6: Problems

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•Your POV•

I was still at Alfred's house, and I forgave France... I think. Something, or, someone, just came bursting through the door. It was...

(Your enemy/girl you hate's name)...

WHAT THE HELL IS THAT BITCH DOING HERE?! Oh lord, she has been my enemy since 1st gradeShe's always been pulling my (ponytail/pigtails) all the time! She's made my life miserable until 6th grade, hope she rots away.

"Hello, Alfie, dear~!" She said... WHAT THE FUCKING HELL.

"Ugh. (E/g/n), I told you to stay away from me! You're evil, mean and we broke up!" Alfred said. Wait... BROKE UP?! SO HE'S BEEN DATING THAT BULLY?! IS THERE MORE ALFRED'S NOT TELLING ME?!

"Oh, hun~. If you don't love me anymore, I can just take Arthur~!" she said. Who does she think she is?! Why'd she just barge in here like they're still in a relationship?

"OH BLOODY HELL NO! You know very well you've been a disgrace to us and the other nations! Why don't you just leave?" Arthur replied.

"Hmph," she sighed. Then afterwards, she saw me, she was surprised, but I can still see those lost souls in her eyes. She was a disgrace to her parents as well, I think... She was a mistake.

"Oh, hey, (y/n)! So, are you dating my Alfie now? Hah, it's been nice when we were friends, remember? When we were kids an-"

I interrupted her, "NO GIRLY! WE WERE NEVER FRIENDS! LIKE OH MY GOD YOU'RE JUST PLAIN-" then she stopped me.

"So be it. Just watch out," She had an evil grin and winked. Then she left. Everyone in the house except ME had angry faces, even Canada?!

"What happened?" I asked Alfred, who was constantly staring on the floor blankly.

"I thought she was the one, but she's just female dog," He replied. Female dog. That's cute.

"Yes, when they were together at first I knew something was fishy with her, I never did like her. And stupid Alfred here brought her to a world meeting once and she criticized all of the countries' culture. But of course, I trust you~..." Arthur explained, and that last sentence sound... Rather seductive... And he winked. WAIT IS HE FLIRTING WITH ME?!? And I blushed a little. It's not my fault that this family is filled with hot boys.

"Yeah... BUT LET'S GET AWAY FROM THAT, HAHAHAHA!! YOU WANNA GO ON A DATE WITH ME, (Y/N)?!" Alfred shouted, damn he was loud! The whole room was silent while he was striking a hero pose to me.

"Way to ask a girl on a date, Alfred," England insulted.

"S-Sure!" I said.

"Really, (y/n)?! Awesome! So, where do you wanna go?" he replied.

"I don't know, Alfred." I replied.

"Take your girl somewhere romanti-"

Alfred interrupted France, "OH HEY! I heard there was a new aquarium in town! Wanna go?" You smiled and nodded.
•Author's POV•


You squealed, Alfred was really confused, "You... Must really like starfishes..." He said and you turned around to look at him, you had a cat face and nodded. You were surprised that (e/g/n) was there, with a boy, she saw both of you and walked towards you.

"HEEEEY~!" She shouted, you and Alfred had moody faces on, "I'm sorry about earlier! I won't bother anymore~! I found a new boyfriend! SAY HELLO TO JOHNNY!" she shouted again and showed him like he was a new puppy.

"H-Help me..." He wimpered, he seemed nice and innocent though. She waved and just dragged Johnny around like a pet! After a moment of silence, you and Alfred started to laugh your asses off! You had fun in the aquarium! He bought you a stuffed starfish and you loved it! But after that, he got a text...

"O-Oh no..." He said under his breath.

"What is it?" you asked.

"I need to go to a world meeting, (y/n)..."

"Oh, that's alright. You could jus-"

"Hey! Whatta 'bout you come with?!" he interrupts.

"I don't think I should interfere with country business..."

"Aaaww, c'mon, (y/n)! You can meet my friends, and keep me company!"


"SWEET!" You were interrupted, again. He dragged you out and you got in the car.

You arrived at the building, it was really fancy. You got in the room and the talking stopped when every country saw you.

"THE HERO IS HERE!!" Alfred shouted as he bursts through the door. You hid behind him because you were shy and you haven't met all of the countries yet. Every one (except Alfred, Arthur, Matthew, and Francis) glared at you. Heck, they gave you the death glare, and you could tell that they were also glaring at Alfred.

Everyone started murmuring, mumbling and whispering. 'Is this how countries greet other people?' you thought.

You could hear voices arguing.

"OH JUST GREAT! Another one of Alfred's RUDE girlfriends!"

"UGH! Let's see what this one can do!"

You heard all of these and burried your face to Alfred's back.

"PLEASE, PLEASE! SHE'S DIFFERENT!" Arthur protested.

"How are you so sure?!" Another country asked. 'Were all of Alfred's girlfriends this bad!?' you thought to yourself.

"I-I should go!" You suggested and ran fast out of the door. You closed it slowly and just walked away.

A voice chuckled, "I know you're different."

To Be Continued...

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