Chapter 18: Requiem for Death

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"During that Night when the Crescent Moon hung low and subtle. There was an eerie silence coming from the darkness. The Child of Light betrayed all she was taught to know by those that swore they loved her so much more. They lied and betrayed her and in the end the Child of Light lost her final glimmer of Hope. She lost the battle and all her light began to fade until only darkness remained, and consumed her heart and soul so no remnant of her being was left. She betrayed all those that loved her for her Light to blindly follow the darkest path to a cold place. Where she came to rest among the many beautiful and desolate things, but there hidden was a field of Roses where all she saw was the sins of all the mortals. Who came to pass by her on their way to accept their punishment. The girl had the soul of an Angel who betrayed the light of the Golden God, but in the midst of shadows there lay in plain sight a melody long forgotten that only she could understand the words and song had long been buried in the field of Roses for thousands of years to come awaiting her final Requiem."

         I realized too late that I should not have let Vincent go after his twin brother after all I still did not know why they hated each other, and as I pondered about the whole ordeal I began to hear a song. It was such a sweet melody and it was so enchanting, I had the urge to follow it. But it started to make my heart and head ache as if this song meant something to the me from the past, and it was then that it suddenly hit me. I was able to regain a fragment of my past one I wished I never remembered.

Memory Fragment: Songstress of Life

     "Its been a while since the last time you came out to par take in our new enjoyment my Prince." I looked around nothing seemed important but I somehow felt like I was there, "my father wouldn't be too happy to know where I am or what I am doing at the moment." They began to chuckle but I could tell from their looks this was just a front, and when its like that I can feel they are hiding something from me. "By the way where are we going?" The man who was taking me out seemed surprised, "I forgot to tell you seeing as you always have those strange twins follow you around." I then realized that he was referring to Vincent and Victor, "my father appointed them to me when we were all young children, and I did manage to elude them for the night." Just then we stopped at a weird looking tavern and I realized we were no where near my Castle or Kingdom. Although I didn't know what it would look like, and as I looked around it was a dark wooded forest with only a cottage in the middle of the vast wilderness. "Welcome to Temptation," he said as he pushed the door aside and I could see why this place was called that way. There was nothing but women half dressed to not dressed at all some where shackled to the wall for all to see and use. And all the men seemed to be on something besides being drunk, I then realized it smelled horrid. "Come in, you will get used to the stench soon enough." The man said pushing me into the tavern, "why are we here again?" he smiled and gave me a weird look, "my dear Prince did you forget that you wanted to get back at Lady Elizabeth for what she did the other night with your brother." I tired to recall but I hadn't received that fragment memory, "I still can't believe you didn't kill her or banish her from the Palace?" A drunk guy suddenly came around and almost bumped into me, and I got a sudden sensation that I knew him. "Why would I kill my own fiancee after all you have said before that women are just for pleasure." He had ordered a beer by then we were at the bar, I began to look around this was far from a Tavern and more of a Courtesans den. "I have said that before but in this case that pretty little fiancee of yours has been the one indulging in the pleasure in all sense of the word," I chuckled under my breath, and suddenly I had a beer in one hand. "You seemed thirsty Love," I looked at the young girl with blonde hair and big blue eyes it was a strange look considering only noble bloods had blonde hair. Other than that the girl looked pretty in a simple way and she seemed alert so she must be new, "my what a pretty doll we have here!" my guide suddenly grabbed her and started to kiss her neck and face. It seemed like she was a couple kisses short of slapping him, "you didn't come here for that Roberto...don't forget your place," I said while pushing him aside. I could tell that he wanted to hurt me but he looked scared and started to walk away, "I'll find a better girl!" I looked down to the scared girl, "show me your room." She looked surprised but didn't refuse, and before heading to the 2nd floor of the Courtesans house I had to pay the Head Mademoiselle. "You have a good eye sir this is her first night and has never been touch she is pure, since you look like a nice young man I will make it cheap as a thank you for saving her from that Brute." I really didn't care I looked around for that man Roberto and saw him in the corner of the room passionately kissing a half dress woman while caressing her body. Just then I saw another flash...the flash of a sword and I partially saw that sword laying across the table in front of Roberto only that it wasn't his hands that grabbed the sword but someone else. It was hard to forget that accursed blade of the grey wolf with a pair blue Sapphires for eyes at the hilt of the blade and the strange symbols on the sword itself which was an old spell in ancient dead language. 

         I could not see who had grabbed the blade but it surely seemed as if it did not belong to Roberto but someone else who sat in the same booth that knew him, "I will give her to you for the price of 1,000 gold bars. Of course that price was cheap for me but for any of these commoners it was expensive, I payed the old bat and went on my way even though I needed to find the owner of the blade that made me loose everything. We sat in her room for what seemed like hours, "I'm really sorry I don't know what to do?" I was no longer in the mood to get back at Elizabeth so the only thing I could do was question this rare child before I drank her dry. "Where did you come from?" she looked surprised by my sudden interest, "from a small town far away to the west passing the Vertia Ocean." I looked at her questioningly, "that must be a very long voyage at least 3 months at Sea and another 2 months by land if I'm not mistaken?" She didn't sway so she must be telling the truth, "how did you get here?" she suddenly got sad and quietly cried, "our village was attacked by slave traders that came to our island for our people we have golden hair and clear ocean blue one else made it and even if they did they were sent elsewhere...we fetch a high price due to our resemblance to Royalty." I could see that being a very promising business in the future, "what is your name?" she looked at the floor, "its Luvia which means Spirit of Water in our language," I then noticed that she was blessed by water spirits, "my family called me Luvi for short." I had the sudden desire to turn her after realizing she could use water spirits, "I can take you away from the awful place...if you become my shield." She looked at me surprised, "why?..." she said as tears streamed down her face, "I will help build you up with both power and knowledge I will make you the envy of many woman you just have to be my shield in order to embarrass my unfaithful fiancee, do you accept?" She thought for a while but of course no one could say no to me, "Yes, I will help you." 

           After that the fragmented memory ended leaving me with a splitting headache. But at least both Vincent and Victor had finally returned to me, "what happened my Lord!" they said in unison which kind of put me in a bad mood. "I need to rest I received one of my lost memories." They seemed shocked but I only drifted to my quiet and dark sleep it felt some what less intolerable than usual.

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