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Please read at the end!


I run back to the mansion as fast as I can hoping to find Luhan and ask him questions. I look in every cranny and nook but he wasn't there at all.

"Kris!" I call for him as I see him opening the door to his room. He is one of the people who let me call them through
their names.

"Where's Luhan?" I immediately ask him as I reach him. "Its his Hunt today" he replies with a shrug and was about to lock the door completely not until I stuck my foot.


"Its a vampire thing.."

"Which is?"

"Okay, alright." He finally opens the door and faces me seriously. "Look every full moon, we go on a hunt which basically means hunting for food. Blood. Its too gruesome, that's all you have to know"

"Oh.." and he finally locks the door shutting me out. I back away from the door and turn around to find Luhan.

What a good idea Eunsook. Find your crush or mate at the middle of the night. Great idea.


"If I was a vampire, where would I hunt?" I whisper to myself quietly as I stare into the vast area before me. I try to solve the question in my mind and remember that we were located in a forest. He could be anywhere?

I do a minuscule shake of my head and start running. I go from area to to area but I only seem to be running in circles. I've been running for about an hour or so and my legs start to wobble from the tiring lap.

I walk to the nearest tree and lay my back against it before sliding down to sit and rest my head on my knees. "I'm so goddamn stupid" I mutter to myself.

All of a sudden, I hear a twig or a branch or leaves crunch. I immediately raise my head an hastily get up only to come face to face with Luhan.

His face looks like he's trying to solve a puzzle. Maybe why I came out? Maybe he knew I was looking for him? Maybe....?

I study his face and see blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. Noticing were I was looking, he licked the blood and wiped his mouth. "What the hell are you doing here?" he says raising up his hands in a what-the-hell manner.

Only then I realize that he was shirtless... and I've never ever taken the time to appreciate it. Mindlessly, my hands find their place at his neck and slides down slowly, my eyes following. Luhan stays completely still and I know he is looking at me with an intense stare as his breath speads up.

His abs were rock-hard and were defined. My fingers trace the lines of his skin and my thumb running through his visible veins. Soon, my hands find its way back up to his neck and I pull him in. He doesn't even protest and infact, he takes the lead and kisses me.

He kisses me passionately and keeps a rhythm that I try to catch up with before I fall. He notices my tremble and immediately he wraps his arms around my waist and tries to close the invisible gap between us. His thumb making circular patterns on the exposed part of my skin.

"Luhan.." I say through the kiss. He tilts my head so he can deepen the kiss further and I follow willingly. His mouth tastes bitter and metalic due to the blood. I don't know who's or what's blood is it but I don't mind.

Finally we seperate from the kiss and lean out foreheads together trying to catch our breath. "You could've waited for me to come back if this was what you wanted" he says before he chuckles breathlessly.

It took me a few second to respond with a steady voice. "No, I actually have a question" I say nervously. He looks at me and kisses me again before breaking away few seconds after. "Maybe it might be a bad question so I just kissed you. Now what is it?"

"Your mother, Ms. Mindae... This was your first home wasn't it?"



I know short update but this is because
the next chap will be very long.

It would be because there would be a
challenge in that chapter.

Now, Sehuns-tea asked for
a Q&A with the characters for the
Christmas Special.

Now I know its not Christmas
but lets just do it.

So all you have to do to ask a
question/s is to comment in this format.
If you have two or more questions,
Just comment again


From: (your username)
To: (the character)

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