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She's right there. Just go talk to her. Or ask her her name... or at least see her face.

Camila had so many thoughts running through her head. She just wanted to know more about the girl. Something about her felt so familiar.

Her head was ducked low. She had gotten up to use the microwave. This is Camila's chance.

Camila raced up to the microwave from another place with her slice of pizza on a plate. Luckily, she had gotten right in front of the girl. She looked back at the girl and of course, she was looking down. Her hair perfectly falling in her face.

"You wanna go in front of me?" Camila asked nonchalantly, looking and trying to meet her gaze.

The girl just stood there, not making a move or saying a word.

"I'm Camila." Camila said softly, trying not to frighten her. "What's your name?" She asked, biting her lower lip.

That's all it took for the girl to walk away, totally ignoring her. She threw her perfectly good, unheated food away and left the cafeteria.

Did Camila say something wrong?

Camila couldn't help but to let out a giant huff along with a frown. She thought she was being nice. She always had a way with people and everyone loved her.

She was beginning to get extremely frustrated. She slammed her frozen pizza into the garbage and walked over to her friends' table.

"Hey, Mila." Ashton smiled kindly and furrowed his eyebrows together. "Did something happen? You look pissed off."

"She won't talk to me." Camila growled, taking a handful of Normani's fries.

"Who won't talk to you?" Normani cut in, rolling her eyes playfully after seeing the food Camila had taken.

"The girl. The.. bean. Or whatever you call her." She sighed in frustration, bringing her hands up to cup her own face. "She completely ignored me. It's like I did something wrong."

Dinah was trying to hold back the slight smile that was forming on her face, and she did. She knew what was going on, she just couldn't believe that Camila was the one.

"Why would you want to talk to her? She's in the highest levels of crazy." Calum said, eating a bite of his burrito.

Camila shook her head, looking down. "Maybe I'm just paranoid."


"I had fun hanging out with you today..." Camila said as she chuckled, playing with te ends of Lauren's hair. "I never thought that you could bring birds into movie theatres."

Lauren laughed and nodded. "Well, if the admission workers don't see them hiding in your purse, they won't say anything."

The two girls smiled at each other and simply just stared for a few moments. Camila couldn't help but to stare at Lauren's lips. God, they look so soft.

Camila wouldn't dare ever tell anyone that she had feelings for girls rather than guys. Her family would deeply disapprove and she could possibly lose all of her friends and reputation. Lauren was probably into guys anyways, she wouldn't like her. She may even disapprove of her.

Lauren started to notice Camila staring. She couldn't hide the blush forming on her cheeks. "You have really pretty eyes..." she said, looking right at them. "I find so much beauty in brown eyes. I feel like they aren't appreciated as much as bright colored eyes, you know?" She continued softly.

"I hate my eyes." Camila chuckled, breaking her eyes away from Lauren's as she let insecurity take over. She didn't want to fall for Lauren, although even after just one day, she really did.

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