Chapter Three:

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It is the next week and as I knew there would be some people who showed up on the second day I let them slide from owing hours though. They had a lot of work to catch up on because everyone had to do three chapters a day.

I have already went over the packet with everyone. I tell everyone to pull out their anatomy text books. They do as I tell them to. We start going over the first chapter when my phone rings.

I say, " I'm sorry guys. I normally don't get phone calls at work so let me check that. If it is important I will have to take the call. Will you please just go around the room reading each chapter."

They say yes ma'am and I go and check my phone. It is Henry. I go outside and call him back.

" Hey I know you are at work but I need to talk to you." He says.

" It's ok. What is going on?"

" Well Josh is getting out today. I don't know if he knows where you work or not but I am having a patrol car come and sit outside the building. I am also going and picking up Maggie and Mark to keep them safe."

" Ok thanks for letting me know."

" Your welcome. Love you bye."

" Love you too dad bye."

I walk back into class and they are reading. I find where they are. They have read over two pages. I stop them and say, " Does anyone have any questions."

No one says anything. I say, " So you all understand what you just went over?"

They nod and a few say yes ma'am. I nod and let them keep reading. At the end of the chapter I have them reread it but this time I have them stop to show them the bones that the book is talking about.

When it is 12 I let them break for lunch. I say, " Please raise your hand if you are planning to go somewhere to get lunch."

A few of them raise their hands. I ask them where they are going and they each tell me. I nod. I say, " Well the ones who are going and getting a sub can you please grab me one. I will give you the money."

The girl who I think is breathtaking nod and comes to take my order. Before I give it to her. I say, " Can the people leaving please wait."

They have a confused look but nod. I give the girl who name is Easton my order and the money. I then stand up and walk all of the students leaving out. The cop who is watching the building gets out. He walks up to me as everyone else gets in their cars.

The cop says, " Hey Abby you shouldn't be out here."

" I know I just wanted to make sure that my students got to their cars safely."

He nods and then points for me to go back inside. When I am walking I see someone who I think I know. I shake it off though because I haven't seen this person since we were little. He is supposed to be dead. A girl from my class is talking to him.

He looks my way and then does a double take but tries to cover it up really fast. To late though I have already seen it. I walk over to them. I say, " Your name is Blaine right?"

" Yes ma'am it is."

I notice a little boy with them. I say, " Who is this little guy?"

She says, " His name is Lathen. He is my son and this is my husband Alex Martin."

The Alex guys gets nervous. I try to shake his hand but he won't let me. I say, " I thought I knew you. Wasn't sure though because we were young when I last saw you. Not to mention I went to your funeral brother."

She looks at him like what the fuck is she talking about.

He says, " I'm sorry ma'am but you got the wrong guy."

" Answer this one question. Are you 25 years old?"

" No I'm not."

Blaine says, " Alex why are you lying to my professor about your age?"

" Wait she is your professor?"

" Yeah she is."

" Please don't talk to me anymore." He says to me.

" Alex I know it's you. You keeped your first name and changed your last to the street we lived on when you supposedly died. You are even the right age. Why don't you want me to know it is you?"

" Because Abby I don't need your father to know that I live back in town."

" He is your dad too. However I don't think he would care if you are back since he is six feet under."

" I'm sorry for your loss but I don't want to be all buddy buddy with you."

" Can we please talk in privet?"

Blaine agrees that we should. She takes Lathen and walks away. Alex says, " Our father sold me for money. He was running out and needed more so he put me on the black market. He must have told mom I died or maybe she didn't care."

" She did care but sadly she died with dad. I don't believe that he sold you though."

" I don't care if you believe me. However since he has been gone has anything came out of the wood work?"

" We have a half sister on his side. She is older then me but younger then Amber."

" Yeah so maybe you didn't know the man as well as you thought you did."

" I'm sorry Alex. I wish we could be a family again."

" Maybe one day. I would love to see Amber and meet this new sister."

" How about this weekend we meet at the park and have a family picnic."

" Yeah maybe. I will talk to Blaine about it."

I nod and put my number in his phone before he does the same. I give him a hug and walk away.

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