Chapter Five

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Chapter Five:

The next week that went by after the game in Myrtle Creek was quiet. Everything seemed subdued, and everyone was being extra careful. Children didn't go outside to play, teenagers went to and from school then stayed inside for the night, and parents were on high alert for trouble. Bonfire Night was quickly creeping up and it seemed no one was ready. Myrtle High has fireworks every year and lights a large bonfire on the fields, but no one was sure if it was going to happen this year due to the incidents that happened at the game.

Zayn was luckily not charged with drug possession. He spent the night in jail, but we released in the morning to his fuming parents. Sophie packed up her things and moved back home that night without seeing Zayn or saying goodbye. Also, Zayn is suspended from school for two weeks.

Nova and Charlie's father spent a day in jail, then was released with a fine. He has to attend trial, along with Niall's dad in a couple of weeks. Niall hasn't attended school since the incident.

Peter, the boy who sexually assaulted Willow and attempted to rape her, had a great lawyer and money to make bail. He was found not guilty in court and was released with no fines or charges. After the incident, interviewers and journalists came after the story. Peter told them how Willow never said no and she enjoyed it and he did nothing wrong. He said she was just a little girl who was crying wolf and got caught. Also, Peter and his friend Simon got Liam and Harry charged for ABH (Actual Bodily Harm). They received a warning and community service hours.

Willow's wealthy and important parents were outraged by the outcome. They also went to the press and explained their frustration and how a guilty boy is walking the streets free. She also hasn't been in school since the night of the game. When Sophie returned home her parents welcomed her with open arms, and were surprisingly not blaming the whole situation on her. The only reason she came back though was because of her little sister.

Today is a new day, though. It's been exactly a week since all the commotion and trouble. A news truck was still parked outside of the school, trying to get students and teachers to talk to them about what happened, but no one dared to. At the front steps, a cluster of students whispered as Liam walked into school. When he looked over to them they shut their mouths and looked away.

Everyone stared at him as he made his way through the halls. The bell didn't ring for another ten minutes so he went to the lunch room. Sitting in the corner at a usually empty table was Annalise, Harry, Sophie, Shay, Louis, Nova, and Charlie. They all had black circles under their eyes from lack of sleep and stress. Annalise, who was known to be flawless, was starting to break out. Her hair wasn't shiny and her makeup wasn't perfect like usual. She was cracking.

"Hi," Liam mumbled as he approached the table and slid onto the crowded seat beside Annalise. Although she was stressed and falling apart, she smiled at Liam and tried to hide what was really happening. Everyone could see it, but no one talked about it to her face. "You look nice," he whispered to her, kissing her cheek that was covered in too much powder to mask her blemishes.

Sophie, Harry, and Nova looked lost. They all stared at something on the table and didn't really engage in the conversation everyone was trying to keep up to avoid awkward silence. Sophie hasn't talked to Zayn since the night of the game, and she's been so stressed with Willow and her parents. Harry is afraid to touch his girlfriend or go near her again. He visited her a few days ago and when he tried to hug her she flinched and started crying. No one really knew why Nova was acting so upset. No one knew she was madly in love with Niall and was worried sick about him.

"I heard Principal Baldwin isn't gonna cancel Bonfire Night," Charlie said, trying to lighten the mood. "That'll be fun, yeah? Fireworks and setting stuff on fire..." he didn't finish his sentence. No one seemed to like that idea. "Lou, we could kick the ball around. Annalise and Liam, you could do some face painting for the little ones. Nialler makes some killer bangers and mash, and Nova you make tasty cake. C'mon guys-"

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