Chapter 10: The Chaos Pt:2

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Hello guys!!
I'm so so so so so very Sorry.
I know I said few hours but I fell asleep so yeah. But to reward y'all for the love and patience I'm gonna post one more chapter in few hours.*wink* ;)
Yeah so you know the drill:


My life's always been weird. Be it my first day of kindergarten , when I puked over my principal and called her a witch. Or be it my middle school when I found a dictionary fascinating that I decided to climb up a bookshelf and due to the weight of the dictionary, I fell down and broke my arms and my ankle.

And Now I'm standing in my living room gaping, wondering what would have happened if that jackass would have closed his mouth and minded his own business.

"Earth to Maddie. Earth to Maddie." I came back to reality only to see jack with his hand raised.

"Were you going to slap me?" I asked him in amusement.

"You zoned out. So.." He trailed off sheepishly.

Lee and Justin were glaring at Jack while Margaret just looked confused. Well I don't blame them. Jack is a moron. And it's normal thing for him to do or in this case say.
Apparently he needs drama to survive. His words not mine.

"Ookay." Margaret said, dragging out the 'O'.
"So lee where's my room?"

"Room??" Lee squeaked out.

"Yes room. Gosh lee are you deaf?" Margaret said dramatically.

"But why?" Lee whined stomping his foot.
My god I love drama. You know, It's so dramatic. Hahah..

I look around the room only to see:
1. Justin was still glaring at jack.
2. Lee was throwing a tantrum because of 'The room'. Well I may be exaggerating but meh!!
3. Margaret was looking at everything and was ignoring Lee.
4. And jack was sitting on the couch, eating popcorn and pizza. From where he got that, I don't even wanna know. Well for pizza, the delivery guy must have done his job.

And here I am standing doing nothing- wait what?? Margaret? Room? What?

"Umm.. Margaret why do you need a room if you don't mind me asking ." I voiced out my thoughts in confusion.

"Oh silly me. I got distracted by Lee's tantrum. " she mused.
"Actually I'm staying here."

Silence. Now everyone's attention was on our conversation. No sound was heard. Except the cricket chirping and popcorn crunching.

"My own house is being renovated. I would have stayed in a hotel but thought why not I stay with my baby Lee. It will be convenient and also will save my money!!" She explained excitedly. Well that was thoughtful of her. Not!!

"But mom there are only two room in our apartment." Lee interjected in hope that Margaret will check in a hotel instead.

"Nonsense." Margaret said dismissively. She continue..,"Maddie and lee can share a room and I'll simply stay in Lee's room."

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