Chapter Eighteen:

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It has been two days since Mark has woken up and today we are finally able to take him home. We are currently getting all of his things together. The nurse walks in with a wheelchair. She says, " Mark it is time for you to leave us. I'll help you get into the wheelchair and off we will go."

" Well can I at least get you number. I would like to thank you properly for taking care of me."

" Well how can I say no to a hero." She says with a huge smile on her face. Mark hands her his phone and she gives him hers. They put their numbers into each others phone before she helps him into the wheelchair.

Maggie and I shake our heads. I leave the room to go and get my car to bring it around. When I get to my car I text Easton really fast to let her know that we are heading home with Mark. I get in and drive to the pickup area. The nurse wheels Mark outside and Maggie walks next to them to my car. I get out to help Mark inside. The nurse smiles at him one last time before going back inside.

Maggie gets into the front of the car as I do the same. I start driving before Maggie turns to look at Mark. She says, " Are you really going to text or call that nurse for a date?"

" Yeah I am. She was sexy and took such good care of me while I was in the hospital."

Maggie shakes her head and turns back around. I drive the rest of the way home with no one talking.

When we get there Easton runs out to us. I had asked her to house sit while Mark was in the hospital. Sky runs out after her. He sees me and gets a huge smile. I think that he is going to run up to me but as soon as Maggie gets out he runs to her. She picks him up and carries him inside.

Easton helps Mark into the house She takes him up to the attic with me right behind them. I walk in not knowing why she has taken him up here since it hasn't even been made into a room yet.

When we get in there my mouth drops. Some how she has made it into a room. It has a bed, dresser, computer desk with a computer on it, a love seat, a nice tv stand with a Xbox one, ps4, a Wii, a boom box, and a flat screen TV on it. She opens the drawers on the tv stand and there are a crap ton of games, dvds, and CDs in it.

He is just as shocked as I am. He sits down on his bed. I say, " Baby how did you do all of this?"

" Well I had help. Everyone pitched in to move some of his stuff here. Amber paid for another month of his apartment just so that he can move the rest of his things here when he starts feeling better. Alex and Blaine brought over the tv stand. Amber and Nicole bought the video games and the counsels so if you don't like the games blame it on them. Grace and Luna picked out the music and the dvds so if you don't like those things blame it on them two. I bought the tv."

" I love it all. It really is an amazing room. I am so grateful to everyone."

" Oh you think the room is cool now wait until you see this." She walks over to a closet that I hadn't even seen yet. She opens it and it has steps leading somewhere.

" Where does that lead?" He ask.

" Well the steps actually go to three different places. The first place is a balcony that is on the side of the top of the house, the second place is to Maggie's room because I know how close you two are. That was actually Aaron's idea. The finally place is to the kitchen by the back door. Henry and Alex actually built the steps and the balcony with the help of a bunch of cops."

" Wow that is really cool."

" Yeah it is but wait did you say that something was Aaron's idea? How the hell did he even know that all of this was happening when I didn't even know?"

" Well he actually stopped by yesterday to tell me he was sorry for how he acted and I forgave him. Him and I are now on good terms."

I just nod before we walk out to give Mark alone time.

We walked down to the living room. Maggie has Sky in her room. Easton goes to turn the tv on but I stop her. " So his room is really amazing but why didn't you ask if there could be steps built in my house and a balcony?"

" I knew you were busy with Mark. I hope I didn't cross any lines. I just knew he was supposed to be moving in anyways. I wanted him to really like his room. I'm sorry if I over stepped."

I shut her up with a kiss. When we pull apart I say, " It's fine baby. I'm really happy that you did make him an awesome room. How long did it take to do?"

" Two days."

" I'm wonder how the steps and balcony got built in two days when it should of at least taken two weeks."

" Ok so Henry and Alex wanted them added in so Henry got the permit and had his cops help. Amber hired three construction crews to help. They worked night and day to get it done."

" Oh ok that makes a lot of sense now."

Maggie runs out to us with Sky in her arms. " Mom I got a new tv and a Wii. However Sky showed me his room which is decorated in Batman and it has a bunch of toys, a ps3 and a Xbox, a really big flat screen tv, and a crap ton of other things."

I look at Easton and say, " You were busy weren't you?"

She says, " I hope it is ok that the guest room was turned into Sky's room while you were gone."

" It is love. I had already told you that the guest room could be turned into his room. Maggie if you think Sky's room is cool go up to the attic. Everyone helped to turn the attic into Mark's room. He will tell you all about it."

She nods. " Sky do you want to come with me or stay with mommy amd momma?"

" I want to go with you sissy."

She nods and walks away with him. Now all I need to happen next is to get my amazing woman to move in here with us.

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