Chapter 7: "Gay or Nawh?"

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It was a usual, normal morning.
Everything was same.
Birds were chirping, children were playing outside.
It was peaceful.
And here I was dreaming about my boyfriend.
Dylan O'Brian was proposing me.
We were just going to kiss and skip towards the sunset and live happily ever after.

But suddenly the door of my room was banged open startling me.

So me being me, picked the nearest object to protect myself from the 'intruder'.
Yes I choose an iPhone charger to protect myself. Yes I was indeed standing in a kickass ninja position. And yes the intruder was jack, who was running around in my room with a laptop in his hand, squealing like a banshee.
Wait does banshee actually squeals? Never mind.

Jack suddenly stops his laps of my room and then he looks at me comically.

"Umm...Maddie why are you standing like that with a phone charger? "He mused.
Before I can answer him he interrupted me.

"You know I don't even want to know. Okay see what I found." he said while shoving his laptop to my face.

"Hold your horses Jack, let me just sit and then I'll look at it. Okay?" I said to jack as if he was a five year old boy.

He just scoffed and handed me his laptop. And on his laptop was article opened 'How to get hot neighbor to notice you'. Literally this article was opened. OMG someone is excited!!

"What is this?" I asked blinking slowly as if the article would disappear.

"This - my dear sister- is how LEE is going to fall in love with me." He said proudly.

"So this is your plan? To lure lee into falling in love with you" I asked him. Still a little unsure to how to tackle this situation. Like seriously who does that?

"Yes. Yes this is my plan" , he said in a monotone.
Then suddenly as if he remembered something he turned towards me and said ""oh Maddie get ready in ten minutes we have to go to college to fill in some applications." And the he ran out of the room.
How can be someone so energetic early in the morning?

Oh crap!! I totally forgot about the college thingy which we had to do.
I quickly took a shower and got dressed in my black ripped shots with a white tank top. Then I paired it with a oversized flannel shirt which off course I left unbuttoned.
I wore my trusted black converse and pulled my hair on a high bun. Now little bit of eyeliner and some gloss and I'm good to go.
Just when I got ready, I rushed out of the room to the door where jack is waiting for me.
"Move to the car. I'll come locking the doors." Jack tells. I nod and move outside.
I went towards the car as jack locked the door.

I waited near the car for a while, for jack to come.
Well, I'm sure locking a door doesn't take this much time.
So When i turned around to see for where the hell jack is , I saw something which will blow your mind.
I saw jack standing outside our apartment building, waving like a DIVA . And to whom was he waving you might ask.

Yes it was LEE and his blond friend JUSTIN, who were obviously uncomfortable with jack's waving and were squirming in their place.

I quickly rushed to jack's side. I gave jack a death glare and the boys a awkward smile, then pulled jack to where our car was parked.

"What the hell jack!! What were you  doing back there?" I asked breathlessly. I think I should start working out. Running across the parking space took a toll on me.

"I was doing nothing. Only initiating the first step of my mission 'Love-LEE'" he said excitedly while crossing the first point in a list which he took out of somewhere.
I won't even ask where that list came from 'cause knowing jack anything can happen.

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