41: Please Tell Me

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Your POV•

Arthur and I ran as fast as we could to the FACE Family's house, and so far, our faces has been covered with sweat and tears.

Why does he want to do this? He doesn't deserve this! Especially if he's doing this to himself.

Please tell me...

I wiped my tears away and continued running until we reached the house. Yes, the restaurant wasn't far. Same small, safe and secured town.

Arthur slammed open the door and we ran up the stairs. When we reached the 2nd floor, we hear crying and shouting.

"GO AWAY!!" The voice of the person shouted.

"Amerique, please come out..." Francis begged.

"Brother, we're worried aboot you!" Matthew also encouraged him to stop.

"WHY THE HELL DO YOU CARE!? All you've ever done is tease and insult me! GO THE FUCK AWAY!!"

I slowly walked to the door and knocked on it slowly. I took a deep breath and close my eyes. I soothed my voice and opened my eyes back, "Alfred..."

The whole scene turned silent, but moments later, more crying was heard from the other side of the door.

"Open the door, please?" I asked calmly.

It was silent once again. No one dared to make a faint sound. "...no." Was his reply.

"Why not?"

Please tell me...

"Because you wouldn't see me again," He replied.

"But we are unsure about that..." Arthur whispered softly, not knowing if he would have amnesia as a normal human forever or dissolve.

"And what happens if I wouldn't see you again?" I questioned sweetly.

"You'd be happy with Abel..."

"No I wouldn't, silly," I started crying more and started sobbing, "You are that stupid, AREN'T YOU!?"

Everyone gasped lightly at my sudden raise of voice and I punched the door.


Matthew placed a hand over my shoulder, "Please relax, (y/n)... You're not getting any younger..."

"I-I can't..." I fell on my knees and placed my forehead on the door. Why the hell is he doing this?!

"But you don't love me."

The person from the other side of the door said as if it was an ordinary thing to say. I got so fumed that I wanted to break the fucking door down.

"What?" I asked with anger.

"You don't love me."

"What the hell makes you think that?"

"The fact that you're with Abel and never had the guts to tell me what you really felt..." His sentence was breathless and sounded as if it was barely a whisper.

My eyes widened at the sudden realization, "Y-You knew?"

"Of course I did."

"Then come out."

"I can't..."

"Why not?"

Arthur sighed and whispered to Francis and Matthew, "Let's go. We don't want to disturb them, now do we?"

He signaled me a goodbye and soon left off, worrying about the matter in the living room.

"(Y/n)," He said and the door suddenly opened, "I don't want to come out. So please, come in."

I went in and saw the once happy and bright room now dark and scary. It had this gloomy aura that I was uncomfortable with.

I sat down with him on his bed and just sat in silence. I looked at him and saw at his red puffy eyes, his face stained with tears and his hair really really messy.

"We both lied to ourselves, huh?" I tried to make a conversation.

"Mm." Was all he said. I turned my head around and saw a wooden box... A box filled with weapons. I guess those are the weapon Arthur told me about.

Was he going to kill himself?

Alfred, please tell me...

I felt that the bed shifted, Alfred stood up and walked to the box. He grabbed a gun and walked towards me. When he finished, he was right in front of me.

He pointed the gun at my chest... I breathes heavily and I gripped onto the sheets.

"A-Alfred... What are you doing...?"

Please tell me...

"This will be over soon," He had a dark look on and smiled softly at me.

He pulled the trigger.

"W-Why did you..?" I held on to dear life, hoping that I'd live.

Why did you do this, Alfred?

Please tell me...

To Be Continued...

That went so super saiyan.

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