Chapter Twenty:

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Later that day I am in class getting ready to release everyone. " Next week is Thanksgiving so we will have the week off. There are two events that you can sign up for. I will be out of the states so my phone may not work. If you go to the events then email me like you would normally text me. I will add up all of your hours. Also two weeks from thanksgiving break we will be going on Christmas break. So the Thursday before break your grades will be going in. If you have lower then a c or owe me any hours I will not be seeing you when we come back from the holidays. If you are worried then please come and talk to me after class. I will try to work with you but only if you are willing."

Everyone nods and then I release them. Four of my students stay after. I calm one up at a time. The first one is worried about her hours. I look up the hours she owes me and show them to her. " Ok so it looks like you owe me ten hours. If you did both events that would bring you to only owing me two hours. Those two hours can be made up if you stay after class for an hour two days. Those hours can be spent helping me around the classroom."

" Ok well I will have to see when the two events are because I have to go see my sick grandma who lives out of state."

" Hate to hear about your grandma. I am thinking about doing a Christmas thing for a needy family. You could come in on the Friday before break early in the morning to wrap the presents. I would only need you for two hours though. So you would have to stay after class two more days."

" Ok thank you for understanding."

I nod and she walks out. The next person is wanting to know the same as the first. I look up his hours and show him. " You only owe eight hours. If you go to both events you will be fine"

He nods and walks away.

The next students wants to know about her grades. I look them up and show her. " Unfortunately you are falling two classes. I know you have a family and probably can't do the events. I am going to do a thing for Christmas for a family in need. If you come in the Friday before break for two hours then you will be well on your way to bringing a grade up. If you stay after class for an hour for the rest of the time before the grades go in you will bring both grades up."

" I can do the thing for Christmas if my kids can come but unfortunately I can't stay after class because I am a single mom."

" Ok then I want you to do a report on everything you have learned so far in class. I want it to be a twenty page report. I am also fine with your kids come with you on that Friday."

" Thank you thank you thank you!"

I nod and she walks out.

The last student left in the class is unfortunately Blain. I call her up to see what she wants. " Abby I missed a lot of class after the shooting."

I feel really bad for her because the whole thing was my fault. I look up her hours and grades. I let out a sigh. I show her both. " I know it was my fault the shooting and everything but I have a boss to answer to. You owe nineteen hours and are failing a class. You will be on the family trip with us so you can't do two events that would give you eight hours. I am doing a Christmas thing for a needy family some of your classmates are coming in the Friday before the break for two hours to wrap gifts. Also I have offered everyone an hour after class but for you I could do two hours. That would bring you up to twelve hours. We don't leave for the Thanksgiving trip until Saturday so Friday you could do chair massages here for four hours. That still leaves three hours though."

" I could watch Skye for you and Easton for three hours."

" The only problem with that is it wouldn't be fair to the other students."

She just nods and looks sad. " Look I will do my best to come up with the other hours for you. I feel really bad about this."

" I know you do. Can the two hours start today?"

" They will have to. For the grade though just pick three different massages to do a report about. You can start filing for me."

She nods and starts working. I walk outside a make a conference call with Grace, Amber, Charlie, and Easton. They all pick up. " Hey everyone Amber, Grace, Charlie, and Easton are on the call."

Everyone says hey. " Ok so Blaine has missed a lot of class because of the shooting and unfortunately I can't take the hours away for her. The reason I am calling is because my class is doing an event on Saturday from 8 to 12 for the ones who need to make up hours. I know we were supposed to leave at seven but could we leave at like 11:30. That way she can have a way to make up the remainder of her hours."

Everyone is fine with that since we are taking our jet. I walk back inside and Blaine is hard at work. " Hey Blaine I have good news."

She looks at me. " I just got done talking to everyone and we are leaving at 11:30 on Saturday so that you can do the event to make up the remaining three of your hours."

She runs over to me and gives me a hug. I smile and she smiles back.

The Massage Class: (teacherxstudent) (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now