Chapter TwO

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"No, no no no... Fucking hell."

He was gone, he was fucking gone. I don't know where in the hell he went or how he got out but I was fucking pissed no doubt.

Slowly making my way into the room I made sure to keep my back to the wall knowing he was still inside since the door was locked and I had the key. Grabbing a hunting knife off the wall I saw some movement from underneath the stair case.

"Why are you hiding, we haven't even got to the fun part yet" twirling the knife through my fingers, cautiously stepping closer I didn't anticipate him jumping out at me. Once he hit me I only stumbled back knowing how to shift my weight to stay on my feet. But as soon as my back slammed against the wall so did my hand causing the knife to fly forward across the floor. Quickly I grabbed another hunting knife from beside me, I always made sure that I had one within reaching distance in any scenario where things could go wrong. Chucking the knife towards him meaning to get him in the eye I only managed to nick his ear. As soon as he bent down and covered his ear with a grunt I ran forward grabbing the knife that flew from my hand and stabbing it straight through his thigh.

Hearing him scream from pain was like music to my ears and it brought the biggest smile to face. Stepping back I admired the blood on the floor and the way his face contorted with pain. Bending down and pulling my knife from my boot that I keep in there for emergencies I walked up to him and forced it into the side of his shoulder earning a grunt from him, turning so my front was facing his back. I yanked his head up by his hair and whispered "aww don't look so down, I was just getting started."

Just as soon as I backed up he ended up pulling the knife out of his thigh and elbowing me in my ribs. Throwing my hands to the side clenching my teeth in pain I looked up and heard the clinging of metal on the floor to see he had pulled both of the knives out and they were now lying on the floor.

Using my distraction as leverage he lunged for me a second time successfully knocking me to the ground. Me landing harshly on my stomach while his front was crushing me from above. He had my hands secured above my head with his making me completely immobile.

Feeling his hot breath come out in pants down onto my neck sent my body into overdrive but, instead of thinking more of it I chose to ignore it and thought of the situation I was currently in.

"I never thought having a girl try to kill me would be such a turn on but, hey I'm always open to try new things."

Gritting my teeth together I struggled to get my hands free or at least move my legs to get some leverage. I almost got one of my hands free, once he noticed it he pulled my hands under my chest burning my skin against the concrete as he pulled them under and held them there.

"You know I've been watching you come to the club every Monday always ordering the same thing, rum with coke and two shots of vodka. You scope out the place for the perfect guy to bring home and I'm assuming kill since I never see them come back."

"How long have you been watching me?" I asked in disbelief, I was always careful, so fucking careful.

"A little over a month now, your a very interesting person, great actress too but I think you should be a little more observant next time you decide to slip a sleeping pill in someone's drink..."

"Fuck you" I spat.

"Don't interrupt, but I guess since I've been watching you I knew what to look for and all so yeah, now you may speak" he said in a sarcastic tone.

"You fucking played me you bastard, what the fuck were you gonna do when you got free huh, kill me?" Finally thinking, god I feel like an idiot for being so dumb, I whipped my head back hitting him in the nose getting him off me. I jumped up swiping a knife I saw laying on the floor by the staircase turning around seeing him standing. I threw it aiming for his chest but he ducked just in time. Screaming in frustration I pulled at my hair wondering why in the hell he was still alive.

"You know what I just thought of, the fact that you just ruined perfectly good pants and one of my favorite shirts."

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