Chapter 6

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~~A/N Sorry it's kind of short oh well but here it is c: the thing you've been waiting for. I'll update again fairly soon to make up for this being so short.~~

He looks at me, then whispers, "I tried to kill myself the other night..."

My eyes fill with tears, and I pull him as close as I can to me, hugging him tight. Why didn't he tell me? I ask myself, trying to resort my scattered thoughts.

"But... why?" I ask him. He seemed to have had the perfect life. He had everything he wanted. I don't understand.

"I don't know," he says. "I wasn't thinking. I just didn't feel wanted anymore."

"Oh god. Pete, you know I love you, right? You know you are wanted here, right?" I ask him, tears making small trails down my face as I try to gather my thoughts.

"I know. I should've remembered. I'm so sorry, Patty Cakes." he says, and he seems to be crying too. I wrap my arms tight around him and hug him for a long time. After a while, we leave the doctors office. Pete sits in the passenger's seat again, so I drive us back to the hotel. The entire drive, Pete is listening to his music, trying to not focus on anything else. 

How did I not see this? I can't believe I didn't see it coming. I hope he's alright. I'm blaming this all on myself and I know that if Pete knew, he wouldn't be very happy with me. But what if it is my fault?

We arrive at the hotel and Pete gets out and walks into the hotel, not bothering to wait for me. I hope he's okay. He seems a little upset and I don't know why. I walk up to our room - alone - and go into Pete and I's room to find Pete lying on the bed, crying. I kick off my shoes and set my fedora on the side table. I lay down next to him, wrapping my arms tightly around him and pulling him closer, turning him to me and allowing him to rest his head on my shoulder while he cries.

I start to cry too, because 1) Pete's crying right here in my arms 2) so many things have happened. From all the crying, Pete yawns, wipes his face, and falls asleep, so I lay there, still kind of crying, and stare at him, occasionally petting his hair or kissing his cheek or whispering "I love you" to him. He sleeps for a long time, and somewhere during the time he's asleep, I finally fall asleep.

Better off as lovers and not the other way around; A Peterick FanficWhere stories live. Discover now