I left Faroooq's place after asr and drove to the place I wanted to go to. It was a two hour drive outside of Abuja. I was going to collect the things I wanted then go pick Nina at Aaliyah's.
after collecting the item, I entered my car and drove back to abuja. Halfway through the car ride I start to feel bored. I wasn't speeding, I was driving at a normal pace.
I've stopped being reckless, not with Nina in my life. No, I've started to become a responsible young man. All because of one person, My Nina.
I looked to the side to look at the thing I bought her, it was sitting innocently on the opposite seat. It was a gladiator sandal.
the one she told me about when we were having dinner at her birthday. I remembered how she had a frown on her face when she told me about it being out of production.
few weeks back I was checking for things in the Internet when I came across it. Immediately I tapped on it and bought it.
I grinned already imagining the happy squeal she'll do before hugging me. Damn I loved that girl.
the radio station was playing boring songs, so I leaned into the disc compartment and started looking for a cd, my favorite cd.
I continued to look with out glancing up at the road, I mean I was driving slowly and no one was coming.
oh boy....
if only I had seen the huge truck coming my way...
but I didn't...
at least not immediately....
14th November, Tuesday
the next dayI blinked.
my eyes adjusting to the fluorescent light.where was I?
I thought to myself. I felt weird and not ok. My brain was trying to remember something, something very important. The bed I was lying down on was hard, too hard for my liking.
I sat down and faced my left. There i come face to face with Mama, Aaliyah, Mommy, Safaa, Munifa, Hanifa, Anty Yusra and Anty Farida.
that was when everything started crashing down.
Ayman missing.
the police officers
the phone call with deeju
and finally Ayman's death.
"you guys please tell me deeju is a crazy woman and she lied to me"
the look on their faces said otherwise. I sprang up to my feet shaking my head.
"no! No! No! Freaking hell No!!" I yelled tugging at my bare black hair.
"hanina calm down" Mama stood up from her chair. It wasn't the chair back at home. We were not in Ayman's house. We were in a huge cold hospital room.
"no!" I repeated shouting "Ayman is alive! He's not dead!! He's alive I can feel it!!"
Mommy sniffed from her seat and stood up motioning for me to come closer.
"hanina we've already seen the body, calm down and take deep breaths"
I shook my head and stomped my feet. I was numb. The tears were not even falling. My face was dry.

My life as a Fulani girl.
RomanceIt was all part of the plan. It was my culture. I had to do it. Heck, I didn't even have a say in it... Follow me as I tell you the story of my life as a Fulani girl . Disclaimer: this book is Islamic, but it doesn't portray the perfect Islam...