Chapter SiX

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So sorry guys that I haven't updated in almost 3 months. I have been very busy with applying for college and taking my SAT's and ACT's.

Well since today is Christmas I thought I should update and stop putting it off. It's the holiday of giving and receiving but mainly giving so here is an update and I hope you enjoy. Merry Christmas!!

"AHHHH, please stop p-p-please." I debated leaving his mouth sewed shut but thought against. I loved hearing his screams to much. As of right now he was a crying mess which made him look pathetic.

Ignoring his pleas for me to stop I turned around to face Caiden. Holding the knife out to him I grinned, "You wanna have a go."

"No, I think I'll just observe, for now." Studying him for a second I noticed how cynical he looked in that moment. I saw no hint of the funny Caiden who loved to get on my nerves and.... I loved it.

"Alrighty then I guess it's time to really get started." Reaching over I picked up some pliers twirling them in my hands. "So should we go straight for the teeth or start with the finger nails. Which ever you pick will be fun for me either way so... yeah." I waited for like a whole minute on this kid to give me an answer. After I got no response I just went straight for his nails and that's when he freaked out.

"The more you struggle the more it hurts and the longer it takes, so stop fucking moving."

About an hour later my hands were covered in blood and pieces of fingernails were all over the floor. The whole time the kid kept bitching and whining till he finally passed out after seeing his nails being ripped off.

Caiden just stood in the back watching, never saying a word and never making a sound. And now we are sitting across from each other in my kitchen having an ultimate stare down. My hands are still covered in blood, not that I mind but the silence is killing me.

"So what did you think? Still wanna be partners?" Laughing I leaned back waiting for an answer.

"... First off that was really hot to watch you torture someone and second, fuck yeah we're still going to be partners." With that he stood up and started heading upstairs.

"Umm... where are you going?" yelling I stomped up the steps after him.

"I'm taking a shower, duh what does it look like I'm doing?" Giving me a dumbfounded look he stopped and turned to face me.

"Oh no you're not, you are going home or to wherever it is you go when you leave my house." Grabbing him by the arm I started pulling him back down the stairs.

"Nope Selene I'm taking a shower and staying over and that's final." Crossing his arms he turned on his heel and entered my bathroom.

"The fuck" whispering I just stared at the door listening to him singing in the shower or at least what I think was singing.

I ended up taking a shower in the guest bathroom and tiptoed back to my room, shut off the lights and slipped under the covers. Finally I was getting some peace but of course I can never have peace for more than a minute.

"Well goodnight bed buddy." Shrieking I turned and there was Caiden's blue eyes staring back at me.

"What are you doing? GO HOME." Thrusting my hand in the air I pointed to my door glaring impossibly hard at him.

"Please don't kick me out, I swear I won't touch you at all, you have your side and I have mine. Deal?" He stared at me with hopeful eyes and his lip jutted out.

"Whatever" shifting away from him I laid back down instantly falling asleep.

Sorry it's kinda short but I'm going on a trip and I'm trying to get this update done on Christmas and then a Christmas special all before I leave which I know won't happen but I can try.

AND MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!! I hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas, I know I did especially with no family drama these past couple months has been nice.

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