Chapter 6: Foresight

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       My head began to hurt as it was being ripped apart I looked over to my side thinking I was in another place only to discover that I was in a dirty rat hole. To my side leaning against the wall was my guard Vincent and some guard he was, sleeping over the dead remains of a long distant cousin. I tried to remember what it was that had me traveling down memory lane but it was beyond me all I could remember now was the splitting headache I had. Anything I did made my head throb but I wasn't all that comfortable laying in this old coffin who ever it had been that occupied it before me had since turned to dust. Or awaken and walked out of the family crypt, I sat up seeing as the small cracks on the side of the crypt began to let the sunlight pour thru, I began to wonder how it would have been better if I had listened to Vincent about moving further into the darkness, but for some reason I felt as though the darkness would engulf my very being seeing as I no longer had a soul.

        "My Lord are you alright?" I looked towards Vincent I hadn't realized that he had woken up, "I'm fine just little distracted..." I said looking at him, "I see...its rather early for you to be awake you should rest more," I smiled the remark made me laugh. "I don't want to sleep anymore I've already had 500 years worth of sleep...and I don't want to go back to that darkness that becomes a living hell to the point of not even having anything good to recall." Vincent looked a bit embarrassed by what he had said, "forgive me my Lord I should have been more considerate of your state of being seeing as you do not remember who you are," he lowered his gaze and shifted back into the large black cat. I then began to look around the crypt ever since we arrived at dawn Vincent had talked about how much time I'd spend down here discovering new passages and playing along the dimly lit corridors. I walked along a narrow stretch of a corridor there were several passages but for some reason I was drawn to this hall, and I began to trace my index finger along the ancient bricks my long nails tapping every so often. In a way I realized that I began to hear a familiar melody coming from my tapping on the was so nostalgic that I could see my self tapping along the wall as if it was something so normal. I then stopped as I realized that I had come to a large dome ceiling room, and for a second I was hit with a wave of emotions that I didn't understand but it seemed like a carnal instinct to me the present blood thirsty rage was evident in each corner of this room. It made me realize that this feelings were not the present me but the me from the past I seemed to have some lingering attachment of memories within these walls, and for some reason something inside of me was begging me to look within for the answers. But I knew that looking within would lead me down a dark and painful path...but this urge for revenge was over powering I closed my eyes trying to envision what this place must have looked to me back then.

           And as I was close to letting my mind wonder to that time I was pulled back by a strong grip on my shoulder, I looked to my side to see Vincent restraining me, "my Lord I called you a few times and you didn't answer?...what are you doing in Princess Ariadne tomb?" I looked around and saw that I had missed vital clues such as the coffin in the middle and the elegant detail in this chamber, "you must have been led astray by your past memories," he looked deep into my eyes trying to search for something but he didn't seem to have found it. "I'm not sure how you came across the Princess's tomb since its location has been a secret that only the family elders know about?" he looked at me questioning me, "I just followed my instincts and they drew me to this place...I'm not sure why this place exactly?" he walked around the crypt and began to light large candelabras that illuminated the treasure, "Princess Ariadne asked to be buried with everything she owned and since the crypts location was only shared with a few trusted elders no one dared to disturb her immortal sleep." I noticed that at the center hanging over the coffin was her portrait she was beautiful almost like an angel with silver blonde hair and emerald green eyes, "she was the most beautiful Princess and the most beloved by all of us that is why no one has ever dared to defile her resting place." I looked around and sure enough it seemed as if this was the first time since her burial that someone had been here, but at the same time I thought it impossible seeing as how I was getting flashes before and after her Immortal sleep. "Of course you would think her the most beautiful as well my Lord...seeing as she is your younger sister," I looked at her portrait and then at Vincent, "she's my sister?" Vincent nodded and headed towards her coffin to pay his respects. "Of course you two wouldn't look alike your from different mothers," I didn't understand why I had been led here even though we weren't that close, I could feel some sort of hatred towards her. "Regardless we should head back you need to replenish yourself in order for you to be able to walk during the day," and as Vincent made his way back something caught my eye glinting under the coffin. I walked towards it and pulled out a very old and torn parchment with a silver bracelet binding it together, I opened the scroll and began to read what seemed like her last words. It didn't seem right that someone who was just going to sleep would write their own will, unless she knew that she would die from the beginning and had everyone carry out the details for her supposed immortal sleep. It then hit me if this was a legitimate will that would mean she wasn't inside this coffin, "my Lord?..." Vincent came up from behind me, "she's not asleep..." I said it almost as soft as the wind and hearing how loud the wind was howling thru the passages it was likely Vincent hadn't heard me, regardless I headed towards her coffin and pushed the lid off. "My Lord!? What do you think you are doing? The Princess is going thru her Immortal sleep cycle its not her time to awaken!" Vincent and I both stood stunned as we looked inside the empty coffin or somewhat empty all that remind was pieces of clothing and weathered shoes apart from the great amount of ashes and as I riffled thru the coffin I came across another piece of paper it seemed to belong to the torn parchment. "Ashes to ashes..." I looked to Vincent who looked stunned and I realized that something didn't feel right.

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