Chapter 21: Voice of Reason

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"On lonely nights and far away sounds I hear the still night and the only sound I can make out is the sound of my steady beating heart. Oh! Frightful night come carry my soul to that long forgotten place where I alone can bring the light and sing the song."

"ELISE! I know your in there! HEINRICH! I know you took my daughter give her back!" We all stood silently looking at each other and trying to figure out what our next move should be. My only escape was out the window but that would be suicide and a bit crazy, "Freya take Elise to her room I will talk to Albertch do not come out until I've delt with the situation." Freya quickly dragged me away but not to my room but thru a dusty dark hall and she opened a slot that peered into the foyer, "I haven't seen your father in a long time Elise don't tell Heinrich..." she said that with a sweet and lovely smile spread across her face. We continued to watch as Heinrich composed himself before opening the door to my father who was ready for him with a greeting punch, "where is my daughter Heinrich I know you took her from the hospital." Heinrich got up while dusting himself off, "I deserved that but Al did you think that she was getting the best treatment there?" Heinrich walked to the sofa and sat down my father followed behind him trying really hard not to hurt him again. "You know Al I forgot what type of mean right hook you children you would always save us from the bullies that called us the mistress children, but you never once blamed us and that was a mystery to me." My father looked at him closely and I could tell he didn't hate him or had any distrust in him, "like I said before it was never your fault for the actions our parents took you are family to me as well Heinrich." I could tell that Heinrich was happy to hear those words but looking at Freya she seemed a bit sad and I wanted to know why, "well after saying that we are family do you trust me? I can help Elise...we could make her healthy again!" My father looked surprised, "who's we?... who else is here?" Heinrich seemed to know we were watching the whole time, "hello big brother Al it's nice to see you again..." my father looked at Freya almost like he had seen a ghost but hell I had probably looked at her the same way as he was looking at her now. He remained speechless and he was turning as white as a ghost, "dad...I'm sorry I didn't call you daddy..." I was very meek sounding at this point I was so afraid of what he would say or do, but he did nothing but stare at Freya he was shocked. "This is are supposed to be dead?" Freya giggled and I could hear the ringing in my ears it was somewhat enticing. "Would you like for me to be dead?..." my dad instantly panicked and was brought to his knees, at this point Heinrich was next to me, "I though you were in your room...oh well good thing Freya is here she always had a way of dealing with beast and animals." I almost laughed out loud but I caught myself, "Elise, how are you feeling?" I looked towards my dad who had regained his composure and when I looked into his eyes I could tell he had gone thru hell. He looked like he hadn't slept in days, "I'm alright dad...but you don't look so good," he smiled and placed my hand on his cheek to assure me that he was ok. Even his hands were cold but I couldn't bring myself to call him out on it, "Heinrich I hope you didn't mention anything unnecessary to my daughter," Heinrich looked at both of us and a smile spread across his face. "Of course not! What would I tell her that you haven't told her about our family?" My father shot a dark glare at him, "it seems there really isn't anything for me to tell her since you already told her." Heinrich looked away and sat down on a near by chair and poured himself a drink, "I'm not sure why you hid the truth from her?" My father walked over to the near by sofa and sat down, and he motioned for me to come sit next to me. "Elise, I'm not sure what Heinrich told you, or rather what your uncle told you seeing how he's looking at me with that smug smile. But what he told you is the truth and this disease that you are going thru tends to run in our family its a sort of curse." I really had wished he was going to tell me that everything was a lie, but deep down I knew that this was something that was meant to be. "Tell me Elise how far have you gone into the blood ties?" My aunt Freya's sweet voice broke thru my fathers and uncles deep voices, and they seem to be just as enticed as I was by the melody in her voice just like that of a siren. Regardless I didn't understand what she was talking about, "What do you mean with 'Blood Ties'...what is that?" She had a really dark expression on her face, "Blood ties are related to our past, our memories are bound by blood. I'm not sure what you have heard but we are special the curse maybe a burden at times but its not once you give in to the past. I know it may seem scary at first but learning about your past lives will allow you to have a future, tell me what was your very first name?" For some reason I was too afraid to tell my aunt what name I have heard them call me, but it must have been that I was too embarrassed that they would think I was crazy. "They called me Rizna." When I said that my aunt had a shocked expression, "no! That's not possible...Rizna is dead not allowed to be reborn...not allowed to reincarnate that is the price she paid in both blood and tears..."

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