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Rina's P.O.V:-

I skipped down the stairs and greeted my best friends.

"I thought you guys weren't even coming" I asked.

"I didn't want to come after big brother said to stay at the castle but----" Eugena started

"But I insisted him that we will definitely come to this party no matter what because we got see you!" Rona declared. I giggled.

"You guys are the best!" I smiled at them.

Suddenly the music stopped as well as the dance.

"Time for the Royal Summer Festival Desert!"

Father's Royal advisor, Takeru announced. I have heard from my father that the most important part of the royal festival desert is cutting the huge cake. I can't wait to taste it. We were taken to our other ball room; it was set with many tables with different kinds of appetizers. But the most prominent was the huge cake that towered over us and almost reached the ceiling.

We all moved towards the cake it was coated with whipped cream then I should suspect it is chocolate cake inside because my father loves chocolate. And it was decorated with nuts? Walnuts, peanuts, almonds were some of the nuts I could see.

"Wow! A huge nut cake" Rona said slightly drooling at it.

"Aww, I don't really like nuts" Eugena said quietly standing behind Rona. She turned to face him.

"Of course, you must love nuts because I love nuts and I am your twin! We should both love nuts!" She said shaking his shoulders.

"But I don't"

"Yes you do!"

"No I don't"

"Yes you do"





I giggled as I saw them fight. Father and I just love nuts......

Ahh! Father loves nuts!

But when he eats them, they make him sick. Doctor said they make poison in his body. It's something like food poison but 10 times worst. I SHOULD WARN HIM! With that I ran away from the fighting twins to my father he was standing with Prince Raj, Sakaki, Prince Zen, Mitsuhide, Kiki and that new red haired lady.

"...Father!..." I called out to him while running. Then I stopped and bowed down panting. He turned to me.

"Yes Rina, Is something the matter?" He asked as I stood up straight and looked at him seriously.

"Father, you can't eat the cake!"

"What!?" Everyone who were standing with my father exclaimed but father stayed calm as a gentleman he is.

"I won't let you, father"

"And why is that?" Father said gently as he bends down till his height was almost same as me.

"Because you're allergic to nuts!" I on the other hand can't be calm.

"He is? You are?" People began to talk at once.

"I am only allergic to hazelnut and I gave the order for the cake myself, so don't worry"

We all sighed in relief even the lady with bright red hair.

"Um.....big brother who is she?" I asked Prince Zen, of course he is not my real big brother but when I first saw him (I was 5 years old). I made him my big brother because:

1) He had Albino hair like me.

2) And I was kinda jealous that Rona and Eugena have a big brother.

So I still call him big brother.

"Oh, this is Shirayuki. She is my...friend"

Hmm...... Why are they blushing? Never mind.

"Nice to meet you, Shirayuki" I said and she curtsied.

"It is a pleasure to finally meet you, your highness" She said smiling. Her smile felt so warm that I wanted to continue talking to her.

"So, you must work at the castle if you are big---- I mean Prince Zen's friend" I felt kinda embarrassed to say big brother in front of others.

"Yes, I was apprentice of court herbalist, Ryu but then I became official court herbalist.

"So you are into herbs too?"

"Yea---" We heard a plate shatter loudly, silencing the whole ball room.


We both face the voice and saw father coughing up blood.

"Father!" I tried to run to him but was stopped by Kiki.

"I'll go get the royal doctor" Mitsuhide ran the other way while Sakaki and Takeru took father to medical room. Tears were already flowing down my cheeks.

"The king's symptoms showed that he was badly food poisoned. Shirayuki said

"You know how to cure it?" Big brother asked and Shirayuki doubtfully nodded.

"Kiki take Shirayuki to the herb garden, Raj and I will go and check king Sieji. And you three go to Rina's room now" Big brother motioned a maid to take us to my room. She did. I sat crying on the bed while Rona tried to calm me down and Eugena paced back in forth across the room worriedly.

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A piece of cake (Ryu x Oc)(Akagami No Shirayukihime) (IN MAJOR EDITING PROCESS)Where stories live. Discover now