Chapter 8: Dwindling Memorie

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"Can dwindling memories fade just as fast as a mortal life, I've wondered again and again what it is that I'm living for but in the end my questions are never answered and yet I know that there has to be a balance in this world. But for an immortal monster such as my self there is never one moment I awake with any sense of peace any that I have ever felt in this short life that I think I have lived. Then again every life has its beginning and its end so my cycle has only just begun like the flicker of a flame its here one moment and gone the next."

I awoke to the sound of hammers the pounding was infernal I could only imagine who in their right minds would be making such annoying sounds, which echoed in my head like a whole army marching onto battle. "My Lord are you alright?" I looked to Vincent he didn't seem bothered by the noise, but then again I had been the one locked away in a silent void beneath the water where I could only hear my thoughts. "What's that sound!?" he looked at me for a moment and closed his eyes, "it seems we have some guest pounding above," I realized that the sun was still out, "how long did I sleep for this time?" he smiled and looked toward an old sundial, which was odd to have one in an underground mausoleum. "It's been 30 minutes you should sleep some more my Lord..." I pushed aside Vincent I had thought that I had slept for at least another day, "I'm alright I don't need more sleep, and even if I wanted to there is no way that I could sleep with that infernal sound pounding in my head!" Vincent bowed slightly, "as you wish my Lord...should I fetch you some dinner then? You haven't replenished the energy that had been deprived from you?" I wondered if I could even kill a logical as it seemed I didn't feel up to killing a human if anything I was a bit disgusted with myself. "There's no need for that...just thinking about it makes me sick..." Vincent eyed me closely, "very well then I see you might have changed your diet, an animal should suffice there are many here in the forest." I thought for a while maybe that was it, "I've been locked away for so long that maybe human blood will shock my internal system...maybe something light like a rabbit should be good enough to slowly ease me into drinking human blood. I guess starting with the smallest animals and working my way up to mountain lions and bears may help transition into human blood easily." Vincent seemed convinced I had hoped at least, "you may be right about that...I'm sorry I hadn't thought at all about that I'll be right back!" He said as he quickly headed for the exit, "hold on!?" he stopped midway, "yes my Lord? Is there something else you need from me?" I pointed to the ceiling where the ongoing noise was never ending, "do something about that first!" Vincent smiled as he bowed slightly, "your wish is my command my Lord...I knew your cruelty was only a matter of time before it resurfaced." I was about to take back my command but Vincent was gone I was sure he was going to hurt or even kill humans, and my heart somehow felt heavy with the weight of the many sins I had committed although I don't remember what they were. But my body sure did remember the feel of blood on my hands and the smell of ashes as they filled my senses and clouded my thoughts.

"I thought your guard dog would never leave Alexander?..." I looked all around the dark crypt for the owner of the voice, "your heart must hurt as well Alexander...such a pity you were once a soul that shinned so brightly and now your nothing but the filth of the world." Every time I managed to get a good look at him he seemed to disappear and appear elsewhere, "Who are you!?" the man laughed it was a deep rumble, "come on Alexander don't tell me you have forgotten me as well? We used to be such good friends I was there when you became and immortal Vampire and a Prince at that." At this point I didn't believe him, "that's a lie Vincent told me that I was born pure!" he burst into a hardy laugh, "oh my Vincent surely is looking out for himself, but I'm not all that surprised after all it was a mortal soul for an immortal soul that had been traded by two." My heart began to race as if reacting to this stranger, "a heart is always a heavy burden if only you had a heart the only heart that beats within is a broken heart and a shattered soul...none the less a soul it is unlike the one that ended up with the bitter end of that trade." I finally caught him or more like he caught me, "listen closely Alexander don't search for her its best that you never get those memories back if you do death will come for both, you should know well enough how that story had ended time and time again as soon as you meet one must die and by each others hand...such a bitter sad story." I realized that his voice was suddenly fading away, "hold on!? There's more to this story I want to know the truth!" he chuckled, "this is the first time child of mortals...that you have wanted to listen to me but for you to know my name will only bring disaster much sooner than you may think." I was beyond confused it felt like everything I knew was wrong and there was no one that could help nor protect me not even Vincent could be trusted and he was someone that claimed to know me. I leaned against the wall and slowly slid to sitting on the floor and for some reason I wanted to cry but my tears would never come monsters like me never sleep, never cry, and always walk the nights they don't refuse the blood they shed they embrace the night in all its dark deceptions no place is ever safe.

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