Chapter NiNe

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I'm finally back, I know I've been gone for ages. I almost gave up on the book and left it as is but I couldn't. I will be updating trying to get back into the story and finish it but I promise I won't abandon it.

Updates will be slow but hopefully I'll get my inspiration back and update every week. Well I hope you guys enjoy!!

"You know I had an interesting encounter today with your mom and sister. Is there anything you would like to talk to me about?"
I ask as I lean against the staircase.

"You wanna stay silent? Go ahead I'll just start cutting off fingers. I can do this all day, you have ten fingers right? Well I can always double them make it twenty." Smiling sweetly I waited as patiently as I could.

"She's not my mom nor is that little girl my sister. She's my foster mom and the only reason she's looking for me is because I have money. The day I turn 21 I will inherit millions from my parents who died and she wants control of it. And without me she gets nothing."

"Well it looks like that won't matter anyways cause after tonight you won't be able to inherit anything." With that I turned around and headed for the stairs.

"Wait, w-w-wait, what! Please you can't kill me, please just let me go I won't say anything." Pausing for a moment to entertain his pleas I didn't wait long and kept walking. "Listen to me bitch, they will come looking for me and you'll be arrested."

"I won't, and you wanna know why? They will never find your body or any of you for that matter. Especially after I'm done with you, by the way how's the hand?" Leaving I slammed the door behind me.


"We need to kill him and we need to do it now. I don't want him in my basement any longer he's become a fucking liability now." Walking around Caiden I head to the cabinet and pull out everything I need to dispose of pretty boys body.

"Ok so how are we doing this, shooting, stabbing, beheading the kid?" I turn to look at him and reply, "beheading? No just slit his fucking throat and be done with it."

"You want me to do it?"

"Yes, if I see that kids face again or hear him talk, whine whatever the fuck I'll fucking rip him to shreds and I don't feel like cleaning up guts from the wall right now."

Caiden's POV

Thinking over what Selene just told me I turned away and headed down the hall to the basement. I wasn't nervous but excited, my hands were shaking with anticipation. As soon as I got down into the basement I saw him sitting there looking like a fucking mess. The kid was mumbling to himself and crying probably hoping a fucking miracle would happen and his ass would be saved. Slamming the door shut his head popped up and as soon as he saw me his body started to shake uncontrollably.

"P-P-P-Please, please I swear I w-w-won't tell anyone just let me go. Please I'm b-begging you." Staring at the kid I really couldn't care how much he begged I just wanted him to shut up.

"Were you expecting us to let you go at some point or give in to your pleas to survive? To fucking bad cause I'm here and it seems to me you're shit out of luck buddy." Walking over to the wall I grab a knife and slit his throat. I drop the knife onto the slab then stand and watch the blood drain from his body. All sign of life leaves the kids eyes slowly, with one last look I turn around and leave the basement.

As soon as I opened the door Selene shoved a butcher knife and plastic bag into my hands. "That was quick, guess you're not the type to play with your food before you kill it huh?" Now go get him ready, make sure you lay out the plastic first I really hate cleaning blood, you know? Oh and don't start without me, getting rid of the body is my absolute favorite part." Smirking she took off back down the hall to the kitchen I assume.

Heading back into the basement I set out the plastic and began to unlock the kid from the chair. Once I got off all the locks I stripped him and set him out on the floor and threw his clothes off to the side. Hearing the door open up I turned my head to see Selene with plastic coats and plastic shoe bags as well as a butcher knife of her own. "Here put these on its best to keep your clothes blood free, saves a lot of extra work." Slipping the plastic over my clothes and shoes I reach over to grab the knife to start hacking away.

"Woah, woah hold up there I haven't even told you how this works yet. Now I skin my victims first, dogs don't necessarily eat the skin. Then I cut off an extremity and take the meat off the bone. So let's get to work then partner shall we." With a crazed look in her eye Selene started chopping away at the kids head. Smiling like a kid in a fucking candy store I followed soon after.

3 Hours Later

I really hated this part of process it always took the longest. Although some parts are fun I mean, cutting the body up and skinning them. I should really try skinning my next victim alive, that would make for a fun night"Alright everything is done, go get his clothes and the rest of him and stick them in a plastic bag." Gathering everything and making sure Caiden had the rest of pretty boy we started walking out.

"Hold up wait a second, we're walking to do this?"

"Uh yes I'm not taking a car it's makes things more obvious dumbass."

"Oh and walking around with a bag and container full of human body parts isn't suspicious at all, right ok."

"Never been caught before so it seems to me it works out just fine so just keep your fucking comments to yourself. Now get fucking moving we got a long walk ahead of us and a body to get rid of."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2018 ⏰

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