[ T H R E E ]

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She had no idea how long she was waiting inside the room. The skies were getting darker and darker and she started to feel sleepy.

Before her eyes could close, a knock came from the door, startling her. She wasn't able to respond or simply say a word but the doors flew open anyway and came in a young lady, bowing 90 degrees.

Flustered, EunSook got up and did the same, not knowing what else she could do. She was completely defenseless anyways and the lady infront of her was vampire that could anytime suck her blood.

"Master Lu wants you down in 30. Clothes and makeup are all placed inside the bathroom. I would also highly suggest for you to take a warm bath, for it would surely be a long night"

With that, the lady left the room. So Master Lu? Could he possibly be, My master? she thought to herself.

She made her way towards the second door which she figured out was the bathroom. Her mouth gaped wide open due to the grand interior. You can probably say that the bathroom was like your own room- if your room was luxurious in space.

She wasted no time in hopping in the shower and being welcomed by hot water that she had been thristy for. 5 minutes and she got out. She knew things weren't gonna be okay if she gets late despite her being confused of what was totally happening.

She looked in getting ready and when she was done with her bath, she slipped her undergarments, then her dress to see that it was perfect on her.


I waited inside the room while sitting on my bed. It has been a few minutes already and no one came. I came close to dozing off. Have they forgotten already? Pondering, a knock came from the outside and the swung open.

Not given time to react, I was immediately pinned down on the bed. Judging by the force, it was no ordinary man, a vampire. "Look at me" A voice ordered, but I couldn't look in fear "Eunsook" and I looked.

"Look, its simple. Its either you become my slave or die" I swallowed and answered immediately "S-slave".

"Good" and so he stood up quickly leaving me dazed. "I'm pretty sure you know what I mean about it. Your memories are not important now because wether you remember it or not, your are now my possesion"

I bit my lip at that, my breath getting faster with every second that passed and my heart running at a ridiculous rate.

Silence came followed quickly, seemingly choking us both. I sucked in my breath debating whether I should ask or not, but unknowingly, the words came out of my mouth. "W-what should I call you?"

The man smirked, seeming to enjoy how frightened I was under his control and how vulnerable he made me. "I'm Lu, though you can call me Master. Call the others like that too" He winked towards my direction and I almost puked in disgust.

I wanted to ask who he was referring as"others" but a sudden headache sliced through my brain along with new information. I gasped in amazement. Telepathy. "Thats right. Now come on little girl or should I say slave"

I gulped and stood up before following him out of the room.

We went down a flight of stairs before stopping down of infront two large doors. Gold carvings swirled all around and of course, there was red. Loud voices could be heard from the inside and I swallowed.

In a snap of his fingers, the door was pushed open and we were greeted by 11 men and 11 other women.

Gods, but deadly. That was all I can say before trying my best not to mind the prying stares of the 11 other gentlemen. Then it struck me. They were not ordinary vampires, they were the brothers of the soon-to-be leader of the clan.

I could've sworn Master Lu shot me a wink as if he read my thoughts. I mean he could've. I was the slave of the soon-to-be-clan leader. This was more terrifying than I thought.

I stepped into a game. Not for two, but for my fate and somehow I felt someone laugh at me. Lord, help me.

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