Chapter 22: Twilight Knight

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"The sea may raise all shall hide. Deep inside despair is all that is left, no remnants of light will exist to exterminate the never ending flow of darkness. If light is to fade I too will cease to exist within this world that had already betrayed me right from the start I will fight to right the wrongs."

Recalling the surge of painful memories of the woman I once loved betraying me put me through a state of mind I was not prepared to encounter. When I managed to wake up I realized I was no where near the crypt and Vincent and Victor were nowhere around me, I couldn't feel them at all which meant they were somewhere far away from me. It was night time already but the town was more awake in the night time, I walked out into the lit streets to find myself in an eerie place. I didn't quiet understand but I felt as though these people were of questionable characters just lurking and watching my every move. Almost like the men at the bar I was taken in my memory and just as I was making my way across the street a group of men started heading my way. "You don't seem to be from around these parts?" one gentleman said, "I reckon he's one of them nobles with how he's dressed...that's some fine silk you got man." I stared at them intently not wanting to draw attention but also not trying to relay on my vampire predatory instincts. "How about you give us that nice coat and wallet and we will let you through I didn't understand why they would want my clothes and money, "I don't think this jacket would fit you sir." The whole group erupted in laughter, "Oh! Connor it seems the young man is calling you fat!" Everyone but the Connor man began to laugh once again at this time I turned my back on them to walk back to the other side of the street, but they stopped me. "Oh! Your not thinking about running away after insulting one of your gonna get your ass beaten and then we will help ourselves to whatever you have on you as payment for emotionally hurting my friend here." I tried really hard not to smirk but this man made it really hard, "I'm not the one that insulted your friend these clothes of mine are costumed tailored to fit my body." They all stopped laughing to look at me really hard, "listen here either your dumb and don't know it or your playing off as stupid to try to get us to hurt you." I chuckled for a bit at what these human trashes said, "it seems to me your group here is the stupid and the unfortunate next time you should really know who you are messing with." 

       After I finished that sentence everything went black I had no control of what I had done...I knew what I was doing but I just wasn't in control anymore. Even after I was done with these lowly disgusting human parasites I didn't even feel remorse, and I thought back to my home. Was it that much harder to kill an innocent family or was it just that easy to kill some strange group of men that were coming right for me. I didn't feel any remorse or sympathy I did feel disgusted by the scent their blood left behind I couldn't quiet get it out of my head, the worst part was I was covered in their blood and my clothes were dirty. At the time the only thoughts running thru my head were the same one's 'Monsters like me never sleep, never cry, and always walk the nights we don't refuse the blood we shed we embrace the night in all its dark deceptions no place is ever safe.' That same phrase kept playing like a broken record almost as if the person who said it meant to implicate that I was a monster. But even then I was questioning my right to uncover the truth to recover every part of my memory that was wrongfully taken from me, and at this time I felt my heart beat for the very first time. I didn't understand why but I had a feeling someone I knew was close by and my heart was driving me towards that person, I decided to let my instincts take over once again it didn't matter to me where I was being drawn to. But who I was being taken to seemed like it was important, it almost felt like my blood and heart were screaming out longing for this being.  I wanted to leave a message for Victor and Vincent but what better message then a savage attack such as the one I did to those men. Before leaving though I noticed several women peeking their heads around the corner they seemed to be very frightened at the sight of me. But seeing as how they were dressed they seemed like they might have been those men's slaves, but before I could leave I held my finger to my lips telling them to keep silent. If anything simple humans would think a bear or other creature did it regardless it was no longer any of my concern so I jumped into the night and a swarm of bats carried me into the night. I began to realize that with every fragmented memory I got back I also received a power I forgot and now I could go wherever I wanted and neither Vincent or Victor would be able to stop me.

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