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Okay,,, Hi!!
I'm sorry that I haven't been able to update for such a long time. I won't probably update this week (maybe next week) becuase its my exams now! Wish me all the luck 😆. So here's a 12:00 midnight update.

We're also nearing the end of the story! Book Two is also coming!

Hope you will all continue to support me and I LOVE YOU ALL


Fat drops of rain fell down on our black umbrellas as silence surround us. Some cries and some - like me - try to stay strong, but we can't deny the heavy lost.

"It will be okay" I try to comfort myself but soon tears fill my eyes. I lost him. Tao looks at me with pity but I shake my head. They are the ones suffering more. I only lost the man I love and they lost both a father and a brother.

"He has always been a stubborn one-" Suho starts to speak, his words wraping around us- trying to overcome the silence.

"He would always eat what was not allowed for him. He would always sing with that voice- one we would never be able to hear. He may have done so many mistakes but he was the one and only man who told us to go on when we lost - m-m-mother."

All heads hang low but I keep mine raised- fighting the tears that were yet to come.

"We love him"

Once again, the scene turns quiet as everybody looks at the coffin infront of us- a mourning look on their faces. Yet, I clutch my umbrella in my hands and turn around to leave the sight.

My footsteps were loud enough on the wet ground but nobody seemed to mind. Perhaps they all knew how broken and devastated I am to loose him. To loose the one I love.

When I was of the sight, I drop my umbrella and scream.

I scream like I never had in ages with my tears rolling down my cheeks as I fall down to the ground, my shirt clutched in hand.

I sit still for an hour. Another. Another. Another. Another and Another.

I sit still until every muscle in my body was numb and freezing. I sit still as no more light comes from the heaven. I sit still as the rain drops start to feel like bullets damaging my skin.

Unexpectedly, I stop feeling the pouring rain even if it still pours. "Get up" I look up and see Chanyeol staring at me, his eyes burning into mine. He places his hand on side of my cheek and immediately my frozen, chapped lips, start to have life again.

I lean even more closer into his palms and savor the warmth. Will I ever feel warmth from my beloved ever again? The question numbs me once again and I don't feel Chanyeol's warmth anymore.

I hear him sigh and this time, he shakes me and pulls me off the ground. He carries me in his arms, his umbrella falling to the ground in the process.

He walks slowly, steam leaving his body as the raindrops touch his heated surface. He pulls me in closer and hugs me tightly. Will he ever hug me like this again?

"Your not the only one suffering Eunsook"

Chanyeol's voice echoes through the night and his steps becomes heavy as so does his breath.

"I know... Its ju-"

He immediately cuts me off and shakes me, tears now pouring out of his eyes.

"You're not the only one who lost him! I lost a father. I lost a brother. So stop being so damn selfish!"

He shouts and glares in my eyes as fresh tears coat them. He's right. They have always been right. I've only been selfish. So so so selfish because I love him.

He tries to calm himself down and moves forward. A few minutes later, the mansion comes into view. I look away as pain once again eats my heart.

You're not the only one suffering.

He gently places me onto my feet as we arrive infront of the door. He doesn't take the initiative to open the door, so I do. Cold air immediately hits us, so strong that it even seemed to cool Chanyeol's warmth.

He walks past me, our shoulders bumping in the process. Due to the strong impact and my weak legs, I fall to the ground helplessly. Yet, he doesn't help and instead says, "He himself fell so many times because others pushed him, yet, he took all the blame to himself. What a stupid brother I've had"

He smiles to himself as if recalling a forgotten memory then, leaves. I stay still and clutch the piece of cloth covering the area above my chest. Once again, I try to fight to the tears that came, but they fell anyway.

Yet, I will let them fall, but I will not let myself fall. For us.

I push myself of the ground and step on my two feet. Shivering, weak and in pain, I make my way inside the dark mansion. A mansion that used to be at least bright.

I walk up the stairs, paler and paler I get with each step I take. On the last step, my legs finally give in and I ,once again, fall to the ground. I gritt my teeth at the impact but I push myself once again.

Black spots darken my vision and fall right into somebody's arms. "Eunsook! You're burning!" I recognize the voice as Lay's but I push myself out of his arms. He doesn't stop me.

I support myself with the wall until I finally stand infront of an old door. I place my hand on the door knob but find no strength to twist it. Tears fall from my eyes once again but I don't let go. Behind these doors...

I grab him by the collar, pull him close and kiss him. He responded immediately, his hand on my hair and waist pulling me even closer.

So close that I would've been to able some warmth. Warmth I never thought his body would never have. His breath mingles with mine, our noses touch and the kiss, slow and sloppy but I love it.

Only now I realize I love every single bit of him. I kiss him harder and soon he breaks and presses our foreheads together.

"Why the sudden urgency" his voice so low and deep, a whisper only I would able to hear. I have evey right to go red and I hide my head on his chest. A button popped and I could already see his curves.

"Mas-" I begin but he cuts me off "Luhan. Call me Luhan" I stare at him, shock visible on my face. "But-"

"Please say it. Let me hear you say it"

"Luhan" I whisper gently watching his expression and I catch a glimpse of a change in emotion.

Soon he catches my head again and takes over my lips, soon his tounge met mine and I felt like heaven.

I clutch it even harder and I swing the door open, and yet, silence greets me. I stare at the window infront me of me, before hearing the quiet breaths of someone. My eyes slowly trail around the room before they fall onto the resting figure on the bed.

"He's in a coma Eunsook, and he's not waking up anytime soon"

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