Chapter one: the perfect student

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* Hello everyone! This is a story I mixed with romance and comedy, starring the one and only my favourite couple VKook! I hope you'll enjoy this story of mine. Please don't forget to comment down your thoughts, and votes are always appreciated~

A/N - if you see me updating this and my other stories, that is because I'm currently editing them. 


Ⓢchool books were flying everywhere; the classmates were shouting louder and louder to top each other's voices. So early in the morning, yet so much energy - was that even possible?

Kim Taehyung shuffled his hair in frustration in his seat. How could he possibly study for the English test that was taking place in just a few minutes? Didn't the other kids care about it at all?

"Of course they don't," Taehyung mumbled to himself, "they're all idiots."

The male felt a sudden presence beside him, which made him jump a bit. "Talking to yourself again?" Taehyung rolled his eyes as his gaze fell down onto the book he was trying to learn from. "I don't get you Taehyung," he sighed, "you talk you yourself, but you never say a word to me."

"I swear to God Hoseok, shut up before I shut you up for good," the male threatened back. He was sick and tired of people keeping on interrupting his studies. Even if they didn't care much about their own grades, Taehyung certainly did.

"But I did get you to talk to me," he giggled, looking too happy for Taehyung's liking. He just sighed silently to himself as he kept on ignoring the other. "All right, all right," he muttered, "I'll let you study, but the teacher will come in any minute now."

Taehyung continued to study until the last minute as the teacher handed out the paper sheets. The male's heart was pounding furiously. His hands were sweaty from the nervousness; he could barely hold onto his pen properly without it slipping out of his fingers.

As he wrote down his chosen words, some letters was noticeably shaken and weird shaped.

His assignment was to write a creative story fitting the task, which was to write about a person that had a hard time with his or hers secret crush who's unable to express their true feelings. Are you fucking serious?

Taehyung wrote down what was pretty much his own feelings, so the main character was practically he himself.

When Taehyung delivered his paper to the front, he was allowed to have a break until the next class, which was about twenty minutes until. He made his way to the toilets to take care of his business. As he washed his hands, he glanced up on his reflection.

"I find it attractive when people dye their hair." A slight smile crept on his face as he studied his own blond hair that was covering nicely on his forehead.

As he exited the toilets, he met his friend, Hoseok, who looked surprisingly sad. "I'll definitely fail that test," he whined as he threw his arm around the blond male's shoulder, although he shrugged it off. "Come on, show some sympathy for once," he cried, "I know you did good, so can't you feel sorry for me?"

Taehyung stopped to look at him with a straight face. "I do feel sorry for you."

Hoseok grinned. "Then will you buy me some food? You know, to cheer me up?" he asked excitedly.

Now Taehyung's sympathy for him disappeared. "No."

Hoseok continued to whine. "Oh come on Tae," he exclaimed. "I need a friend to complain to." Taehyung rolled his eyes as he continued to walk through the corridor with his friend following behind, begging him to buy him food. "Don't be a meanie," he mumbled grumpily, "you have lots of money because of your part-time job. Buy me some."

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