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"What are we going to do, Elliot..." I asked as we both sat on my bed facing each other. "Dad's in trouble..."

"I don't know." He said, as he had his thinking face.

"What do you mean you don't know! You always have a plan- Hurry up and have one already! We're wasting time!" I started hitting him; I was panicking at this point.

"I wasn't prepared for this! Stop!" He pushed me off the bed. "Hitting me isn't going to do anything Elli. You need to relax. I'm sure dad's fine. Seriously." He stared at me hard.

But I didn't calm down. I couldn't. I just saw my father being absorbed by...whatever it was, and he was kidnapped. What child can calm down in that situation? I stood back up and started pacing. I couldn't think straight; I didn't know what to do. This wasn't right at all. We remained in silence for a moment before we heard mom and uncle talking in the hall. I walked over to the door, slowly turning the knob to prevent noise, and opened it enough to hear them.

"...How can you be so sure?" I heard uncle ask, annoyed and curious.

"This library next to Tink's place has everything we need to know about in this universe. I'm pretty sure it'll tell us exactly we need to know about the Korpse. Hopefully, it'll lead us somewhere to help Dante."

"I don't know..."

"You got any better ideas!? My husband- your friend's life is on the line here!" She raised her voice a bit.

I turned over to Elliot, who was also listening.

"So I guess the first thing we do is..."

"Go to the library." Elliot finished my sentence, giving me a smirk.

I gave him one back; operation, retrieve book was going to be a plan.

An hour or so passed, the sun remained below. Elliot and I escaped through our window, and started sneaking our way towards the town and into the library, hoping no guard could spot us. After about three years, the Council decided to have guards watch over the town at night. The people had a certain curfew to follow: Indoors at nine. It sucked, but that's how it was. And we that law could not be reformed. But now I question how this new government of ours will even stand since one of them kidnapped my father in the most weird- creepiest way. But, not all of my questions can be answered.

When we arrived into the town, and began our incognito mission. Surprisingly, their wasn't a lot of guards, but they were separated. It was going to be a little tough to sneak through to get to the library.

"What do we do?" I whispered.

Elliot smirked at me, his hands glowed red on his left and blue on his right. "Leave that to me."

He turned to the knob, focusing his strength to the palm of his hands, and soon spilled ice and hot boiling lava onto it. It caused the...chemical reaction as my father would say, to create steam and other formalities. I watched as the nob tried to understand; wether to melt or to freeze. I cautiously looked around, feeling a little hopeless and scared. So many scenarios went through my head, which led me to be even more scared. Elliot noticed, since he knew me, his eyes remained on the lock as he spoke.


"How can I? What if we get caught?"

"Then make a distraction. I know you got some tricks up your sleeve."

"I'm not properly trained though!"

"So? I'm not trained for this."



"Elliot, it's property!"

"Are you kidding me- NOW you say that? I already know, idiot!"

We stopped communicating for a moment, hearing the guards voices a bit close.

"What was that?" One guard asked.

"Define yourself." Another asked.

"I heard whisperin'."

My heart stopped beating for a nanosecond. We were going to get caught.

"Elliot, you need to stop. Now. Let's just go home, okay?"

"A little too late for that now."


"Who's out there!" A guard shouted; we remained quiet again. This time, Elliot closed his hands tightly. I looked over as his hands were burning and freezing.

There was nothing but the sound of their armor boots hitting the concrete; getting louder and louder. We were surely to get caught. I grabbed onto Elliot's shirt.

"Open the door!" I whispered more quietly, panicking.

"We can't touch it! It's not ready!"

I ignored him, and pushed him aside. Grabbing hold on the knob with both hands, pulling it off but it didn't budge so much. It was hot and cold; it hurt either way. Their footsteps got louder. I yanked harder until it did pull off. The door creaked open. We snuck in and used my power to silence the door, I slammed it shut, but it made no sound. I leaned on the door to make it seem that way. We stood in the dark, hearing the footsteps getting louder until they stopped. Our breathes stood still, feeling the adrenaline, our fears crawling on our backs.


"...Could have sworn I heard someone talking."

"Your inferences are never good. Icebrain." The footsteps were heard again, but were getting quiet. When we didn't hear it, we sighed heavily and slid onto the floor.

Never. Doing that. Again. 

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