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guys i don't proofread i'm too lazy for that shit


Dinah rolled out of bed the next morning, annoyed by the sound of her alarm clock. She groaned slightly, looking at her reflection through the mirror. She sighed, washing her face, this day was going to be difficult.

She walked through the doors of her high school, not being able to ignore the random stares. Why were people smiling at her? Just then, Normani came up to her with an annoying ass smile.

"Hey, D! I helped you make campaign posters for prom! You're nominated for queen. I may have pulled a few strings." She said, grinning proudly.

Dinah huffed, crumpling up the poster. "When have I ever said I wanted to be prom queen? Prom queen is for uneducated little sluts who want attention and popularity. Just take them down."

Normani crossed her arms, raising her eyebrows. "I won Junior Prom Queen last year. What are you trying to say?"

"Guess that explains it." Dinah rolled her eyes, walking past Normani and taking down all the posters she could see. She shoved them in the garbage can before walking to her locker. She smiled when she saw Camila.

"How did it go with Jauregui?" Dinah asked, gathering her books while stealing glances at her friend.

Camila laughed, shaking her head. "Her mom basically told me to fuck off, Lauren's dad was totally fine with me, he's a forgiving guy. I fucking hate Clara."

Dinah shrugged, looking over her shoulder to see the dark haired girl wearing her usual gray beanie, shoving stuff into her locker. "Talk to her now." She said, gesturing towards her.

Camila thought for a moment before nodding. "Save me a seat in class, please." She mumbled. She put her books in her backpack before walking over to Lauren.

The dark haired girl glanced at Camila for a moment before continuing what she was doing. Camila took that as a sign to talk.

"Hey, How are you?"

Lauren laughed, shaking her head. "You're not gonna stop, are you?" She asked, stopping what she was doing to turn to her ex girlfriend... If they were even actually dating.

Camila sighed. "Look, sit by me at lunch. My friends are all cool about you. They wanted me to apologize for them about lunch the other day."

Lauren scoffed, continuing to go through her locker. "No thanks. I have physical therapy anyways. If your friends were actually sorry, they would grow a pair an talk to me themselves."

She slammed her locker shut.

"Also, don't come by my house. My mom hates you just as much as I do, probably more."

Camila was happy that Lauren's mom even said she had stopped by.

"Well when can we talk?" Camila asked, sighing slightly.

Lauren shrugged her shoulders. "I honestly don't know, Camila. I have Monteith right now so I need to go." She said before turning away and walking down the hall.

Camila then decided she would let Lauren be. She promised herself she would avoid all contact with her. She was done trying.


"Alright, so since some of you couldn't figure out your fear, I am going to pair you all up. You will be the one to decide and interpret you partner's fear." Mr. Monteith started, before looking around the classroom.

"Alright, so we have Normani paired up with Tyler F, Jenna paired up with Tyler J..."

"Come on! Why does Jenna always get to be paired with Tyler!" Josh shouted, pounding his fist on his desk. His outburst went ignored.

"Anyways... Dinah we have you paired up with Zendaya, Ashton with Ally and Camila with.... Lauren."

Camila's body tensed as she turned to look at Lauren. She felt as if her piercing green eyes were burning holes into her own. She winced slightly, noticing the glare from her and looked back at her book. This was gonna be a long ass day.

The bell rang, class being cut a few minutes short for a last minute assembly. The students grabbed their things, walking out of the classroom. Lauren was the first to shuffle out, not looking back.


"Alright everyone! We are here to discuss Prom setup, Prom night, and Prom royalty!" Melanie said, clapping her hands. "We have different committees for different jobs, but they aren't all filled. We would really appreciate your help, you will receive extra scholastic credits and it will look great for colleges. As of this morning, one of the prom queen nominees had dropped out, we're sad to see you go, Dinah."

Dinah rolled her eyes, not even acknowledging her mention.

"But as of today, more votes have ruled for someone else to fill that slot. Here we go. For Prom King, the nominees are Joshua Dun, Lucas Hemmings, Tyler fox.... And Jacob Sartorious."

So many "boo's" came from the stands, referring to the small kid being nominated. Jacob Sartorious was ahead in all of his classes, and was given special privileges since his uncle was the principle, so he also had access to Senior affairs.

"And for Prom Queen, Hailee Steinfeld, Ally Brooke Hernandez, Camila Cabello...."

Melanie checked with the VP to see if the next nominee was correct, and when it had been approved, she said the name.

"And Lauren Jauregui."


ok bye follow my fp thing on insta its @putasregui

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