Chapter 1: Awakened

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         You wonder thru an endless loop not knowing where to go until you see that very last gleam of light, and you open your eyes to realize that you are no longer where you think you should be even though you yourself have no idea where that place is. But in your heart a voice so sweet beckons you to come and save it and there is nothing but silence the world has stopped or maybe that's just me I hear nor see anything anymore. And this is where our story begins with my missing light my lost fragments and with the one responsible for taking everything from me, and in this new world I shall find what it is that I'm looking for because I'm sure that its here. I can feel it in my un beating heart that she is here whoever she maybe is near.

         I have slept for such a long time waiting and waiting for that once brilliant light to touch my face once again and in the darkest parts of my soul I know that, that feeling in itself is just a lie a mere illusion something that I have never seen in my long life as a vampire. And yet I find it strange that while I have forgotten everything for some reason that is something I cannot forget besides my name, and the only thing I can do in my deadly state of sleep is replay memories of the past. Memories I do not have which makes it an agony to try and recall anything at all worse of all this hunger makes me impatient I no longer know how long I have been asleep, but I'm still so very tired I'll close my eyes once again hoping and waiting for someone to save me.

POV: Unknown Local

        It's been hours since they came here to find a missing artifact at the bottom of Lake Greyvoir not even I would set one toe in that black murky Lake, apparently if people dive down they are lost never to be seen again. No matter the time of day the light can never seem to penetrate the darkness of this lake and yet these researchers insist that their ancient artifact is in this lake, and if they insist to dive down I can only pray for them to return. "Sir! Thank you again for your cooperation in allowing us to find this precious artifact once its declared that we have found it your family will receive great fame," I looked a the man dressed in black he seemed glad. "I have no wish to be recognized for sending people to their watery deaths I will warn you again that not even light shines thru that dark pit of a lake." He smiled as if thinking this was an old wives tale but he would soon realize the mistake and the danger he is putting his team in. "Like I said before Sir we have state of the art equipment made for such a gruesome lake such as this one," I sighed seeing as how they have made up their minds, "what is it again that you are looking for, if I might ask?" He looked over to his partner and since the moment they showed up I had a feeling they couldn't be researchers especially not dressed the way they were, "we are looking for something very old that could be the key to unlocking so many secrets of the world." I almost laughed at their silly belief, "and what may I ask makes you think that what your searching for is right here in this lake?" He looked towards the black lake, "just a feeling and some science that indicates nothing in the sediments of this lake can make it turn black, and all over the world I have seen lakes such as this one and not one is as black as this one its unnatural." And this is precisely why I'm warning them not to enter its depths, "is that artifact worth your life?" the man simply smiled it was such a fake and forced smile not even his lush green eyes smiled. "Do not worry about us we are prepared for everything," and with that they left heading towards their boat.

POV: Head Researcher

        "That old man asks too many questions you didn't have to answer him you know?" I smiled at him, "I know but if he's going to die once we return with the artifact its only fair that he knows what we are up too." My partner made a face, "then why tell him he would receive great fame?" I laughed at myself, "because he will be on the papers after his death and so will his family, I did promise didn't I?" I leaned on the edge of the boat to look at the dark black waters and sure enough I couldn't see a single thing. "Do you think any living creatures live down there?" even if they did I wondered what kind of fish they would be, "its a 50/50 chance who knows." I sat back in my seat to look at the radar monitor, "nothing yet...wait!...Yes I see it now! There is something below us stop the engine now!" the boat engine came to an abrupt stop, "are the divers ready?" I sat there as my partner took care of everything I only lite up my cigarette and sat there looking pretty, "Sir everything is ready the divers are about to dive down using the UDV." I motioned for them to go on after all I spent half my fortune on this little expedition and sure enough I won't leave without the bastard loaded on my boat, "communication is working perfectly." He guided them down until they notified us about large ruins under water and soon they found what it was that we were looking for, "beginning to descend the hooks down below." And finally we had our precious artifact hooked only that we had a small problem as we were loading it, "come in omega 1 do you copy?" there was no sound only static, "we have the artifact lets go we will use a different method once we get to the shore line." My partner looked at me, "what about the divers?" I shrugged my shoulders, "they don't copy do they? I guess that answers your question about the fish under water lucky I didn't send you." My partner seemed to be debating with himself, "omega 1 I repeat do you copy!?" suddenly a scream like voice came on only for a second and was then drowned by the sound of static. "Turn the engines back on we are heading back to shore!" my partner looked awfully mad at me, but none the less we did get what we came here to get no matter the cost.

        A couple minutes later we got to the shore line and we began to use 5 of the heavy duty pick up trucks we had to reel in the bastard and slowly it came into view the beautifully carved white marbled coffin a heavy coffin especially covered in those thick rustic chains but none the less it is indeed fit for a King or in this case a Forsaken Prince. Once the coffin was completely out of the water the darkness on the lake came rushing back towards the coffin residing inside. Almost as if the darkness was a being with a conscience by itself, and suddenly the old man came towards us, he seemed happy that we had found what we were looking for and I knew that in all human hearts greed will always reside. As soon as he approached me I took out my gun and shot him in the head without thinking about it, "take care of his family and any witnesses," my men nodded as they headed for the old man's lake house. I should have brought the silent dessert eagle but my 22 caliber seemed to be dying to shoot some rounds, "I would say to throw the body in the lake but I'm pretty sure with how white and crystal clear the water is his body will be found right away." I stood there wondering for a while, "I wonder what creature was inside the lake that ate our divers?" I shrug the thought away since my partner seemed a bit mad, "lets open this coffin to get the jewels out of the Immortal Prince." No sooner had I said that the coffin lid flew open flying over our heads, "you said that the monster had been staked thru the heart!" I was sure that's how the story had ended. But surely those black like tentacles coming from inside the coffin didn't seemed like they had been put down, "start shooting at those things!" it was useless it didn't seem to hurt it and I realized that the sun was still out this monster would surely fry, but that wasn't the case considering that its familiar was shielding him.

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