Chapter eight.

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The chirping of birds and the bright morning light coming through the curtains woke me up.
I stretched and stood from the bed, rubbing my eyes and walking straight to the bathroom.
My heart felt heavy as I still processed the fact that I was married.
If it was at home, mama would have been cooking right now and I would have been beside her, doing small work like putting spices and tasting for her.
I sighed and washed my face pushing the thought away. I was far exhausted to start crying again.
I finished my shower and dressed myself in my new sowed attires. It was a peplum blouse with a fitted skirt.
All my old cloths were giving to relatives. In our tradition it's like that, if a bride is getting married she has to have everything new.
I tied my hair in a bun and wrapped the head scarf loosely around it.
I checked the time and it was past 11:00. I hurried and rushed down the hallway.
Omg I have no idea what to cook and Ayman must be awake by now.
I sighed internally as I remembered our little talk last night. I wonder if he's hung over or not.
I pushed open the door to the dining area, tripping myself with my skirt and falling face down on the dark marbled tiles.
"Crap! I muttered under my breath as I rubbed my forehead. This will definite swell.
"Oh Allah, Anty Hanina are you ok?" A voice said. I looked up from the floor and came face to face with a girl my own age.
She had small Chinese-like eyes and her makeup was on fleek.
"Yes I'm fine" I blushed and covered my face with my jewelry covered hands.
The girl helped me up and introduced herself as 'Hanifa'
"I'm Hanina" I replied and smiled.
The dining area was brightly lit with the light of the kitchen passing through.
Ayman was on one of the dining seats, he was on his phone, a plate of breakfast in front of him. I think he didn't even know what happened. He was engrossed on his phone.
"Hanifa kinsan harda basketball court a gidan nan (Hanifa do you know there's a basketball court in this house)" a girl comes from the kitchen doorway and stopped beside Ayman coming face to face with me.
"Omg! Finally! I get to see you face to face" she rushed over to me and hugged me.
I hugged back confused and then let go. She looked exactly like Hanifa, I'm guessing they must be twins.
"My name is Munifa and I'm that goats sister" she introduced. Pointing at Ayman when she said 'goat'.
Ayman looked up from his phone and glared at her then resumed back to his phone.
He still hasn't looked my way. Is he avoiding me or something?
I chuckled and nodded.
"So you guys cooked?" I asked noticing the plates on the table.
"No not really. We brought the food from home" Hanifa said and sat down on one of the chairs.
"Brides aren't allowed to cook until 7days after marriage. We'll be bringing food for you" Munifa said then packed their plates and took them to the kitchen.
"Anty Hanina see yours inside the flask. In sa maki? (Should I put for you)" she yelled from the kitchen.
Wow she's loud. The kitchen isn't far from where I am.
I scrunched up my eyebrows and shook my head, we are mates and she's calling me Anty? Well that's a first.
"Munifa call me Hanina and no, I'll come and fetch" I replied then stood from the chair and went to the kitchen.
"Ok, do you mind if we tour your the house? Ayman said we couldn't go upstairs because you were sleeping" Munifa said and gulped the water in her hand.
I nodded and she yelped then she informed Hanifa and they left touring.
My eyes roamed the kitchen as I searched were the cabinet that contains the plate is.
I spot it right on top of me. I groaned and folded my arms. The cabinets were too long and I was too short.
Urgh! I thought as I jumped doing everything I could to reach the stupid cabinets.
Just then Ayman strolled it, emptying his plate in the bin them dumping the plate inside the sink.
His eyes land on me but he quickly looks away, he looks to my side were the food flask was and then to my other side were the cabinets were.
He comes over and stands right beside me, I moved a little not wanting us to touch.
He opened the cabinet and removed more than enough plates, dropping them on the mahogany table then leaving.
"Thank you" I whispered then served myself some delicious pancakes, vegetable sauce and yummy chocolate syrup.

"How are you preparing for WAEC?" Hanifa asked. We were now in the living room watching some stupid commercial break.
I swung my head back and massaged my temples "I'm not ready" I replied "my life is so confusing right now, I just need to get settled" I continued.
"I don't read for exams wallahi" Munifa shrugged and popped a gummy bear in her mouth.
"Lallai, me at home if you don't read, baba will chop off your head" I said smiling a little.
Boy how I miss home, I miss even Baba.
They both chuckled then Hanifa said "I wanted to go to your school, but Daddy wanted us to go to another"
"Oh, it's really fun. The teachers are too strict tho" I said grimacing, making a funny face.
"Haha, your expression is so funny" Munifa said laughing.
"Lol, I try" I sassily said, flipping away a non-existent hair.
"Yass Diva" Munifa exclaimed.
We burst out laughing, Hanifa even wiping away a fake tear.
"Yasir and Aaliyah will love you guys" I say.
"Who are they?" They both asked.
"My bestfriends" I replied smiling.
"Ohh, a boy as a bestfriend" Munifa raises her eyebrow teasingly.
"To be honest it's better. I started being friends with Yasir since before I met Aaliyah. He's also my cousin" I smiled and adjusted my head scarf.
"Oh, is he handsome?" Munifa asked.
"Very" I muttered thinking of Yasir's handsome face and funny faces
"Can I have his number?" Munifa said yet again.
Wow! This girl is straight forward.
"You could but I have to ask him first" I apologetically said.
"When will you meet?"
"Probably when I go to school"
"Call him now" she ordered childishly.
"I don't have a phone" I replied and shrugged.
A ping from Hanifa phone stops her from talking.
"Munifa Ayman said we should gather our stuff, he'll drop us off at home" Hanifa said standing up from the couch and wrapping her veil around her.
"Babe this talk is not over, we'll talk later when we bring food" Munifa exclaimed then wrapped her veil too.
Ayman appears in the living room. He made a sign to them with his hands and they head to the front door.
Is he dumb or something? Why isn't he talking?
I follow them to the front door and waved at them. They waved back and entered the car, quickly vanishing in the tinted car of Ayman.

AN: Thoughts?

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