Chapter Seven

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It's been two months now and Pete's gotten a lot better. It's been a good two months so far, and tonight is the last night of the tour. I'm excited ad so is Pete.

Pete's sitting on the bed when I come back into the room, looking tired as if he'd just woken up.

"Petey, you okay?" I ask him, walking towards him and sitting next to him on the bed, then handing him the soda he asked for along with some pizza.

"Yeah, Trick. I'm fine, if you know what I mean," he says, and suddenly his tired look turns into a smirk and he looks at me, giving a cheesy wink. This makes me laugh, and I hug him.

"Pete, sometimes you're just too much," I tell him, quickly kissing him before opening my soda and taking a drink.

"I still don't understand why you like Mountain Dew," Pete says, looking at me with a confused face. "It's gross."

"Pete, haven't I already explained that I like it because I just do?" I ask him, laughing because this is at least the twentieth time he's asked me this same question in one week.

"Oh, yeah. Heheh whoops sorry forgot," he says, although I know he didn't forget. He just likes to bother me about it a lot, "just 'cause".

I don't really care if he asks me about it, he's still cute either way.

He takes a bite out of his pizza, it being almost gone already, and I just take another drink of my Mountain Dew. I don't understand why he doesn't like Mountain Dew. It's like heaven.

I go out to the kitchen to find Joe and Andy punching each other, obviously either annoyed with each other or in some kind of contest. Or maybe both. I don't know, but I decide to just go with it and push them both out of the way so they'll stop.

Andy looks like he's about to punch me, and Joe shoves me onto the ground.

"HEY! You gotta be nice to me! Remember? "Don't break my Trick or I'll kill both of you"?" I say, looking up at them both. Obviously, I was quoting Pete, and they both are terrified of Pete when he's angry.

Last time any of us saw him angry, it was because some girl named Elissa was hitting on me at a club after a show earlier this month. He looked like he was about to kill her, but all he said was "Back up off the guy. He's mine." then grabbed my hand and dragged me away to another part of the club.

I get up off the floor before Pete comes out and starts questioning who did what to me. Joe and Andy go to their room so that at least they don't hurt me.

Pete comes out and throws his plate away, still holding the unopen soda.

"Hey Trick, after the show tonight, we should go to a club or something to celebrate the last night on tour," Pete says, coming over, wrapping an arm around my waist and kissing my cheek.

"Eh, maybe. Just depends on how good I feel tonight," I tell him, smiling. He knows I'll allow him to go have fun so it won't matter to me if I don't feel well because I'll go anyway. As long as he's happy.


"THANK YOU FOR COMING OUT HERE TONIGHT, PHOENIX!" Pete yells into the microphone. "THIS NEXT SONG IS CALLED," he pauses and looks at me, waiting for me to say the next song.

So I look back at him and reply, "SATURDAY!"

Smiling, I start singing while the rest of the band does what they do best (for Pete, it's what he does second best). The rush of adrenaline is starting to wear out but I don't really take note of it.

At the end of the song, Pete kisses my neck, the fans go crazy, and it's over. The last concert for this tour is over and now we're getting our things off the stage and getting it all packed up into the van to be taken back to Illinois.

When we get to the club, Pete grabs my hand and drags my into the nearest corner we can find, and we start talking about the concert.

While talking about the concert, some guy comes up and starts hitting on me, and Pete looks like he's about to punch someone.

Pete doesn't seem like a mean person, but what he does now is surprising to me and probably the guy who was flirting with me.

Better off as lovers and not the other way around; A Peterick FanficWhere stories live. Discover now