Chapter EiGhT

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Today was the end of the week and, basically that meant that it was time to end pretty boys life. I had yet to decide how I was going to kill him but I knew I would think of something. After the incident with Caiden everything went back to normal. He hadn't lashed out in anger at anything yet but I still don't believe he won't do it again.

"Today is the end of the week." Walking into the living room I throw myself onto the couch.

"And that means what exactly." Caiden looks at me with a quizzical look on his face.

"I never keep my kills for longer than a week, after that it becomes too risky. I guess I should explain how this is going to go before we get down to business. The kill can go however you want it to, it doesn't matter to me as long as he's dead. When I get rid of the body I tend to cut it up, cook it, and then feed it to the stray dogs that are around these neighborhoods. The rest that is left over I put in the ground and burn it, then I fill the hole back up and plant flowers over it. I never do any of the disposing of the body close around where I live. Not like there are any neighborhoods close here anyway but the burying is done elsewhere. You got it?" I raised my eyebrow and crossed my arms hoping that I didn't have to repeat what I just said.

"Got it, kill, cook, feed, bury, but never around your place." Giving me a thumbs up he smiled sarcastically and I just sneered at him.

"You can't fuck this up, its important that things get done right. If something goes wrong I'll beat the shit out of you and leave you for dead."

"You know you could be just a little bit nicer. I mean I am like the Egor to your Frankenstein. You need me."

"No one needs you, especially not me. It's more like you need me not the other way around."

"Yeah, yeah so when are we getting down to business?"

"Not now, it's too early. We'll let him sweat it out a little bit."

"Good cause I'm starving, when are you making food?"

"Feed yourself, I'm not your maid." Walking away I headed upstairs to change and grab my keys. Once I was ready I headed back down the stairs and out the door ignoring Caiden's calls. Jumping into my car I headed down to the store to pick up more food. Walking in I grabbed a cart and began to do some boring ass grocery shopping. Once I was almost done I saw a lady and her daughter going from person to person holding a piece of paper. I didn't know I had stopped and was staring at her until she started walking my way.

"Excuse me Miss, please, have you seen this young man. He's my son and he went out a couple of days ago and I can't find him. Please have you seen him anywhere or heard anything?" Frantically she started talking with wild and tired looking eyes. Shoving a paper in my face I noticed it was a picture of pretty boy.

Composing myself I quickly responded. "Actually I have, I saw him at a club a few nights ago. Umm he was speaking to this girl and I overheard a little but he said he wanted to leave and explore. You know go out and be young and just have fun." Sounding concerned and looking apologetic I gave her my best performance. Keeping my eyes trained on her I smiled sadly and was about to turn away.

"But he didn't take any of his stuff, a-and everything's the s-s-same even his car is still here." She started crying hysterically and became a mumbling mess.

Resting my hand on her shoulder I gave her a little squeeze. "Well when I was younger I left home to go and see the world, and took nothing but myself and my wallet. That's what a lot of kids do when they're young you know, they wanna live."

"Yeah, y-yeah. Umm thank you so much, a mom just worries about her kids. No matter what, but thanks again this means a lot."

"Oh it's no problem, I hope you find him or he comes back soon." Watching them as they left the store, I noticed her daughter kept staring back at me.

Finishing my shopping I loaded up everything and headed home. As soon as I arrived I grabbed everything and yelled for Caiden to open the door. After the groceries were unpacked and put away I sat myself on the couch.

"Had an unexpected visit at the store today. And you wouldn't believe who it was. Turns out pretty boy has a mom and a sister looking for him." Caiden looked at me with disbelief on his face.

"How did you not know that, don't you watch them first for these things?" Scoffing I stared back looking hurt replying sarcastically.

"No I stopped doing that and just picked randomly. Of course I fucking watch them you idiot! I watched him for weeks and never saw them. Some people don't like their families or they're hiding something." Feeling slightly pissed that I didn't pick up or notice that he had a family here I snapped.

"Ok so what do we do and why aren't you freaking out about this?"

"What we're gonna do is do the same thing I do at the end of every week. I'm not freaking out cause I told his mom that I heard he left town to explore. And when you freak out shit gets messy plus I'm not worried." Standing up I went to get everything set up for tonight. And I was gonna figure out pretty boys secret.


I have finally updated. Yay!

I have been thinking about deleting this book and doing it over because I hate how it starts. But I have decided to finish the book first then I will start a new version of it. This book will stay up and I won't be deleting it at all. And I am not sure when the next update will be. Hopefully it won't be too long!

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