yelled out Okuyasu as he waved back to her. When she came closer to where they were, she got the news. Koichi was gone. His mother didn't see him anywhere and planned on calling the police. She knew it would happen. Not to mention that the crazy girl had been gone too. God knows what she had done to him. (Y/n), in the midst of panic, took a deep breath. She didn't want the two to see her in such distress.
"What do we do now?" (Y/n) asked worriedly.
"But... Koichi has Echoes, right?" Oku said in truth.
"Koichi's minimum range is only about 50 meters, though," stated Josuke in response,"She might have knocked him out and...."
"Either that or she took him inside a secluded area, so that no one would be around to save him," (Y/n) continued for him.
The next day, (Y/n) had a peaceful sleep and tried not to think of her friend's whole crazy situation. She took a shower, dressed up, and went down to the kitchen as usual. (Y/n) had thanked her mother for the breakfast and had a bite of her toast. She rested her rump on the couch and took out her gameboy. She wasn't in the mood to take pictures. That was when the phone started ringing and she jumped, causing her to lose the game. "Shit!" she yelled.
"(Y/n)-chaaaan~ Your boyfriend is calling!" she said as she held the back of the cream-colored phone towards herself. (Y/n) turned around as soon as she heard her and dropped her game boy down. Finishing the toast in her mouth, she stood up and took the phone from her hands. In normal days, she would argue that the masculine male behind the telephone wasn't her boyfriend. But, she got used to it after a short while which was odd of her.
"Josuke, did you figure out something yet?" she asked in a tired voice as she yawned.
"Koichi just called," he said calmly.
"E-eh?" (Y/n) let out, absolutely astonished.
"We've found his destination, but I think we might need you to come over here for a bit," he said.
After this, she dashed up to her room and grabbed her (f/c) camera. "(Y/n)?" her mother questioned in confusion.
"I gotta go— Uh! Thanks, mom!" she said and kissed her mother's cheek. She ran out the door as her mother chased after her until she (the mother) decided to stop at the end of the stairs down the house.
"Don't forget to buy food for Karmy! He's starving!" she yelled with her hands held up to the sides of her mouth to echo her words. She sighed turning back, "Children nowadays..."
She accidentally went through streets with cars and constantly apologized to drivers along the way. Running to the front of his house, she spotted him and Okuyasu standing in front of it. He had told her the address and she was quite impressed with the house he had in store. She stopped in front of them and they had their average greetings. "Sorry to bother you today, (Y/n)," Josuke stated realizing how early in the morning it was.
"If it's concerning Koichi, it's fine," she answered.
"So anyway," he continued, "You've been to many places with your photography, right?"
"Yeah," she answered back, tilting her head curious to what he was up to.
"Do you have any idea where a place with near the ocean with no houses around here?" he questioned. Thinking about it, she tapped the end of her chin and a light bulb shot out of her head.
"I don't know about the houses... but... There's a place I know near a body of water. It shouldn't be to far from here," she finally said.
After that, she guided them to the area and they thanked her for taking them there. When she attempted to follow them for saving Koichi, Josuke turned back catching (Y/n) off guard. She jumped and found herself take a step backwards. "I wouldn't go with us if I were you, (Y/n). She'll have an excuse to harm Koichi and even you," he warned. She nodded, understanding the situation and walked back to her place.
She waved them goodbye and yelled jokingly, "You, Oku, and Koichi better make it alive! You hear me?" She wasn't even sure if he had heard her from that far off the distance, so she defeatedly continued walking towards the other direction.
You were glad to see Koichi walk with you guys again alive. When you saw him, you hugged him so tight that he had almost choked. Well, that had concluded the problem of the day.

(A/N: Sorry for not posting. In return, I made this long ass chapter just for you c: and just so you know the members of the photography clubs are me and my friends. Dean (the yaoi dude) is that feg DeanCeiliper. Karmy is also a reference to the song Karma Chameleon. Just so you know, Karma (or 'Karmy')  is supposed to be (Y/n)'s pet chameleon.)

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