Friendship goals, I love this two xx
That's Hanina and Aaliyah btw.
i sighed and rolled my eyes for like the umpteenth time now
his favorite bubble gum? You've got to be kidding me.
"uhmmm" i muttered not knowing what lie to conjure up
we were at the cafeteria and Ayman's 'fan girls' were here asking me questions about him.
there was a long queue of them all wanting to know more about him.
"maryam his favorite bubble gum is orbit, the strawberry flavour" I answered nonchalantly.
"really?!" She squealed and stood up from the red stool "that's my new favourite! Thank you hanina!"
she hugs me tightly I scrunched my nose, her strong perfume almost choking me.
the next girl comes to sit but my bodyguard aka Aaliyah stops her "I think the questions are enough for now, Hanina has to eat" she said giving them all stern looks.
they groaned and sent daggers her way "ok listen up! If you have paid right your name on this paper" she tore a paper from a book we were practicing math
"and if you haven't right your name here" she gave them another paper
about twenty of the girl lined up and started writing their names at their rightful places.
"until tomorrow!" Aaliyah shooed them away and they all left
"aaliyah I cant believe you charged them!" I muttered unbelievably.
she shrugged and started counting the money "all in total I have 20,000. It was one thousand a question and the stupid rich brats paid" she scoffed.
"we have to share that!"
"yeah of course, where is yasir?" She asked.
"he told me he has to see a teacher, so he wont be coming out for break"
"ok" she muttered and sat beside me.
"hey new friend" Laila slides in next to me and bumped my shoulder
new friend? For where ?
"what do you want?" Aaliyah asked raising an arched eyebrow.
"I baked an apple pot pie for you" she smiled genuinely and passed me the tray.
I can perceive the smell and I bet it'll taste good.
"thanks" I murmured and smiled.
"so how ayman?" She asked a wide grin on her face.
about time
"hey.. hey. hey! It doesn't work like that! 1000 for a question" Aaliyah smirked.
"just to know how he is?" Laila scoffed.
"don't give then, just know that hanina won't say anything"
Laila scoffed and stands from the table dramatically walking away huffing and puffing
"now are we going to eat this pie or what?"
"Nina!" Ayman yelled my name from downstairs.

My life as a Fulani girl.
RomanceIt was all part of the plan. It was my culture. I had to do it. Heck, I didn't even have a say in it... Follow me as I tell you the story of my life as a Fulani girl . Disclaimer: this book is Islamic, but it doesn't portray the perfect Islam...