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I froze as his arms slowly snaked around my waist and he started walking, pulling me along with him to the other two vacant seats. I looked around. The other slaves like me were standing but on the other hand I was led to a chair.

Sighing, I pulled out the chair and sat the night away.


Hours passed and I was back in the room which was told to be my new bedroom. Later on, I had received instructions to head to to Master Lu's room.

It turns out that his room was at the other side of the mansion and I had to pass by the prying eyes of his servants, curiosity evident in their eyes.

Finally, I stood infront of his massive door and before I could knock, I heard voices from inside the room, arguing loudly.

"Luhan! two of our posts are already down. That Pathetic Human Army is beating us down and you are not doing anything!"

"Trust me when I say I am!"

"No and I'll stop here. Make sure that the next time I come back, you have a plan and it better work"

l o c a t i o n : u n k n o w n

Two men stood alert outside a large office where a meeting was being held. "The take down was successful" spoke one and the others nodded in agreement. "What should our next plan be, leader?" spoke another that made the young man look at him.

Hakjin, Shin Hakjin, their leader. "The plan wo-"


Hakjin was cut off when the door slammed open and one of his men came in sweating.

"Explain" Hakjin demanded in a hard tone."We found her... We found Eunsook" the man panted and Hakjin stood up in surprise.

"Eunsook! Where is she?!?" he demanded. "She's working for them, for Luhan" and that was enough to give him an idea of his next plan.

l o c a t i o n : t h e m a n s i on

I stood frozen behind the door upon hearing a rebellion going on. I wanted to move out of the door's way but I was too late for it slammed open, hitting my face.

"Ow!" I scrunched my nose up and down to check for any broken bones while a tall, white man walked away as if he never saw me. I looked inside the room and knocked softly.

The whole room was a mess! Papers were scattered around, the cabinets were all open, the bed covers were out of place and there was him. Hair disheveled, shirt crumpled and hands running through his hair.

"Come here" he suddenly spoke in a deep, alluring voice. I stepped inside the room and automatically the door closed. "Clean my room" huh? "Are you deaf? I said clean my room" I gulped and nodded immediately, looking around to see where I could possibly start.

He stood up and went to the bathroom and I started doing my work.

Sweating, I looked around and saw that everything was neat and right on time, Master Lu came out of the bathroom. He wore nothing but a robe and his hair still wet. He pointed a finger at me before signing for me to come closer to him.

I stopped a meter away from him to avoid contact but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him as let out a yelp in shock. He was too close- we were too close. I felt his breath on my neck as he whispered into my ears.

"Listen,slave, whatever you heard behind that door earlier is non of your business. Don't even get the slightest hope that you'd be rescued. Lastly, if I hear anything about you telling my servants around here about it, I might get to know the taste of that blood of yours"

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