Christmas Special

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"Wake up, wake up, its Christmas time." Groaning I rolled over ready to hit my alarm but stopped myself short when I saw no one other than Caiden.

"Ugh, how in the hell did you get in my house?" Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I caught a glimpse of red out my window.

"I made a key for myself, how else. Now get up, today is Christmas and we are going to celebrate it."

"I don't celebrate Christmas" mumbling I rolled back over on my stomach.

"Well today you do" and with that I was thrown over his shoulder.

"You know what, I'm not even going to fight anymore." Sighing I just folded my arms and hung my head. The next I knew I was being thrown onto my couch.

"Well gee thanks for the soft landing" I muttered rubbing my back.

"Merry Christmas!" Turning around I look over to see Caiden standing next to a tree decorated with lights and ornaments with gifts underneath.

"Oh jesus, alright let's do this and get it over with." Extending my hand out to the gifts I pointed at a small little gift bag. Once Caiden gave it to me I instantly knew what it was after hearing the jingle of my keys.

"Haha, cute, very funny" rolling my eyes I set my keys off to the side.

"Ok now being serious here's one of your real gifts." He handed me a box shaped wrapped gift. Tearing it open I saw that it was a collection of brand new hunting knives. I tried to keep a straight face but like I said, I tried. A huge grin took over my features and I started laughing because one of the knives had Partners in Crime engraved into the blade.

"There is just one more gift but it's outside." Grabbing my hand he pulled me towards the front door.

"Wait... what about that other gift under the tree?"

"That's nothing, it's just a box I wrapped to make the tree look less lonely. Ok now look up." Slowly moving my eyes up to look at my gift I saw the most horrific sight of my life.

"YOU PUT CHRISTMAS LIGHTS ON MY HOUSE?" Clenching my fists by my side I glared at him.

"What, they look good you have to admit." There were green and red Christmas lights all around my house.

"No, no they don't" yeah they really did. "I cannot believe you did this" oh yes I can. With that I just walked away not even bothering to stop him from following me. Stopping short for a second I realized how sweet he was being in giving me a Christmas. Growling under my breath I turned around only to find him smirking at me. "Shut up" watching his gaze slide down my body had me repressing a shiver. Then he started laughing and I gave him a puzzled look,"What?"

"Your nipples are hard, want me to warm them up?" Gasping I looked down and sure enough they were all out for the world to see.

Not wanting to give him any satisfaction I smirked "No thanks, I can do that myself." He just gaped at me not expecting me to reply to his comment. "Well I'm hungry aren't you? Anyways I'm going to go cook some food." Walking up to him I gave him a copy of the keys to the basement. "Oh and by the way, Merry Christmas!"

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