The bell rang as we all hurriedly sprang out of class. Mr Mathews class was so boring!
My cousin, best friend and I were checking the time every fifteen seconds to see the minutes remaining.
"Phew Alhamdullilah (praise the lord!)" Yasir my cousin said.
I smiled and joint our hands together "Let's get home before Baba comes back" I warned as we started walking.
"Didn't you say he was on a working trip?" Aaliyah, my best friend asked.
She had big eyes like saucers and she was dark in complexion.
I sighed and entered Yasir's Toyota "he's coming back today" I answered as Yasir starts the car.
"So now no sleepovers?" She asked and pursed her lips.
"Yeah no sleep overs" I replied and frowned.
"And no 10:00pm gossips too" Yasir smiled and swerved the car to the corner of my house.
The car goes silent as we all thought of the mess in our lives.
Baba my dad is the strict type of dad. If you're a girl, you don't have freedom in the house.
We aren't allowed to have phones, we aren't allowed to talk to any boy, we aren't allowed to go out till Baba knows.
To sum it all up we aren't allowed to live.
"We're here" Yasir announced as he parked by the side of the road.
We all got out and headed for the front door.
"Hanina will your dad say anything if I stay over for a while. Before my mom comes and pick me" Aaliyah asked.
She doesn't usually ask this if it's only mama at home.
"Allah I don't know, let's go and find out"
We opened the front door and the first thing I come face to face with is baba.
"Baba Jabba ma (welcome back)" I greeted squatting down.
"Miyetti (thank you) Hanina" baba replied.
Baba doesn't speak Hausa or English, he only speaks Fulani our native language.
"Jam bandu Hamma Kabir (good after noon Uncle Kabir" Yasir greeted in Fulani too.
If we speak Hausa or English I bet he'll slit off our throats.
"Jam Yasir, noi mama ma be baba ma (good Yasir, how is your mom and dad?)"
We finished exchanging pleasantries.
Aaliyah didn't greet him though, she only waved her hand. Even if she did he wouldn't have replied her.
I wave to Yasir once we reach the living room because that's were our boundaries are.
He isn't allowed to talk to me afterwards, only if it is necessary.
"Hanina is that you?" Mama's voice said from the kitchen.
"A mama ni ce (yes mom it's me)" I replied and dropped my backpack then ran off to the kitchen to go help her.
The kitchen was full, pots brewing, knives flying and my older sisters flying orders from one place to another.
"Why is the kitchen like this?" Aaliyah and I ask at the same time.
Mama appears from the store holding a big leather bag in her hand.
"Some people are coming to see you, baba just told me" she announced.
"What people?" I asked and plopped a grape in my mouth.
My sister Zury shots me a glare "you're eating it without even washing" she says and throws a tomato at me.
I rolled my eyes and looked at mama waiting for her to tell me the people.
"A good friend of your father and his family are coming" mama informed.
"Hurry and go wash up!" Manal my oldest sister says.
I nod then Aaliayah and I ran to my room.
"Do you know the people?" Aaliyah asked and flopped on my bed.
"Wallahi (I swear) I have no idea" I answered and removed my previous clothes.
"Ok oo" she said and brought out her phone.
"Yes rub it in my face I don't have a phone" I playfully said as I got dressed.
I finished getting dressed just as the door bell rang.
Aaliyah and I both share a look before going out of my room to see who the people are.****

My life as a Fulani girl.
RomanceIt was all part of the plan. It was my culture. I had to do it. Heck, I didn't even have a say in it... Follow me as I tell you the story of my life as a Fulani girl . Disclaimer: this book is Islamic, but it doesn't portray the perfect Islam...