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"Oh my god, are you okay?" Pulling the tape free from her mouth I stood there with my mouth open in shock.

"You have to help me get out of here please, you have to help me". Frantically she began pulling at the rope around her wrists. Her hair was matted to her face from all the blood she was covered in. I saw many small cuts and bruises from being hit covering her body and face.

"Okay, okay calm down, breathe just stay quiet he could hear us." Walking around the chair she was in I reached down to untie her wrists and then her ankles.

"Okay come on but you have to be quiet, if he hears us we'll both be dead." Shaking her head up and down she followed me up the stairs out of the basement into the hallway. Looking back at her I noticed how scared and paranoid she looked as she kept glancing all around her afraid of what might happen. Guiding her to the back door I stopped turning around to face her.

"Okay you are going to run straight through those trees and your going to come upon a road. Once you get to the road you're going to go to the left and soon you'll come upon a gas station, okay?"

"Okay, b-but what about you, aren't you coming?"

"No I'll be fine, just go, and hurry." Pushing her through the back door I turned around heading for the kitchen. Reaching under the table I pulled out a gun, walking back I saw that she had barely reached the trees. Opening the door I aimed the gun at her head and pulled the trigger. As soon as she fell I started walking towards her body just to make sure I killed her. When I finally made my way to where she was I checked her pulse, when I couldn't find it I knew she was dead.

"Stupid bitch."

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