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"So you just gonna stand there and not say shit huh?" The guy said with a grin still sitting on his face.

"Baby it's not what you think." Shaniece said walking closer to Adrian.

"Yo shut the fuck up. I should put two bullets in your ass for fucking around." Adrian said yelling. He was really scaring me.

"See your girl came running to me Adrian and I could use another one like the beautiful girl next to you." The guy said shooting me a look and licked his lips.

"Nigga if you even come close to her I'll kill ya ass right on the spot." Adrian said drawing a gun from his pants.

Whoaa what the hell is going on.

The guy laughed darkly.

"Shit with her looking like that I might just keep her for myself." he said.

Shaniece just shot me a glare.

"I can't stand your ass." she said looking at me. "This shit is all your fault."

"Bitch shut the fuck up. Say two more words to her and I'll kill yo ass and leave you here cause right now you ain't shit and the site of you is making me mad ass hell. Fucking with the enemy. I should kill ya ass right now but I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt." he aiming the gun at her.

Damn I have never seen Adrian like this. He really is a totally different person. That shut Shaniece up tho cause she closed her mouth real quick and dated her eyes in another direction.

"Let's just go Adrian." I said grabbing his hand calmly. he tuned towards the door and was about to open it.

He slowly lowered his gun but had a hard look on his face.

"You gonna listen to that bitch?" Shaniece said with disgust as she tugged on Adrian's shirt.

Adrian turned around so quick and was 2 cm from slapping the shit outta Shaniece. He caught himself about to hit a female and put his hand down.

"Now you learning nigga put these hoes in they place." The guy said laughing evilly.

"I'm nothing like you." Adrian said turning towards the door again. "Lets go Lynn." Adrian yelled.

I took one last glance at Shaniece who had tears coming down her face and then I glanced at the guy who was staring at me hungrily like he was plotting on me or something.

I followed behind Adrian who was out the door already. I followed him to the car and got into the passengers side. Once I got in Adrian literally sped off. He was speeding in and out of lanes. He started blasted "Fuck That Bitch" by Young Dro. I could tell he was still mad.

"We going to Juan house you cool with that?" he said looking at the road.

"Yeah it's cool." I said not looking at him.

Within 10 min we were at Juan's house. as soon as we got there Adrian quickly got out and rung the fuck out of Juan's doorbell.

Juan came downstairs within and seconds and it's like he read Adrian's mind.

"Yo come in nigga. What the hell happened?" Juan said like he knew something was up.

"We got lots of shit to talk about." Adrian said pushing pass Juan.


Soooo how do you guys feel about everything that just happened.

What do you guys think is going to happen next?

Adrian almost slapping Shaniece?

What about the mystery guy that Shaniece is messing with?



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